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Climate Change

Waste and Climate Change
This area of EPA's Web site explains how solid waste reduction and recycling help stop global climate change.

Create a New Climate for Action
Join with other teens to green your energy scene. You can make a difference to the planet, children's health, and the future. Use the tools on this site to get smart on how you can help and calculate your impact. Become a Climate Ambassador by motivating your friends, school, and community to address climate change and children's health.

Personal Emissions Calculator
Use this online calculator to obtain an estimate of your personal greenhouse gas emissions or your family’s greenhouse gas emissions.

We Can Solve the Climate Crisis Exit EPA
Use this online calculator to obtain an estimate of your personal greenhouse gas emissions or your family’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Action Steps
Learn what you can do to reduce greenhouse gas emissions:
At Home
At School
• On the Road


This Bulb and New Alternative Energy
This video examines the global impact of climate change and its effects on the earth. The video also highlights suggestions from scientists that people can undertake to improve climate change.

National Geographic: This Bulb
This video featuring Natalie Portman, Kyra Sedgwick, and Chloe Sevigny explains how simply changing a light bulb can help reverse the effects of greenhouse gases.

Greenpeace: Stop Global Warming
Greenpeace traveled across the United States collecting stories of Americans being impacted by global warming. This video highlights personal testimonials of how global warming personally impacted individual lives and their hopes for stopping global warming.

The Dangers of Climate Change
Hear the dangerous impacts of climate change, how oil dependency and fossil fuels contribute negatively to global warming, and tips on how we can use energy more efficiently. Narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio.

A Way Forward: Facing Climate Change
Explore the danger posed by climage change and global warming and its effects. Also hear what scientists suggest to stop climate change and global warming. From National Geographic.