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Job Training Pilots/Grants

Job Training Grants are funded up to $200,000 over two years. These Grants bring together community groups, job training organizations, educators, labor groups, investors, lenders, developers, and other affected parties to address the issue of providing environmental employment and training for residents in communities impacted by Brownfields. EPA's Brownfields Program is an organized commitment to help communities revitalize Brownfields properties both environmentally and economically, mitigate potential health risks, and restore economic vitality to areas where Brownfields exist.

Brownfields Job Training Grant Brochure (PDF) (2 pp, 1.9M, about PDF)
Publication Number: EPA-560-F-09-480
June 2009

Job Training Report: "Improving Land and Lives: 10 Years of Investment in EPA's Job Training Program" (PDF) (20 pp, 994K, about PDF)
This report chronicles the evolution of EPA's Brownfields Job Training Program, describes the components that made individual grantee programs successful, presents some of the challenges those programs faced, and highlights individuals whose lives were forever changed by their participation in the Program.

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