Stories for January 2008

Stephen Colbert Hung at the National Portrait Gallery!

January 22, 2008

The media's all over this one. Stephen Colbert's portrait hangs to the left of the men's room. Washington... Lincoln... Kennedy... and now Colbert. Just in case a writers' strike and a presidential campaign in full swing weren't enough to keep...

Seeing Things (2): Art and Love

January 15, 2008

This is the second in a series of personal observations about how people experience and explore museums. Albert Bierstadt; Among the Sierra Nevada, California; 1868; oil; 72 x 120 1/8 in.; Smithsonian American Art Museum; Bequest of Helen Huntington Hull,...

Family Ties at the Renwick Gallery

January 11, 2008

Top: Detail, The Holen Boys Ties Quilt, about 1935, silk, Lent by The Nebraska Prairie Museum of the Phelps County Historical Society, Holdrege, NE, with permission of the Holen Family. Bottom: The Holen family in front of the Renwick Gallery...

"Bloggie" Nominations Are Now Open

January 7, 2008

We at Eye Level write because we love art. That, alone, is its own reward. But (and isn't there always a "but?") we art-loving mortals will accept a pat-on-the-back should one come our way. Which, incidentally, reminds me that nominations...

Seeing Things (1)

January 2, 2008

This is the first in a series of personal observations about how people experience and explore museums. In the museum, I like to take some time away from looking at the art to look at people, especially people when they’re...