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Arizona Academic Standards

"All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth."


Arizona Social Studies Standard
Social Studies Standard Articulated by Grade Level
Social Studies Two-Year Transition Plan
Alternate Social Studies Standard
For information regarding the Alternate Social Studies Standard, contact Carol Warren at

ADE Professional Development Opportunities
Language Arts and Social Studies for Middle School Teachers - PowerPoint with Notes
This Power Point with Notes was developed to assist middle school teachers who are asked to include language arts instruction in their social studies classes. Suggested Strategies for vocabulary development and summary writing are given. To access crucial notes concerning this presentation, please view the PowerPoint in full screen mode and right click on Screen, then on Speaker Notes.

Arizona Social Studies Certification and HQT Information
AEPA (Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments) Homepage

Social Studies Course Requirements and Recommended Instructional Time
High School Graduation Requirements
Table of High School Course Requirements (as adopted on 12/10/07)
Recommended Instructional Time (elementary)

ADE Developed Social Studies Resources
Lincoln Bicentennial Resources

Content-Rich Support Materials
To access Content-Rich Support Materials for social studies grades K-5, log into IDEAL; click the link for Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development; click the icon for Content-Rich Support Materials. Materials for grades 6-8 will be available in late October.

These materials include reading passages, integrated reading lessons, trade book lessons, and links to social studies lessons that have been aligned to the Arizona Social Studies Standard for grades K-8.
Sample materials are linked below:

English Language Development Strategies for Social Studies Content
Report on Review of K-8 Core Social Studies Programs
Report on Review of Core Reading Program Alignment to Social Studies and Science Standards
Arizona Department of Education Character Education
Database of Aligned Trade Books
Search this database for social studies trade books that have been aligned to the Social Studies Standard Articulated by Grade Level. To access the database, log into IDEAL; click the link for the Learning Resource Manager.
Superintendent Horne’s Social Studies Certificate for students About the Certificate
Download the Certificate
Certificates can also be accessed through IDEAL.
Geography connections to Strands 1 and 2 - Grade 7
Geography connections to Strands 1 and 2 - Grade 8
Geography connections to Strand 1 - High School
Geography connections to Strand 2 - High School
Social Studies Connections to Science For Grades K - 6

Response to Intervention
Social Studies Response to Intervention page

Current Research and Publications
National Council for the Social Studies Curriculum Standards
National Economics Standards
National Geography Standards
National Standards for History
National Standards for Civics and Government
National Standards for Teaching of High School Psychology
Journal of Social Studies Research
Social Studies Research and Practice
Social Studies Research and Practice is a free, electronic, peer-reviewed journal of research, action research, and practice for K-12 educators, administrators, and teacher educators.

Professional Organizations for Social Studies Teachers
Arizona Council for the Social Studies
Arizona Foundation for Legal Services and Education
Arizona Geographic Alliance
Arizona Council on Economic Education
National Council for the Social Studies
National Council on Economic Education
National Council for Geographic Education
Organization of American Historians
American Historical Association

Grants and Awards
Teaching American History Grant Program
National Endowment for the Humanities
Arizona Humanities Council
Arizona Council for the Social Studies Awards
National Council for the Social Studies Awards

Links to Social Studies Resources

Please note: While the following sites have been identified as containing quality information for social studies education, teachers need to review individual materials for content quality and alignment.

About Geography
Includes geographic information and maps about every country and state as well as a vast resource for students and others interested in geography.

ADOT "Don't Trash AZ" Materials
Worksheets designed to align with Strand 3 of the Social Studies Standard for Arizona's fourth graders. This information will provide a foundation to begin discussions about the responsibilities of good citizenship in our state and how our individual actions impact our environment.

Arizona Geographic Information Council Teacher Resources
The Resource Page contains classroom ready GPS lessons aligned to the Arizona Academic Standards. Created by Arizona teachers, these lessons are designed help teachers introduce geospatial technologies to students K-12, while addressing academic content and standards. The site also includes links to useful GPS articles and lessons found on the Internet.

The American Promise
Lessons and teachers' guides on American democracy aligned with PBS videos. Both elementary and middle/high school versions available.

Arizona Council on Economic Education Lending Library
ACEE offers text and video resources for teachers of grades 6-12 or for teacher reference, available on loan at no cost (return mailing provided). All videos include a student viewing guide and many text resources include reading guides.

Arizona Geographic Alliance GeoLiteracy Program with ELL Adaptations
The GeoLiteracy Program offers over eighty K-8 Geography lessons with Ell adaptations which are aligned to the Arizona Social Studies Standard. Each lesson integrates reading and writing skills, also aligned to the Arizona standards.

Arizona Geographic Alliance GeoMath Program
The GeoMath Program offers over eighty K-8 Geography lessons which are aligned to the Arizona Social Studies Standard. Each lesson integrates mathematics skills, also aligned to the Arizona standards.

Arizona Geographic Alliance Maps
The Arizona Geographic Alliance and ASU’s School of Geographical Sciences have collaborated to produce outline and thematic maps and provide them to teachers for classroom use without any copyright restrictions.

Arizona Historical Society
The Arizona Historical Society contains the world's largest collection of Arizona history artifacts, documents, and photographs. It also has information about research, educational programs, and tours.

The Arizona History Convention
Information about the annual Arizona History Convention.

Arizona Humanities Council
Information about the Humanities Council Book Festival, speakers, and grant program.

Arizona Memory Project
The Arizona Memory Project is an online effort to provide access to the wealth of primary sources in Arizona libraries, archives, museums and other cultural institutions. It provides the opportunity to view some of the best examples of government documents, photographs, maps, and objects that chronicle Arizona's past and present.

Arizona State Parks
Provides a list of and links to Arizona State Parks.

The Avalon Project: Yale Law School
This site offers full text documents of American law, history and diplomacy.

Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
This site from the U.S. Government Printing Office provides learning tools for K-12 students and teachers. The resources will teach how our government works and the use of the primary source materials of GPO Access. Of particular value is information on Symbols of the U.S. Government for K-4 teachers and information on the Constitution for grades 4- high school. It also links to other government educational sites.

The Bill of Rights Institute
Free lessons and resources about America's founding principles.

Bridging World History
The World History Traveler is a thematically-organized interactive that helps teachers and students learn more about the patterns and processes that make up world history. Designed for use as both professional development and classroom materials for AP level courses. Teachers can download each of the 26 unit’s content overview, selected readings, bibliography, activities, and more.

The Center for Latin American Studies
The Center for Latin American Studies offers a variety of materials, including curriculum units, videos and books, available on loan to K-12 Educators. In addition, the Center continues to develop an online curriculum resource center.

The Center for Middle Eastern Studies
The Center for Middle Eastern Studies offers K-12 outreach activities, including workshops and travel opportunities to enhance knowledge of the region and its peoples, and provide teachers with resources and materials for classroom use.

Center on Congress at Indiana University
Learn about Congress through a variety of resources.

The CIA World Fact Book
Lists population, government, military, and economic information for nations recognized by the United States.

Civics Online
A listing of useful online resources for teaching and thinking about Civic Education from Michigan State University.

Constitutional Rights Foundation
Online lessons on issues related to the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Digital History
Digital resources to enhance the teaching of American history.

Dirksen Congressional Center
This non-partisan organization has two educational programs: Congress for Kids and Congress in the Classroom Online.

Education World
September 11 lessons (K-12) and resources for classroom teachers.

A source of classroom tested, Internet-based economic lesson materials for K-12 teachers and students.

Facing the Future
Classroom activities and lesson plans for teaching about global issues and solutions.

Free Federal Resources for Educational Excellence: Teaching and Learning Resources from Federal Agencies
All federal resources linked to a single site; divided into subjects, including History and Social Studies.

Provides a listing of presentations and supplementary documents developed to support dissemination of ISSEarthKAM and geography education.

The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Includes modules on American history. The modules cover more than twenty topics that correspond to the major periods in American history.
Free high school lesson plans on globalization.

The Green Frog News
Resources for K-12 Educators with special offerings for Arizona classroom and home educators.

Historic Maps in K-12 Classrooms
This resource for K-12 teachers and students developed by the Newberry Library is designed to bring historically significant map documents into your classroom. On the site are high quality images of historic map documents that illustrate the geographical dimensions of American history. Each map is accompanied by lesson plans written for four grade levels and designed to support a variety of social studies, history, and geography curricula.

History and Politics Out Loud
A searchable archive of politically significant audio materials for scholars, teachers, and students.

Human Rights and Human Diversity
A resource for teaching human rights.

Internet History Sourcebooks Project
A collection of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts presented cleanly (without advertising or excessive layout) for educational use.

Jamestown – Journey of Democracy
The official education curriculum website of "America's 400th Anniversary" marking the founding of the first permanent English settlement in America at Jamestown in Virginia in 1607 includes K-12 lesson plans and educational resources.

Kids Voting, Arizona
Register your class for Kids Voting and find lessons designed for Arizona voting. You can also connect to Kids Voting, USA for K-12 instructional materials to be used throughout the school year. Students learn about democracy; their rights and responsibilities as citizens; how voting empowers citizens; and how they can get involved and participate.
Law-related information and sources for elementary students.

The Library of Congress
Designed to help educators use the American Memory Collections to teach history and culture. It offers tips and tricks, definitions and rationale for using primary sources, activities, discussions, lesson plans and suggestions for using the collections in classroom curriculum.

Linking Early U.S. History to World Geography
National Geographic Society sponsored project of educational materials linking U.S History with geography.

Martin Springer Institute
This NAU institute provides opportunities for K-12 teachers to learn content and methods appropriate to teaching the lessons of the Holocaust.

Maps ETC.
A collection of over 5,000 historic maps for students and teachers. A friendly license allows teachers to use up to 25 maps in non-commercial school projects without further permission.

Mission Geography
Provides curriculum support materials that link the content, skills, and perspectives of the National Geography Standards with the missions, research, and science of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Museum Association of Arizona
Provides links to the Central Arizona Museum Association and the Tucson Museum Association and their educational programs and displays.

National Anthropological Archives
Online exhibits include photos, research reports, field notes, journals, manuscripts, correspondence, and records from sources such as the Bureau of American Ethnology, Smithsonian anthropologists, and other preeminent scholars.

The National Archives
Lessons and information about the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

The National Archives Teaching with Documents
This section contains reproducible copies of primary documents from the holdings of the National Archives of the United States and links to Analysis Worksheets for eight types of primary sources.

National Center for Constitutional Studies
Contains the Teacher’s Guide to the video, "A More Perfect Union," distributed to Arizona schools in recognition of Constitution Day

National Geographic Society
Lessons, activities, and maps about geography and culture around the world.

National History Day
National History Day helps teachers meet educational standards; disseminates high quality curriculum materials; and sponsors challenging contests that teach students critical skills for the 21st century.

National Museum of the American Indian
Resources and lessons (4-8 and 9-12) on the indigenous geography of the Americas.

National Parks and Monuments
Provides a list of and links to Arizona's National Parks and Monuments.

Native American Sites - Multnomah County Library
Provides an extensive list of links to Native American sites.

Our Courts 21st Century Civics
Our Courts is a free, interactive, web-based program designed to teach students civics and inspire them to be active participants in our democracy. Our Courts is the vision of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who is concerned that students are not getting the information and tools they need for civic participation and that civics teachers need better materials and support. On this site, you will find information and useful teaching resources for an engaging civics curriculum.

PBS Kids - The Democracy Project
Lessons and activities for grades 3-6 on the structure and duties of local, state and federal government; how government affects our everyday lives; the duties of the U.S. president; and the history of voting rights in America.

PBS NewsHour
High school lessons, activities and links from the NewsHour Program.

Peace Corps World Wise Schools
Grades 3-12. Lesson plans and activities to get kids and classrooms involved and learning through the Peace Corps.

Primary Source Learning
Primary Source Learning, created through a Library of Congress grant, contains K-12 resources and learning experiences based on primary source documents.

The Smithsonian Institute
Lessons and resources on culture and history from the Smithsonian Institute.

Teaching with Primary Sources – Mountain Plains Region – Arizona Project
Contains links to Annotated Resource Sets of Library of Congress primary sources created by Arizona teachers as part of an effort to bring Teaching with Primary Sources strategies and resources to teachers across the state.

United Nations Cyber Schoolbus
A global teaching and learning website from the United Nations. K-6

United States Memorial Holocaust Museum
The U.S. Holocaust Museum offers materials, resources, online training, workshops, conferences, and fellowships for teaching about the Holocaust.
Revolutionary Period resources from The Independence Hall Association (IHA).

U.S. Mint – H.I.P. Pocket Change
H.I.P. Pocket Change provides lesson plans and resources to teach financial literacy and U.S. history to elementary students.

White House 101
Facts and fun about the White House for all ages.

This site provides access to the California State University IMAGE Project. It contains over 60,000 images, is global in coverage and includes all areas of visual imagery. WorldImages is accessible anywhere and its images may be freely used for non-profit educational purposes.

World Digital Library
The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world.

World History for Us All
A model curriculum for teaching world history in middle and high schools from a national collaboration of K-12 teachers, collegiate instructors, and educational technology specialists. It is a project of San Diego State University in cooperation with the National Center for History in the Schools at UCLA.

Carol Warren
Social Studies Education Program Specialist

Contact Information


This page was last updated on
Friday, July 17, 2009.

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