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Welcome to the Oregon Youth Authority
Welcome to the Oregon Youth Authority
OYA's most important charge is to protect the public and hold youth offenders accountable for their behavior. Our greatest challenge is to continue to improve our treatment, education, and job training services to provide youth with the opportunity to learn personal responsibility and develop skills to make positive choices for themselves.

Oregon is a national leader in using effective treatment practices to prevent youth in our custody from committing additional crimes.

Our goal is to continue to effectively use the resources that Oregonians have given us to improve our ability to protect them and to help youth offenders become productive members of their communities.
About OYA
The Big Picture
Youth Safety & OYA Professional Standards
Key Initiatives & Quality Assurance
Youth-Made Products
OYA youth make a wide variety of products while participating in vocational education and workskills programs to gain experience in a trade or business practice. By-products of these skill building programs are available to the public to purchase.
Welcome to OYA's Website
OYA has launched this version of its website using the updated Oregon government agency designs. Browse around, find out what has been added, and let us know what you think by taking our survey.
Current Topics
OYA News
2009 Governor's Summit Nominations
Office of Minority Services
Planning is under way for the 2009 Summit scheduled for November 16.

The Summit is co-sponsored by OYA's Office of Minority Services (OMS) and includes an award to honor Oregon minority youth and young adults who make positive choices and become successful in their lives and contribute to the success of others. Nominations are accepted from any individual or group who have worked with or have had contact with the youth in an education, employment, judicial, or social capacity.
Stimulus Dollars at Work in OYA
Go Oregon! & The Oregon Way
Governor Kulongoski has signed Go Oregon! into law, authorizing the sale of bonds to fund important maintenance and construction projects at public facilities througout Oregon.

President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), a portion of which will help states recover from the recession.

Find out how OYA will use funds received from both the federal and state stimulus packages.
Employment Postings & Other Opportunities
Happy Birthday, Oregon!
Oregon turns 150!
Oregon marked its 150th birthday on February 14, 2009!

Many activities are planned throughout the year to celebrate the occassion. Visit the Oregon 150 site below to find out more!

Click here to go to the Oregon Dept. of Veterans' Affairs outreach contact form

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