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The Arts
The Nation's Report Card (home page)

Eighth-grade students in schools across the nation participated in the 2008 NAEP arts assessment administered from January to March 2008. The assessment was given to a nationally representative sample of 7,900 public and private school students. Approximately one-half of these students were assessed in music, and the other half were assessed in visual arts. More

Arts Results 2008 Arts Report Card 

Explore the results of the 2008 arts assessment at grade 8.

Download a copy of the
2008 Arts Report Card.

Browse the NAEP 1997 Arts Report Card: Eighth Grade Findings From the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NCES 1999-486).

Exploring NAEP Arts
Bullet Developing an Arts Assessment: Some Selected Strategies is a web-only report,  based on the 1997 arts assessment field test. It describes six strategies for creating an effective arts assessment.
Bullet Assessing the Arts: Selected NAEP Tasks and Scoring Guides for Grades 4 and 12 1997 Field Test. Dance, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts (NCES 2003-452) is a CD-ROM containing arts tasks and scoring guides developed for grades 4 and 12, which were not used on the 1997 assessment due to financial constraints. Single copies can be ordered at no charge while supplies last.
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How the Arts Assessment Works
Bullet Learn what the assessment measures.
Bullet Learn who took the assessment and how it was administered.
Bullet Find out how the assessment was developed.
Bullet Explore sample questions from the arts assessment.
Bullet Find out what students know and can do by reading about the NAEP arts scale.
Bullet Find out how to interpret the results of the NAEP arts assessment.

Using NAEP Data
Bullet Explore arts data in the NAEP Data Explorer

Last updated 28 May 2009 (RF)
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