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USDA Food Facts

Healthy Choices. American Grown.

USDA foods have improved dramatically over the past few decades, but public perception about them have not kept pace.  This webpage offers many resources to provide accurate, timely information about USDA Foods and to dispel myths about the healthy products we provide to our nutrition assistance programs.


USDA FOODS:  Healthy Choices. American Grown.




                USDA/FNS COMMODITY ALERT SYSTEM                   
    Email Notification for Potential Commodity Food Safety Events

FNS has made arrangements to allow users to self register for email notifications for potential commodity food safety events. 

Please click on the following link to self-register for email alerts of potential food issues from the USDA.  This service is provided free of charge and can be individually customized.


Click here for Commodity Kudos


Last Modified: 04/10/2009