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Celebrate Chinese New Year on Saturday, January 24
January 22, 2009

Chinese Girl

Chinese Girl by Thomas Handforth

Bring the entire family to the museum's Kogod Courtyard on Saturday, January 24 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. as we celebrate The Year of the Ox in style! The museum's home in the Reynolds Center is right next door to D.C.'s Chinatown neighborhood. And don't worry if you're not born under the zodiac's sign of the ox, the program is open to all . . . even the oxen, who have a reputation of being stubborn (but that's not you, I'm sure!).

To ring in the new year, American Art has an afternoon full of activities: the Wong People will perform the traditional Lion Dance, while experts in traditional martial arts will show off their stuff. Plus you'll be able to learn the ancient art of calligraphy and then make red paper lanterns to bring yourself good luck in the new year.

But wait! Want to learn more about art, perhaps hold an artist's palette in your own hands? Of course you do! Then while you're at the museum be sure to visit our Education department's on-the-go program, Art à la Cart. We've placed four interactive carts for kids throughout the museum to explore objects though hands-on activities.

By the end of the day you'll not only be ready for the new year, but you'll have an inside view into the world of the artist.

Posted by Howard on January 22, 2009 in Post It


I watched the performance. The artists were indeed encouraging, given their young age. However, what was announced as a Tibetan dance was not at all Tibetan. The song was in Chinese by the Chinese singer Dadawa while the dance movement was more of a modernized Chinese style. The museum should contact the Tibetan community in the area if it wants to showcase some Tibetan culture. Just a thought.

Posted by: Tenzin Boepa | Jan 26, 2009

Thanks for attending the Chinese New Year Family Day Celebration and for sharing your comments with us. Our dance troupe provided the information for the introductory remarks and described the dance as Tibetan, though with Chinese influences. We hope you enjoyed the rest of the performances throughout the afternoon.

Posted by: American Art Public Programs Staff | Jan 30, 2009

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