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Students The Oregon State Board of Education works to ensure that every Oregon public school student has equal access to high quality educational services that prepare students for their next steps following high school graduation college, work, citizenship and enables today’s students to be lifelong learners.

The Oregon Legislature created the State Board of Education in 1951 to oversee the state’s schools and community colleges. The board sets educational policies and standards for Oregon's 198 public school districts, 17 community college districts and 20 educational service districts. All of these agencies have separate governing bodies responsible for transacting business within their jurisdiction.

The Oregon State Board of Education is comprised of seven members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the State Senate. Five members represent Oregon’s five congressional districts, and two members represent the state at large. Members serve a four-year term and are limited to two consecutive terms. Board members elect their chair each year. The State Board meets at least six times per year and the public is welcome to attend.


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