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Health Information Security and Privacy
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Health Information Technology

From Governor Kulongoski:
          In a recent press conference, Governor Kulongoski made the following statement regarding Oregonian’s health information. “We want to ensure that all of our citizens’ health records are available to them and their healthcare provider anytime, anywhere they are needed, and that those health records are confidential and secure at all times.”
          He went on to announce the HISPC award. “I am also pleased to announce that this week we learned that Oregon will be a participating state in the national effort to assess how privacy and security laws and business practices affect the exchange of electronic health information.”  
Oregon’s Health Information Security and Privacy Collaborative
The Health Information Security and Privacy Collaborative (HISPC) is a national project to assess privacy and security laws and business practices with regard to the exchange of electronic health information. Oregon is one of 34 states participating in this collaborative and has signed a subcontract for $349,000 with Research Triangle International in partnership with the National Governors Association. The Governor’s office has designated the Office for Oregon Health Policy and Research (OHPR) to complete the project. OHPR will collaborate with the private sector by working with the multi-stakeholder non-profit organization, the Oregon Healthcare Quality Corporation. The HISPC team will engage a broad group of stakeholders in Oregon to develop an implementation plan to permit interoperable health information exchange that is private and secure. Participation in this project will elucidate the issues and guide development of solutions for the state, while positioning Oregon for continued involvement in developing a national health information network.
The State of Oregon will be required to complete their work in less than one year and undertake certain activities, including:
  • Examine privacy and security policies and business practices regarding electronic health information exchange and the current legal requirements in the state that may be driving those policies.
  • Identify challenges that privacy and security policies might pose to interoperable health information exchange.
  • Identify best practices and solutions for maintaining privacy and security protections while enabling operation of a health information network.
  • Develop an implementation plan to address organization-level business practices and state laws that affect privacy and security practices in order to permit interoperable health information exchange.
  • Convene and work closely with a wide range of stakeholders in the state, including clinicians, physician groups, health facilities and hospitals, payers, public health agencies, government health agencies, pharmacies, long-term care facilities and nursing homes, consumer organizations and others.
  • Identify and organize a steering committee to lead the effort within each state.
  • Participate in regional and national meetings with other states to share knowledge and collaborate on health information exchange privacy and security issues and related issues.
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Contact Information
Jeanene Smith MD, MPH
Office of Oregon Health Policy and research
Jeanene Smith, MD, MPH
Office for Oregon Health Policy and Research
1225 Ferry St. SE
Salem, OR  97301
fax 503-378-5511

Page updated: June 03, 2009

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