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Citizens' Report

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View USAID Administrator's video podcast on the 2008 Citizens' Report here.

Photo showing the USAID FY 2008 Citizens' Report cover - Click to download
Citizens' Report: Fiscal Year 2008   (3 mb PDF)

The Fiscal Year 2008 Summary of Performance and Financial Results

The Citizens’ Report provides a summary of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) performance for fiscal year (FY) 2008. The report is part of a series in the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Pilot Program for Alternative Approaches to Performance and Accountability Reporting. The other reports in the series are: (1) the Agency Financial Report (AFR); (2) a Snapshot of the budget, and program and financial performance; (3) the Annual Performance Report (APR); and (4) the Annual Performance Plan (pdf, 1.43mb) (APP). USAID opted to participate in this voluntary pilot program for the second year in order to present more complete and readily accessible information on its performance to the American public and the U.S. Congress. The Agency will submit its FY 2010 APP in conjunction with the Congressional Budget Justification in spring 2009. Together, these reports fulfill the Agency’s compliance with the Government Performance and Results Act reporting requirements.

The USAID FY 2008 Citizens’ Report includes:

  • A message from the USAID Administrator;
  • The budget, performance, and financial Snapshot;
  • The Agency’s mission statement and description of its organization and program structure;
  • Progress on key strategic goals, including candid assessments of whether the Agency met, partially met, or did not meet its FY 2008 performance targets;
  • Budget and cost efficiency information linked to the strategic goals and program areas;
  • Summarized financial statements from the AFR;
  • Summary of major management accomplishments, and key management issues and challenges;
  • Supporting references and Internet links.

The FY 2007 predecessor report, called the Highlights Report, was jointly prepared by USAID and the Department of State.

Past Reports:

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