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Have you ever wondered how much the state spends on emergency preparedness? Or how much your locality collects through general property taxes? How about the specific budget reductions that the Department of Education is implementing? Or maybe you care about the number of acres of farmland preserved by local purchase of development rights programs? Having this information readily accessible helps citizens to hold government accountable. This portal is a collection of initiatives to promote government transparency at all levels.

Commonwealth Data Point Virginia's Budget Virginia Performs
Get information on state and local government expenditures and revenues, and compare budgets to actual spending. Analyze government charge card transactions; prison, school, and workforce population levels; Virginia income levels; and much more. View the most current budget information for the Commonwealth of Virginia, link to the executive budget document, and search the budget bill database. See how the Commonwealth is performing in many areas that impact quality of life for you and your family, such as the economy, education, health services. Also see how state government measures and tracks its progress toward improving citizen services and results. Stay informed about how state government leaders plan to implement the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA). View appropriations for localities and programs as the information becomes available.
Agency Spotlight
Keeping Informed spacer

Department of Transportation - taking open government to a new level. Find out how VDOT is spending tax dollars on building, maintaining and operating 57,000 miles of roads and bridges across the state.

Business Expenditures - dashboard, analytics, and reporting. "Virginia leading the way."

Related Links
Updates the citizen on where the money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is going.
Provides a comprehensive view of government transparency initiatives across the country.
Provides citizens with easy access to government contract, grant and other award data.
Promotes accountability and provides information for citizens about what their government is doing.

VA Coalition for Open Government
Keeping government in the sunshine.

FOIA Council
Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory Council.

