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Oregon Dept. of Human Services

The JOBS program

JOBS for Oregon's Future (JOBS) is the state's employment and training program for people on public assistance. In addition, JOBS can help low-income families avoid the need for welfare.


JOBS provides "up front" assessments to people coming to DHS offices, to determine their needs and help them find employment of other resources. Often, this help allows families to become self-supporting so they will not require help from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash benefit program.


For people who do come onto TANF, JOBS provides additional employment assessment, training in workplace basics, job training, work-search assistance and family-stability services such as alcohol and drug treatment and domestic-violence intervention.


One segment of the JOBS Program, known as JOBS Plus, places people on TANF in limited-duration training positions with private employers. Participants receive paychecks from their employers, who are reimbursed by the state.

JOBS also offers special programs for teen parents on TANF. Teens are required to complete their high-school education if they don't have their diploma. They then continue in employment-preparation activities. To ensure teens are in safe living situations, DHS has participated in special projects to create supervised living arrangements for teen parents.


JOBS services are provided by DHS and a network of local partners that include community colleges, the Employment Department, the business community, faith-based organizations and Community Action Agencies.


The program is administered by the DHS Children, Adults and Families (CAF) group. Clients obtain services and benefits through local DHS offices throughout the state.


Also see: JOBS Program Policy, Oregon Employment Department, Job Seeker Services


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Page updated: September 21, 2007

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