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U.S. History Topics » Government » Elections
See All 10 Resources
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Vote: The Machinery of Democracy looks at the history and variety of voting methods in the U.S. -- the voice vote, "party...

Somebody paid the price for your right register/vote.

Elections looks at American political parties of the past, presidential inaugurations, images of...

Image of a online puzzle game of the United States for kids .

Ben's Guide to the U.S. Government for Kids helps K-12 students learn how our government works. Students can learn about the branches...

Bill Clinton, standing between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton, taking the oath of office of president of the United States, January 20, 1993.

Teacher Resources: Presidential Inaugurations presents words and images from five inaugurations, including Washington's and Lincoln's...

Smithsonian Institution 

Library of Congress 

Government Printing Office 

Library of Congress 
  See All 10 Elections Resources  

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