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World Studies » World History » China
See All 11 Resources
Map of the Han Empire

From Silk to Oil: Cross-Cultural Connections Along the Silk Roads is a curriculum guide for exploring China's inner Asian frontier and one of the world's...

(Complete Illustrated Book of Celestial Phenomena). Tianyuan Fawai. 1633. Chinese Rare Book Collection.

World Treasures of the Library of Congress: Beginnings explores the creation, heaven and earth, and the founding of civilizations, all from the...

A Naxi manuscript of a warrior riding a white cow.

Selections from the Naxi Manuscript Collection features 185 manuscripts and a 39 1/2-foot funerary scroll of the Naxi people of Yunnan...

Chinese paintings

A Visual Sourcebook of Chinese Civilization features units on Chinese history, culture, and society. Each unit organizes photos...

Education Dept 

Library of Congress 

Library of Congress 

Endowment for Humanities 
  See All 11 China Resources  

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