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Higher Education Summit for Global Development

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Higher Education Summit for Global Development

Logo: Higher Education Summit for Global Development By invitation only, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings will convene a Higher Education Summit for Global Development in Washington, D.C., on April 29-30, 2008. Extending the vision of the 2006 University Presidents Higher Education Summit, the goal of the 2008 Summit is to expand the role and impact of U.S. and foreign higher education institutions in worldwide social and economic development.

The Summit will broaden partnerships and networks amongst U.S., other developed country and developing country higher education institutions, the private sector and foundations; highlight and expand emerging and innovative approaches to teaching, research, technology transfer and business development; and develop strategies to establish new and enduring higher education relationships for international development, particularly in science and technology, engineering and other fields that support innovation and economic growth.

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