Science Wednesday: Year of Science-Question of the Month

Posted on July 1st, 2009 - 10:30 AM

Each week we write about the science behind environmental protection. Previous Science Wednesdays.

For each month in 2009, the Year of Science—we will pose a question related to science. Please let us know your thoughts as comments, and feel free to respond to earlier comments, or post new ideas.

The Year of Science theme for July is “Celebrate Astronomy“.

Just over 40 years ago the image known as Earthrise was published. It was the first photograph taken of Earth from Deep Space.

How does seeing a photograph of Earth taken from Space change your thinking about the environment?

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9 Responses to “Science Wednesday: Year of Science-Question of the Month”

  1. Johnny R. Says:

    Seen from space, the Earth is a biosphere, a living planet that supports evolving life. But we humans tend to go to extremes demanding more than it can supply, consuming and dumping as our population grows. So, if we keep on expanding the economy there will be an ecocidal collapse and we could end up looking like Mars.


  2. Doris Says:

    Seeing such a beautiful sight, makes me realize that we have to be more careful how we take care of our planet…


  3. Doris Says:

    You are so right!!!The planet is crying out!!!Help stop!!! we humans just don’t see it


  4. sayedalim Says:

    The planet is crying deeply but we do not listening.So if we punished we deserve it.


  5. Jess Says:

    There are no political boundaries from space, and everything in it functions together as one planet. The continents sit on a ball of blue ocean, made of all these processes and forms of life that work individually as part of the whole. You cannot see the marks of mankind - at least, not unless you look very closely in the right places - and indeed we should try to create as little negative impact as possible, so that we can keep it looking this way.


  6. ChaseR Says:

    For all of us down to earth people, those trips to the moon will eventually be the escape from the destruction of the earth for a few lucky ones. Have our role models come too late. Are we a collection of ant colonies never coming together? Please not let it be. Respect is a group effort and not just a form of propaganda. I can ramble on about all the injustices done to and still being done to mother earth and all her children.
    What happened to Man kind? It was just a made up word.


  7. CHRIS Says:

    Basically, when you take a look at this picture you can see Earth as whole. “The Big Picture”, not just the tree outside of your office window. The Earth looks serine and untouched. Then you step back from the picture only to realize how we as humans are slowly taking that serenity away. We need to step back and take a look at the “Big Picture” more often and learn to protect what beauty this world has yet to offer. We need to think BIG!! Although, through history big thoughs have always been met with turbulance we still need people that will go against the odds and and think big. Maybe that person is not me or you. but we all must encourage others to play a part.


  8. Mariam L. Says:

    The Earth is such a pretty sight to see. I had always been in awe of the way it stands out in the vast universe amist the dull and barren looking planets surrounding it. The thought that our planet our ozone layer is thing out and the efffects of global warming is slowly being felt is truly a scary thought. An even scarier one is that we are not doing as much as we can to prevent global warming from happening. Evidences from our current health staus to the rise of deseases from water and air pollution should be a strong signal for us. We need more laws to regulate the emissions of chemicals and harmful gasses in our environment. We really need to wake up and start caring for the Earth, otherwise we will be one of those barren dead planets floating around our solar system.


  9. Mariam L. Says:

    The Earth is such a pretty sight to see. I had always been in awe of the way it stands out in the vast universe amist the dull and barren looking planets surrounding it. The fact that our ozone layer is thinning out and we are seeing signs of the efffects of global warming, is truly a scary thought.

    An even scarier one is that we are not doing as much as we can to prevent global warming from happening. Evidences from our current health staus to the rise of deseases from water and air pollution should be a strong signal for us. We need more laws to regulate the emissions of chemicals and harmful gasses in our environment. We really need to wake up and start caring for the Earth, otherwise we will be just another barren, dead planet floating around our solar system and the universe.


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