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World Studies » Countries & Continents » Africa
See All 31 Resources
Map of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Africa: Peace Corps offers lessons on stories, letters, photos, and study units from experiences of Peace...

Painting of Menelik II, Emperor of Ethiopia, leading troops against Italian forces

African Voices explores the diversity of Africa's cultures and their influence on work, family, and...

al-Minnah fi Itiqad Ahl al-Sunnah (The Gift of the Followers of the Path of Muhammad)

Islamic Manuscripts from Mali showcases 22 manuscripts from Timbuktu and the surrounding regions of Mali and West...

Women return home from the pump, carefully balancing clay jars full of water on their heads.  By Kelley Sams Kawari, Niger (1999).

Water In Africa is designed to help students learn important knowledge and skills in geography, language...

Peace Corps 

Smithsonian Institution 

Library of Congress 

Peace Corps 
  See All 31 Africa Resources  

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