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Science Month at EPA

May 2009 is Science Month, a time to highlight the role science and technology play in protecting human health and the environment and reinforce the importance of scientific integrity at EPA. This month is part of our participation in the 2009 Year of Science.

Everyone can play a part. Some ideas include working through local schools, engaging in community projects, supporting public awareness and educational campaigns, and encouraging young people to explore careers in science, mathematics, and engineering. The possibilities are endless.

Science Month is a chance to further our mission at EPA by showing how important science is in our everyday work. We can spark a sense of excitement in Americans of every age and from every part of the nation. Science Month addresses EPA’s efforts in sharing ideas for a healthier future. This includes connecting with the public through blogs, podcasts and demonstrations of the importance of sustainability in our communities, and encouraging our youth to be more involved in science.

Administrator Jackson on Scientific Integrity

"Science must be the compass guiding our environmental protection decisions. We cannot make the best decisions unless we have confidence in the integrity of the science on which we rely. Therefore, it is my promise that scientific integrity will be the backbone of my leadership of the Agency."

-- Administrator Lisa Jackson, May 9, 2009

Read the full memo to EPA employees.

Other Science Month activities:


Science Notebook

A scientist's notebook is a career staple. Home to ideas, questions, drawings and data, it's a treasure trove of information about the scientific process. EPA's Science Notebook offers a similar view into science at EPA, featuring stories, scientist interviews, videos, podcasts and more.