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Initiative for Expanding Education

The Initiative for Expanding Education seeks to build upon U.S. assistance for basic education by focusing new energy and resources on specific teaching and learning activities in six developing countries.

Established in Fiscal Year 2008, the initiative is being implemented in Ethiopia, Ghana, Honduras, Liberia, Mali, and Yemen, countries that have demonstrated a strong commitment to educational improvement under the Fast Track Initiative.  All six countries have comprehensive plans to improve basic education in their nations, and are committed to maintaining financial transparency, while increasing support for their schools.

Where possible, the initiative strives to achieve synergies with existing interventions in such sectors as global health (HIV-AIDS, malaria, neglected tropical diseases) and economic growth.  The initiative will support new efforts that (a) have a potential for dramatic and near-term results; (b) can be readily evaluated and assessed; (c) represent a dramatic breakthrough or novel achievement; (d) directly impact the lives of individuals.

It is estimated that the Initiative will involve $525 million over five years.  The Initiative for Expanding Education joins with the Centers for Excellence in Teacher Training and the Africa Education Initiative in improving access to quality and equitable educational opportunities.


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