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Legislative & Intergovernmental Relations

Legislative relations

Our relationships with Oregon's legislative assembly is very important. In an effort to be responsive to requests for information and to forward legislation, each Division has assinged a Legislative Coordinator. Legislative Coordinators work closely with the DHS Legislative Director who coordinates the overall department Legislative agenda.

Legislative Contacts

Contact the Department's legislative coordinators.


Local government

We consider local governments to be important partner in our work. Through contractual agreements they deliver many of our services. They also operate a myriad of other services in their communities, tailored to local needs. Local and state services need to work together to help people in need.

We established a Local Government Advisory Committee to advise us and help us develop an integrated community-based service delivery system.

From this part of the Web site you an access the following information about the Local Government Advisory Committee:

Tribal relations

We are committed to a positive working relationship with the nine tribes in Oregon. Through regular meetings with tribal governments and the work of the DHS tribal liaison, we are continually striving to ensure that Indian communities receive sufficient and appropriate human services.


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Page updated: January 15, 2009

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