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Service & Product Providers (SPPs)

The ENERGY STAR label stands for superior energy performance, and can not only improve your bottom line and facility quality and comfort, but can also help prevent air pollution, by reducing energy consumption. That looks good to your customers, employees, and to people everywhere from Main Street to Wall Street.

Working with ENERGY STAR, Energy Service and Product Providers can help their customers make decisions that are as good for the environment as they are for business.

Small businesses comprise over half the U.S. economy, in terms of sales, employment, net new jobs, square footage, and over half of commercial sector energy consumption. Small business is now a major ENERGY STAR target market.

We know you need to keep selling “big jobs,” but we define small business as 100,000-square feet or less of total space, under one owner/operator. This includes many “big name” franchisees. (Send us an email if you have questions). Our definition also matches well with electric utilities’ small/middle market (500 kW demand) customers. To help tap this major market, here are some new ways to co-market efficiency products and services.

Here are some steps for how your company can help promote energy-efficiency to the consumer marketplace:

  • Step 1: Partner with your customers by having them join with ENERGY STAR for small business.

    There is no cost and no reporting required for you or your customer. We only need information for success stories and awards. (You must have your customer’s permission; we will verify consent). To partner with your customers:

    • Call 1-888-STAR-YES
    • Join the ENERGY STAR Network online.
    • Order a box of ENERGY STAR for small business brochures and give them out to your customers. (Brochures include a prepaid reply card. Stamp or write your company name on the mailer, so your accomplishment is recognized.)
  • STEP 2: Download the new ENERGY STAR logo and follow the Identity Guidelines to help promote ENERGY STAR in your community.
  • STEP 3: Download our guidelines for market-tested, accurate ways to tell your customers about ENERGY STAR.
  • STEP 4: Get recognized for your accomplishments!
    • First, we’ll publish your name in success stories that we accept. (Note: The more comprehensive the upgrade, the better and more competitive it will be. We’re generally not interested in “single-technology” upgrades, but if your technology was part of a more comprehensive job, we can work with you and the other contractor(s) to get the full story, and give credit to all contributors.)
    • Second, just providing an acceptable success story will get your company listed in our online directory of Energy Service and Product Providers, making it easier for new customers to find you.
    • Third, if your customer’s upgrade wins an annual ENERGY STAR for Small Business Award, your firm will be mentioned in all materials related to promoting that award.
    • Fourth, for working with ENERGY STAR, your company is eligible to win your own national award. The categories created especially for Energy Service and Product Providers are:
      • Best Recruiter
        For the company that recruits the greatest number of small business partners in one year.
      • Most Success Stories
        For the company that submits the greatest number of acceptable success stories in one year.