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USAID Foreign Service Junior Officer Vacancies

The Junior Officer (JO) program is USAID's entry-level program into the Foreign Service. The JO program seeks the best-qualified junior professional candidates who are willing to make a long-term career commitment to the Foreign Service and international development. JOs begin their careers in formal training programs that are followed by rotational on-the-job, Washington-based training for up to one year, which may include language training. After completion of Washington training, JOs are assigned to an overseas office and receive broad-based training through rotational assignments. The total JO training plan is approximately three years. Successful candidates will become representatives of USAID and the U.S. Government in the worldwide development arena. New Foreign Service Officers have five years in which to earn tenure in the Foreign Service. Tenure requirements include foreign language proficiency, and successful completion of at least three years with the Agency, of which 18 months have to have been on a permanent overseas assignment in one of USAID's field offices. The three-year JO training program is included in the five-year tenure requirement.

Please see the attachment for additional information on the JO program.

For Information on a previous application submitted through AVUE online employment site, please go to

Attachment: Guidelines for the Junior Officer (JO) Program

Position Title Announcement Number Salary Range Opening Date Closing Date
Foreign Service Population/Health/Nutrition Officer (JOP) JO-BS 50-01/2008 $36,762.00 – $53,986.00 8/8/2008 None
Foreign Service Agriculture Officer (JOP) JO-ALL-01/2008 $36,762.00 – $53,986.00 8/13/2008 None
Foreign Service Engineering Officer (JOP) BS-25-JO-2008 $36,762.00 – $53,986.00 10/30/2008 None
Foreign Service Contracting Officer (JOP) BS 93 JO-2008-02 $36,762.00 – $53,986.00 11/4/2008 None
Foreign Service Financial Management Officer (JOP) JO-BS-04-2009-01 $37,828.00 – $55,552.00 3/31/2009 None
Program Analysis and Project Development Officer (PO/PDO) BS 02/94-01/2008 $37,828.00 – $55,552.00 4/3/2009 None
Crisis, Stabilization and Governance Officer (Junior) BS 76-01/2008 $37,828.00 – $55,552.00 4/8/2009 None
Executive Officer (JOP) BS 03-01/2008 $37,828.00 – $55,552.00 4/08/2009 None
Foreign Service Environment Officer (JOP) BS 40-01/2008 $37,828.00 – $55,552.00 5/18/2009 None
Education Officer (JOP) BS 60-01/2008 $37,828.00 – $55,552.00 5/18/2009 None
Foreign Service Officer Private Enterprise (JO) JO-BS21-2009-01 $37,828.00 – $55,552.00 5/19/2009 None
Foreign Service Officer Program Economist JO-BS11-2009-1a $37,828.00 – $55,552.00 6/10/2009 None


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