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U.S. History Topics » States & Regions » Massachusetts
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In this scene a young girl, who has been accused of witchcraft, clings to her father who gestures towards the authorities come who have to arrest her. Oil painting by Douglas Volk, 1884. Corcoran Gall

Salem Witchcraft Papers: Transcription and Archival Project introduces the infamous Salem Witch Trials of 1692 and presents information on other...

'The Death of Beatrice' by D.G. Rosetti, a Pre-Raphaelite painting reveals the continuing interest in Dante's Divine Comedy and the figure of Beatrice.  Courtesy of the Tate Gallery, London

Hawthorne in Salem explores Nathaniel Hawthorne's connection to Salem, Massachusetts, with a primary focus...

Painting -- Deerfield attacked: On February 29, 1704, the sun rose on a chaotic scene in the English settlement of Deerfield, Massachusetts.

Raid on Deerfield: the Many Stories of 1704 tells the story that began when 300 French and Native allies invaded the English...

Captain Penniman's House, French Second Empire style, built in 1868. (From the collection of Cape Cod National Seashore)

The Penniman House: A Whaling Story focuses on one of the most successful whaling captains in New England. Edward Penniman...

Endowment for Humanities 

Endowment for Humanities 

Multiple Agencies 

National Park Service 
  See All 15 Massachusetts Resources  

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