Year of Science Question of the Month: How is climate change affecting the things you care about, and how do you think it will affect what you care about in the future?

Posted on August 5th, 2009 - 4:06 PM

For each month in 2009, the Year of Science—we will pose a question related to science. Please let us know your thoughts as comments, and feel free to respond to earlier comments, or post new ideas.

The Year of Science theme for August is Weather and Climate.

How is climate change affecting the things you care about, and how do you think it will affect what you care about in the future?

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5 Responses to “Year of Science Question of the Month: How is climate change affecting the things you care about, and how do you think it will affect what you care about in the future?”

  1. Michael E. Bailey Says:

    One major thing I see here in California that seems related to climate change is a statewide drought that has lasted for at least three years. But when we have storms, some of them are more powerful than usual and cause some serious damage. In the future, I think we will have a positive response to the climate change issue. This is already happening. The Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad is about to begin operating an all hydrogen powered locomotive for switching operations in its huge Los Angeles Train Yard. The City of Sao Paulo, Brazil is running an all hydrogen fueled bus in its transit system now and three new hydrogen powered busses are due to be added to their fleet together with a factory to produce the hydrogen fuel. California Legislature has passed and the Governor signed a major environmental law on Climate Change and reducing GHG emissions. Both the California Public Utilities Commission and the California EPA are doing studies and putting together programs to implement this important piece of legislation. One current study underway now is by California EPA looking at GHG emmissions reductions at landfills and in the various recycling/reuse technologies and processes out to 2025. This is a lifecycle study looking at all phases of waste handling from the time the trash truck picks it up at a person’s house to its ultimate disposal or reuse to see where the GHGs are and how much can be eliminated and how soon. But hydrogen power seems the way to go because the exhaust from it is pure water vapor and it can be manufactured using solar energy. Best wishes, Michael E. Bailey.


  2. Jackenson Durand Says:

    Climate change was affecting my native country for the past years and, i think if fox will continue with disforestation; That will be very catastrophic as result.


  3. Huw Griffiths Says:

    Bath Spa, Somerset.UK
    The summer has been a list of changing extremes, very hot june 30c and a cold 12-16c July. Hot sun then large thunderheads and heavy rain then cold winds all in a couple of hours even hail stones. There is a lot of weather around. the big diffference has been the shape and configuration of the clouds,far more tropical than the typical British cloud I knew as a child.


  4. Rod Says:

    I am afraid of ocean acidification and fear that ocean life will decline because of it.

    I have sailed several of the oceans of the world, and find it disturbing that we are not more worried about sealife.


  5. Tanushree Bhattacharjee Says:

    Climate change has a vide variety of affects on our MOTHER NATURE.It has influenced our past(since man discovered fire),it is influencing our present and will influence our future.As an Indian and residing in India,the most drastic change observed by me is change in duration of seasons.Summers have become long,winters are too short to be enjoyed by anyone and temperature are extreme;max. is 45*C and min. is only 10*C(on the plains).If the rate of climate change continue to grow at this rate,then the world will soon be a hard place to live in.


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