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Sediment Sampling

Sediment Sample Collection on the Upper Hudson - August 2003

An extensive sediment sampling program will provide data needed for the design of the remedy set forth in EPA's February 2002 Record of Decision for the Hudson River PCBs site. This two-year program, which was initiated in October 2002, is necessary to determine the precise areas of the Upper Hudson between Fort Edward and the Troy Dam that require dredging. Approximately 30,000 sediment samples from the Upper Hudson will be collected in accordance with work plans, including:

Design Support Sediment Sampling and Analysis Program Field Sampling Plan (FSP) July 2002
The Sediment Field Sampling Plan was prepared on behalf of General Electric Company (GE) as part of the remedial design to implement the February 2002 Record of
Decision (ROD) for the Hudson River PCBs Site issued by EPA. It describes the approach to the sediment sampling program, methods to be used for sediment characterization, data management and evaluation, and reports to be submitted to EPA.

Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) For the Hudson River PCBs Site: Design Support Sediment Sampling and Analysis Program Ocotber 2002-Revision 4
The Quality Assurance Project Plan for the sediment sampling program includes a detailed description of the data quality objectives – essentially, why the data are being collected, how they will be used, what they will be compared to, and how they will be interpreted - as well as provisions necessary to ensure that appropriate analytical techniques are selected. Also included in the QAPP are descriptions of sampling methods, analytical and testing methods, sampling locations and frequency of sampling.

Free PDF reader available Revised Community Health & Safety Plan February 2009 (Revised CHASP)
This document presents the health and safety plan for the local community for sediment sampling and characterization activities plus field activities specified in the design work plans incorporated under the Design AOC. The Revised CHASP replaces the Free PDF reader available Sediment Sampling CHASP, June 2003.

Free PDF reader available Data Summary Report for Candidate Phase 1 Areas Issued [PDF, 2.5 MB, 190 pages]
EPA has approved the Data Summary Report for Candidate Phase 1 Areas (DSR), which presents the results of the activities performed during 2002 and 2003 as part of the Sediment Sampling and Analysis Program in areas designated as candidates for Phase 1 dredging (i.e., the Candidate Phase 1 Areas). A DSR for the Phase 2 Areas will be submitted at a later date and will include all data collected as part of the Sediment Sampling and Analysis Program regardless of year in the Phase 2 Areas. These Candidate Phase 1 Areas, in upstream to downstream order, are: the Northern Thompson Island Pool [TIP; north of River Mile (RM) 192.1], the Griffin Island area (RM 190.5 to 189.4), and the Northumberland Dam area (RM 185.2 to 183.3) and are described further in the report.

Fact Sheets

Free PDF reader available 2002 Sediment Sampling Program Results (October 2003) [2.14 MB, 4 pages]
The fact sheet provides information about the sediment sampling that was conducted in 2002 by the General Electric Company (GE) to support the design of the dredging needed to remove PCB contaminated sediment from the Upper Hudson River. GE is conducting the sediment sampling called for in the February 2002 Record of Decision (ROD) for the Hudson River PCBs site under a July 2002 agreement with the EPA. The multi-year sediment sampling program began in the fall of 2002 and resumed during 2003 as seasonal weather conditions allowed.

2003 Sediment Sampling Program Results (July 2004)
This fact sheet provides information about the sediment sampling program that was conducted in 2003 by the General Electric Co. (GE) to support the design of the dredging project to remove PCB-contaminated sediment from the Upper Hudson River. GE is conducting the sediment sampling called for in the February 2002 Record of Decision (ROD) for the Hudson River PCSs Superfund site under an agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The multi-year program began in 2002 and will continue through 2004.


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