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U.S. History Topics » Ethnic Groups » Asian Americans
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'Sing Fat Co., Inc.' A Postcard from San Francisco Chinatown (post-1910).

The Chinese in California, 1850-1925 presents 8,000 photos, paintings, letters, diary excerpts, pamphlets, and speeches that...

Evacuees arriving at Manzanar in California, 1942. (National Archives and Records Administration, Clem Albers, photographer)

The War Relocation Camps of World War II: When Fear Was Stronger than Justice examines the causes and effects of President Franklin Roosevelt's executive order, signed...

See caption below

The West is an online companion to the 8-part PBS documentary. The site is divided into sections...

Page 6 of Men's Petition Against Annexation of Hawaii, September 11, 1897

1897 Petition Against the Annexation of Hawaii recounts the struggle for control of Hawaii between native Hawaiians and American...

Library of Congress 

National Park Service 

Endowment for Humanities 

National Archives 
  See All 10 Asian Americans Resources  

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