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USAID: From The American People Photos Bringing Fresh Water to the People - Click to read this story

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USAID Photo Gallery

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals - these uncounted thousands of lives - that are the true measure of USAID's successes and the true face of America's foreign assistance programs.

Series of Photos from USAID Projects

Imagery is an integral part of telling the American foreign assistance story. Photography can convey the spirit and energy of these efforts.

This collection of photographs captures the everyday images of USAID's work - and in doing so tells both small stories and collectively paints large pictures of our work and successes.

Browsing USAID's photographic galleries

Our on-line galleries are organized by region, country and then broad category. You can browse through our images or our galleries are also fully searchable. Full size images are available to downloading by clicking on the photograph within the individual record. Please do not contact USAID requesting a higher resolution file. The files available by download on this site are the highest resolution files available.

Use of USAID photographic assets

USAID imagery is within the public domain - unless specific copyright or use restrictions appear within the file record of the individual image. Please note: if specific restrictions or copyright restrictions are noted, it is your responsibility to contact the person identified as holding the copyright to receive permission.

If you download a USAID image, we simply request that you provide credit to USAID and the specific photographer, if noted.

Contributing to the USAID galleries

If you are a USAID partner, helping implement America's foreign assistance programs, then we encourage you to submit your imagery. Please e-mail your electronic images to Only one image file should be attached to an e-mail. The body text of the email should include: name of organization, photographer's name, location photograph taken (city, province, country) date photograph taken, names of individuals in the photograph, suggested title and caption of the photograph. Please send us the largest file size possible without cropping or changing the image in any way.

After you submit your images, we will review them and determine the appropriateness of adding them to the agency's gallery. Please remember this: by submitting your photographs, you are allowing USAID to freely use and distribute these images without restriction.

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