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U.S. Time Periods
-1607: Three Worlds Meet (24)
1607-1763: Colonization (25)
1763-1815: Revolution (77)
1801-1861: Expansion (87)
1850-1877: Civil War & Reconstruction (105)
1865-1920: Modern America (119)
1914-1945: World Wars (103)
1945-Present: Contemporary America (56)
Other History & Social Studies: U.S. History Time Periods (8)

U.S. Time Periods » Other History & Social Studies: U.S. History Time Periods
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Navy bugler sounds Taps at military funeral

Memorial Day recounts the history of the day we honor those who have died in service to our nation...

A Detail of a Photographic Reproduction of J.L.G. Ferris's Early-20th Century Painting, 'First Thanksgiving.' Thanksgiving provides a history and timeline of Thanksgiving. Learn about the first Thanksgiving...

First official White House photograph of Mrs. John F. Kennedy, half-length portrait, seated on couch, facing front.

American Memory Timeline helps teachers and students navigate the vast online collections of primary source...

Original design for the 'Be Patriotic' poster, by Paul Stahr, ca. 1917-18.  Gouache on paper, 27 7/8 x 20. Herbert Hoover Library, National Archives and Records Administration.

The Online Exhibit Hall presents information on the current live and online exhibitions at the National Archives...

Veterans Affairs 

Multiple Agencies 

Library of Congress 

National Archives 
  See All 8 Other History & Social Studies: U.S. History Time Periods Resources  

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