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U.S. History Topics » Ethnic Groups » Native Americans
See All 36 Resources
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The West is an online companion to the 8-part PBS documentary. The site is divided into sections...

Shon-ka-ki-he-ga, popularly known as Horse Chief, was a leader of the Pawnee tribe.

Campfire Stories with George Catlin: An Encounter of Two Cultures takes students on a virtual journey with the artist and ethnologist to meet Native...

Buffalo hide painting -- Sioux. Date unknown. Cat. No. 167,147. National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution

Tracking the Buffalo: Stories From a Buffalo Hide Painting puts students in the role of historians as they examine a buffalo hide painting and click...

Tulalip family in ceremonial dress pose in Volunteer Park, Seattle, Washington, 1938

American Indians of the Pacific Northwest features more than 2,300 photographs and 7,700 pages of text relating to the American...

Endowment for Humanities 

Smithsonian Institution 

Smithsonian Institution 

Library of Congress 
  See All 36 Native Americans Resources  

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