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-1607: Three Worlds Meet (24)
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1801-1861: Expansion (87)
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U.S. Time Periods » 1801-1861: Expansion
See All 87 Resources
Illustration from, A short American tramp on the fall of 1864, by the editor of 'Life in Normandy', John Francis Campbell, (Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas, 1865.)

American Notes: Travels in America, 1750-1920 provides 253 narratives describing travels in the colonies and U.S. The collection...

Parts of a lock gate. (Courtesy of the Cuyahoga Valley Association)

The Ohio & Erie Canal: Catalyst of Economic Development for Ohio tells how the construction of this canal transformed one of the poorest states in the...

Hell located, described, and measured according to the Bible and science: in a lecture.

From Slavery to Freedom, 1824-1909 presents nearly 400 pamphlets written by African-Americans and others about slavery...

'Chief Little Crow,' With pen and pencil on the frontier in 1851; the diary and sketches of Frank Blackwell Mayer, by Francis Blackwell Mayer (Saint Paul, 1932).

Pioneering the Upper Midwest: Books from Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, 1820-1910 portrays the states of Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin from the 17th to the early 20th...

Library of Congress 

National Park Service 

Library of Congress 

Library of Congress 
  See All 87 1801-1861: Expansion Resources  

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