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DOL News Brief

August 6, 2009


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National News:

DOL Partners with Atlantic Philanthropies to Train Older Workers

The Labor Department awarded $10 million in grants to organizations as part of its Aging Workforce Initiative. The AWI is designed to train workers aged 55 and older for jobs in high-growth, high-demand industries. The Atlantic Philanthropies will invest an additional $3.6 million in the effort as part of a public-private partnership to provide assistance to grantees and promote career opportunities for older workers.

Grants Move Registered Apprenticeship into 21st Century

Almost $6.5 million has been awarded to develop innovative programs to prepare workers for careers in fast-growing industries. These DOL grants will assist national industry and employer associations and labor-management organizations to continue to provide workers with state-of-the-art apprenticeship opportunities.

Recovery Highlights: NEGs for Hard Hit Areas

The States of Maine, Oregon and Wisconsin received Department of Labor National Emergency Grants (NEG) this week to assist workers affected by recent layoffs. The grants will provide dislocated workers with access to services including skills assessment, individual career counseling and occupational skills training.

Health & Safety: OSHA "Watch List"

OSHA Watch List imageIn an effort to crack down on fraudulent safety trainers and strengthen the integrity of the Outreach Training Program, OSHA is publishing an “Outreach Trainer Watch List” of those who have had their trainer authorizations revoked or suspended. A tighter record control procedure is being instituted to address failure to comply with OTP guidelines.

Opportunities are Open: DOL is Hiring

DOL is all about "Good Jobs for Everyone." We’re hiring and may have the right job for you. Every week we’ll highlight some of these terrific positions.

  1. Multiple positions in Washington DC Metro Area, DC
    Accountant — Grade 11
    Close: 8/12/2009
  2. Position in San Francisco, CA
    Investigator (Pension) — Grade 14
    Close: 8/12/2009
  3. Multiple positions in Washington DC Metro Area, DC
    Contract Specialist — Grade 13
    Close: 9/11/2009

Solis Visits WV Coal Mine

Secretary Solis at a West Virginia MineEarlier this week, Secretary Solis visited Fairview, WV and toured the Patriot Coal Corporation’s Federal #2 mine. Traveling more than 700 feet into the Earth’s core, she got a first hand look at the inner-workings of the mine, including the sophisticated methods for removing coal from the face of the mine. After her tour, Solis sat down with miners, MSHA staff, UMWA representatives, company officials, and local politicians to discuss mine safety and health.

Upcoming Events & Deadlines

OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminars Next Week

AAP Development & Preparing for a Desk Audit

Employer Compliance Assistance Forum

EEOMBD Ohio Town Hall Meetings

OLMS Compliance Assistance Seminar

Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) Workshop

Compliance Assistance Seminar for Construction Contractors

Prevailing Wage Conference

ARRA Grant Application Deadlines

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