Health Information Technology
Total Stimulus Appropriation: $19 Billion
New Jersey’s Portion: Unknown at this time
Allocation Method: A combination of grants, loans and technical assistance programs. The first installment of funding, $2 billion, will be for federal agencies and states to plan, develop and pilot health information technology programs. States will have to develop plans and apply for funding through the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Beginning in 2010, grants will also be available for hospitals, physicians and clinics to purchase Health Information Technology systems that will enable them to electronically store and exchange patients’ health information.
Program Overview
The Health Information Technology funding in the stimulus bill presents an important opportunity for the federal government to establish a national Health Information Technology framework and for states, hospitals, doctors and clinics to invest in health information technology infrastructure. Over seven years, this funding will allow for the nationwide electronic exchange and use of health information to improve quality and coordination of patient care.
Federal Requirements and Restrictions
It may be a few months before we have details about how states can apply for grants. It is likely that state match will not be required if states receive their grants in the next 15 months. Beginning in 2010, hospitals and physicians will receive grant funding through an add-on to their regular Medicare and/or Medicaid rates.
Program Eligibility
The New Jersey Health Information Technology Commission and the Office of Health Information Technology, which together are responsible for coming up with a statewide Health Information Technology plan, may be eligible for some of the initial planning and piloting funding. Once this planning and piloting phase is completed in 2010, hospitals and physicians will receive funding through an add-on to their regular Medicare and/or Medicaid rates.
Project Prioritization
The Commission on Health Information Technology and the Office of e-Health Information Technology are working intensively to develop a current state HIT plan.
Important Program Dates
It may be a few months before we have details about how states can apply for grants. Once the planning and piloting phase is completed in 2010, hospitals and physicians will receive funding through an add-on to their regular Medicare and/or Medicaid rates.

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