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U.S. History Topics » Government » Presidents
See All 71 Resources
Lincoln and Douglas, Permission: Chicago Historical Society

Lincoln/Net presents writings, speeches, and materials from Abraham Lincoln's years in Illinois...

See caption below.

Woodrow Wilson: Prophet of Peace examines President Wilson's struggle and ultimate failure to reach the ideal of achieving...

James Madison. Watercolor on ivory, in gold case. Charles Willson Peale. 1783. Prints and Photographs Division. Library of Congress. LC-USZC4-4097.

James Madison Papers includes 12,000 letters, notes, legislation, and other documents from the man considered...

General Winfield Scott, 1847, Image Source: University of Chicago.

Getting the Message Out! National Political Campaign Materials, 1840-1860 looks at politics in antebellum America. Read about the presidential campaigns. See...

Endowment for Humanities 

National Park Service 

Library of Congress 

Institute of Museum and Library Services 
  See All 71 Presidents Resources  

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