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U.S. History Topics » Famous People » Scientists
See All 12 Resources
Cover of 'Findings'

Findings profiles scientists doing cutting-edge medical research. Learn about the work of a...

Galileo appears before the Inquisition, circa 1632, in a 19th-century painting by Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury.

Galileo's Battle for the Heavens explains why Galileo is the father of modern science, why Galileo's refractor and...

Organic superconductor with the highest Tc k-(ET)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl

Decades of Discovery describes 100 important discoveries in energy sciences, nuclear and plasma physics...

Image of operating room from years ago

A Science Odyssey highlights some the most spectacular discoveries in science and technology during the...

National Institutes of Health 

National Science Foundation 

Energy Dept 

National Science Foundation 
  See All 12 Scientists Resources  

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