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Child & Adult Care Food Program

Infant Meals

Infant Meal Pattern
Updated list provides requirements for serving reimbursable meals to babies, birth through 11 months of age.

Reimbursement of Infant Meals
Memorandum, issued on Apr. 28, 2003 allows reimbursement of meals containing breastmilk or iron-fortified infant formula that is supplied by the parent or by the facility.

Iron-fortified Infant Formulas
List of infant formulas, revised on June 5, 2009, that do not require medical statements when served to infants in the child nutrition programs.

Baby Fruits and Vegetables with DHA
Memorandum explains why certain commercially-prepared baby food products cannot be served as part of a reimbursable meal.  It was issued on Dec. 19, 2002.
  Feeding Infants - A Guide for Use in the Child Nutrition Programs
The guide presents information on infant development, nutrition, meal preparation, and safe food handling.


Amendments to the Infant Meal Pattern 
Final rule makes information about serving infants in the child nutrition programs more consistent and easier to read. It was published in the Federal Register on May 28, 2002.

Obligations to Offer Infant Meals
Memorandum, issued on May 17, 2002, clarifies that centers and day care homes must offer meals to all children, including infants, enrolled for care.

Amendment, published on Dec. 20, 2001, corrects the meal pattern table for infants age 8 through 11 months.

Feeding Infants in CACFP
Memorandum, issued on Apr. 20, 2000, answers specific questions about serving reimbursable meals to babies.

Overclaim Authority  
Final rule corrects errors in the infant meal pattern. It was published in the Federal Register on Dec. 27, 1999.

Implementation of the Interim Rule
Memorandum provides a schedule of dates for implementing the amendments to the infant meal pattern. It was issued on Dec. 14, 1999.

Amendments to the Infant Meal Pattern  
Interim rule was published on Nov. 15, 1999. It requires that all meals and snacks served to babies, up to one year of age, include breastmilk or iron fortified infant formula.

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