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U.S. History Topics » Famous People » Inventors
See All 36 Resources
Galileo appears before the Inquisition, circa 1632, in a 19th-century painting by Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury.

Galileo's Battle for the Heavens explains why Galileo is the father of modern science, why Galileo's refractor and...

Image of operating room from years ago

A Science Odyssey highlights some the most spectacular discoveries in science and technology during the...

Edison holding one of his miner safety lamps, 1923.

Invention Factory: Thomas Edison is a curriculum-oriented guide to the work and laboratories of the great American...

Gramophone with cylindrical base and Nipper, from the Window display of the T. Eaton Co. Ltd. Toronto

Emile Berliner and the Birth of the Recording Industry provides a selection of more than 500 letters, lectures, photos, articles, and sound...

National Science Foundation 

National Science Foundation 

National Park Service 

Library of Congress 
  See All 36 Inventors Resources  

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