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Status Report of U.S. Treasury-Owned Gold

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Current Report: June 30, 2009

Department of the Treasury
Financial Management Service
June 30, 2009

Summary Fine Troy Ounces Book Value
Gold Bullion 258,641,851.485 $10,920,427,976.14
Gold Coins, Blanks, Miscellaneous 2,857,047.831 120,630,844.95
Total 261,498,899.316 11,041,058,821.09
Mint-Held Gold - Deep Storage    
  Denver, CO 43,853,707.279 1,851,599,995.81
  Fort Knox, KY 147,341,858.382 6,221,097,412.78
  West Point, NY 54,067,331.379 2,282,841,677.17
Subtotal - Deep Storage Gold 245,262,897.040 10,355,539,085.76
Mint-Held Treasury Gold - Working Stock    
  All locations - Coins, blanks, miscellaneous 2,783,218.656 117,513,614.74
Subtotal - Working Stock Gold 2,783,218.656 117,513,614.74
Grand Total - Mint-Held Gold 248,046,115.696 10,473,052,700.50
Federal Reserve Bank-Held Gold    
Gold Bullion:    
  Federal Reserve Banks - NY Vault 13,376,961.126 564,804,727.98
  Federal Reserve Banks - display 1,993.319 84,162.40
Subtotal - Gold Bullion 13,378,954.445 564,888,890.38
Gold Coins:    
  Federal Reserve Banks - NY Vault 73,808.979 3,116,377.47
  Federal Reserve Banks - display 20.196 852.74
Subtotal - Gold Coins 73,829.175 3,117,230.21
Total - Federal Reserve Bank-Held Gold 13,452,783.620 568,006,120.59
Total - Treasury-Owned Gold 261,498,899.316 $11,041,058,821.09

Deep Storage: Deep-Storage gold is the portion of the U.S. government-owned Gold Bullion Reserve that the U.S. Mint secures in sealed vaults, which are examined annually by the Department of Treasury's Office of the Inspector General. Deep-Storage gold comprises the vast majority of the Reserve and consists primarily of gold bars. This portion was formerly called "Bullion Reserve" or "Custodial Gold Bullion Reserve."

Working Stock: Working-Stock gold is the portion of the U.S. government-owned Gold Bullion Reserve that the U.S. Mint uses as the raw material for minting congressionally authorized coins. Working-Stock gold comprises only about 1 percent of the Reserve and consists of bars, blanks, unsold coins, and condemned coins. This portion was formerly listed as individual coins and blanks or called "PEF Gold."

   Last Updated:  Tuesday June 30, 2009
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