
Pat Quinn, Governor

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The Transportation News section provides access to all State of Illinois press releases that have been published about transportation safety, roads, innovations, and public transportation.
08/06/09 - Governor Quinn Signs Bill To Ban Texting While Driving
New Legislation Will Save Lives on Roads in Illinois
CHICAGO – August 6, 2009. Governor Pat Quinn signed a bill today at Northeastern Illinois University that bans motorists from sending text messages while driving in Illinois. Additionally, the governor signed legislation that makes it illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving through a highway construction zone or school speed zone. The new laws go into effect on January 1, 2010.
RAW TAPEGovernor signs distracted driving bills.

08/06/09 - IDOT Launches New Construction Website to Offer More Transparency within the Agency
Public Website Offers In-Depth Look into IDOT Construction Projects
SPRINGFIELD – Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Secretary Gary Hannig announced today that IDOT’s new innovative website, The Construction Zone Dashboard, went live this morning.

08/05/09 - Gov. Quinn announces $13 million is awarded to communities to create Safe Routes to School
Program is designed to promote a healthier, more active lifestyle for children in grades K-8
CHICAGO – Governor Pat Quinn today announced $13.1 million in Safe Routes to School grants to schools and communities across the state. This 100 percent federally funded program is designed to enable and encourage children to walk and bike to school.

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