BTOP Public Comments

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Docket number 090309298-9299-01

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009 Filed late
Point of Contact | "Fleming, Bill" <> | 5:31:00 PM
FW: Information request | broadbandusa <> | 4:52:00 PM
July Workshop | "Lindley, Phil" <> | 4:51:00 PM
FW: late comments on grant application | broadbandusa <> | 4:51:00 PM
BTOP Workshop times | "Jess Posey" <> | 4:49:00 PM
BTOP Workshops | "Mark Molisani" <> | 4:35:00 PM
Federal Stimulus funds | Brian Bergin <> | 4:27:00 PM
PACE Adult Computer Literarcy/Broadband Technology Training | Carolyn King <> | 4:26:00 PM
FW: July Workshop | broadbandusa <> | 3:51:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Alan Wallen | 3:05:00 PM
Grant Info | "Bill Williams" <> | 10:57:00 AM
no subject | "Richards, Glenn S." <> | 10:03:00 AM

Tuesday, June 30, 2009 Filed late
Biotech 2009: Post-CALAsia Promotion - 50% Price Reduction | "Post CALAsia" <> | 8:35:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Michael van de Sandt | 8:09:00 AM

Monday, June 29, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | James Sprayberry | 10:20:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jason Guzzo | 4:56:00 PM
Web Form Comment | CTIA – The Wireless Association® | 1:21:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gerald Philipp | 1:17:00 PM

Sunday, June 28, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | JW MONDAK III | 8:02:00 PM

Friday, June 26, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | jacob | 9:56:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sara C. Wedeman, PhD | 6:22:00 PM
Web Form Comment | John A. Marinho | 3:32:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Carol C. McDonough | 2:42:00 PM
Response to Claims Made by Infinera | "Marinho, John A (John)" <> | 1:46:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Carl Watson | 11:10:00 AM

Thursday, June 25, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Wes Rosenbalm | 12:24:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Loretta M. Flanagan, Consultant | 12:21:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Lawrence Sarjeant | 10:17:00 AM

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Shmuel Feld | 6:35:00 AM

Tuesday, June 23, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Tracy Jenkins Winchester | 2:35:00 PM
RE: NTIA & RUS RFP and app submission Date Status | "Campanola, Mary - Washington, DC" <> | 12:34:00 PM
Web Form Comment | ADTRAN, Inc. | 11:47:00 AM
RE: NTIA & RUS RFP and app submission Date Status | "Alfred Barr" <> | 11:15:00 AM
Notifications of Public Meetings | Depew William <> | 10:49:00 AM
Contact Via: | Honda <> | 10:41:00 AM

Monday, June 22, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | CTIA - The Wireless Association, Independent Telephone & Telecommunications Alliance, PCIA - The Wir | 7:06:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jagdeep Singh | 5:51:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Garry Forger | 2:19:00 PM
Request to be put on email recipient list for underserved broadbant area grants | "nathan" <> | 11:28:00 AM

Sunday, June 21, 2009 Filed late
Add to NTIA mailing list | Robert Ebert <> | 12:48:00 AM

Friday, June 19, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Paul M. Froelich | 2:46:00 PM

Thursday, June 18, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | U.S. Chamber of Commerce | 5:29:00 PM
Web Form Comment | U.S. Chamber of Commerce | 5:25:00 PM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Bala Sankar | 10:59:00 PM
RE: Unique Broadband over Power Line Products | "Campanola, Mary - Washington, DC" <> | 9:16:00 AM

Tuesday, June 16, 2009 Filed late
Re: Unique Broadband over Power Line Products | Charles Abraham <> | 5:49:00 PM
Congressional Letters to BTOP | "BTOP BTOP" <> | 4:35:00 PM
Congressional Letters to BTOP | "BTOP BTOP" <> | 4:29:00 PM
Congressional Letters to BTOP | "BTOP BTOP" <> | 4:25:00 PM
Web Form Comment | John M. Ryan | 3:56:00 PM
Congressional Letters to BTOP | "BTOP BTOP" <> | 3:55:00 PM
Congressional Letters to BTOP | "BTOP BTOP" <> | 3:47:00 PM
Congressional Letters to BTOP | "BTOP BTOP" <> | 3:45:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Schools, Health and Libraries Broadband Coalition | 3:28:00 PM
Congressional Letters to BTOP | "BTOP BTOP" <> | 2:41:00 PM

Monday, June 15, 2009 Filed late
NOFA for Rural Telemedicine Technology - Stanislaus County California | "Keith Boggs" <> | 7:23:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Victoria Proffer/St. Louis Broadband | 11:14:00 AM

Friday, June 12, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Stephen E. Smith | 1:46:00 PM
Web Form Comment | The Telecommunications Industry Association | 12:48:00 PM
Web Form Comment | The Telecommunications Industry Association | 12:44:00 PM

Thursday, June 11, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Dolores Adolph | 1:25:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ray Salem | 11:29:00 AM

Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Justin Stevens | 4:52:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Michael Feagans | 2:08:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Karen O'Neil | 12:38:00 PM

Tuesday, June 9, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Briana Caldwell | 6:15:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jim Baller | 4:21:00 PM
Please add me to Correspondence List | "Katie Miller" <> | 1:28:00 PM

Monday, June 8, 2009 Filed late
BTOP Grants and Funding Programs | "Frank Lopez" <> | 5:35:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Debra J Holdren | 3:18:00 PM
Ashland Fiber Network contact info Federal Stimulus | "Michael Ainsworth" <> | 1:37:00 PM
Broadband grant information | "Courtney BROOKS" <> | 12:39:00 PM

Friday, June 5, 2009 Filed late
mailing list | Day Chapin <> | 5:24:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Arvada Nelson | 4:35:00 PM

Thursday, June 4, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Teresa A. Gilchrist | 4:22:00 PM

Wednesday, June 3, 2009 Filed late
Correspondence list - information regarding ARRA Funds, definitions & grants | "Brian Broucek" <> | 8:25:00 PM
Comment on supply-side discourse from Zhone | Steven Glapa <> | 6:26:00 PM
grant | | 5:34:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mark Lesniak | 3:22:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jenny Smith | 12:32:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gina Fontanilles | 9:36:00 AM

Tuesday, June 2, 2009 Filed late
Reduced Registration Fees: CALAsia - BIO Summit for Partnering | "Martha Stone" <> | 11:04:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Heather Baker | 3:43:00 PM
ARRA Information | "Erick Trombley" <> | 2:07:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Grant Seiffert | 1:26:00 PM

Monday, June 1, 2009 Filed late
Correspondence List | "Theodore Wadman" <> | 9:47:00 PM
Correspondence list | "ROBIN LARGE" <> | 6:35:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jay Thompson | 12:43:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mitchell Johnson | 11:41:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Nancy Doucette | 10:34:00 AM
Application and Rules | "dan murdough" <> | 7:30:00 AM

Saturday, May 30, 2009 Filed late
Your Invitation to CORTESE.US | "support@CORTESE.US" <support@CORTESE.US> | 1:43:00 AM

Friday, May 29, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Ryan Kamholtz | 2:24:00 PM
Opt-In Email | "JimmyC007" <> | 9:25:00 AM
Web Form Comment | John Haines | 9:11:00 AM

Thursday, May 28, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Shaun B. Manchand | 11:41:00 AM

Wednesday, May 27, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Garrett Hill | 6:25:00 PM
Please add me to distro | "Raouf Abdel" <> | 3:49:00 PM

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Filed late
Correspondence list | "Nichole Sullivan" <> | 3:45:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Benjamin A. Beach | 3:01:00 PM
AHA Comments on Broadband Technology Opportunities Program | "Childs, Crystal" <> | 2:56:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gary LaFrancis | 12:21:00 PM

Monday, May 25, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Melvin Brewton | 11:46:00 AM

Sunday, May 24, 2009 Filed late
No busque mas trabajo... Sea su propio Jefe | "Libertad y Exito" <> | 7:42:00 PM

Saturday, May 23, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | David R. (Kane) Brushwood | 4:14:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Carolyn C. Jones | 7:27:00 AM

Friday, May 22, 2009 Filed late
Correspondence list | "Henningsen, Ingo" <> | 2:03:00 PM
Tillamook Lightwave, IGA | "Su Yaremchuk" <> | 1:00:00 PM

Thursday, May 21, 2009 Filed late
Opt-in Internet Domain Names | "JimmyC007" <> | 8:56:00 PM
Alcatel-Lucent ARRA-BAP BTOP Filing | "McMenamin, Michael T (Michael)" <> | 2:01:00 PM
BTOP Correspondence List | "Burke, Christine" <> | 11:21:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Stephen Goodman | 11:04:00 AM

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Joel Kramer | 11:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ken Wells | 4:43:00 PM
Alcatel-Lucent ARRA-BAP BTOP Filing | "McMenamin, Michael T (Michael)" <> | 4:03:00 PM
Request for Correspondence List | "McGurkin, Susan" <> | 2:52:00 PM
Please add to correspondence list | "Michael Weidman" <> | 10:27:00 AM
Notice of Ex Parte Discussion/Cisco Systems | "Jeff Campbell (jeffrcam)" <> | 10:22:00 AM
Please add me to your correspondence list | Keith Chu <> | 10:00:00 AM

Tuesday, May 19, 2009 Filed late
Correspondence List | "J. Rennard" <JRennard@GVNW.COM> | 1:57:00 PM
no subject | Greg Palser <> | 1:43:00 PM
list serve | "p garrett" <> | 1:34:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Greg Mickells | 1:19:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Debora McNeer | 1:15:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Laura Schlegel | 1:14:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Phillip DaCunha | 10:49:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Lauren Stacks | 9:54:00 AM

Monday, May 18, 2009 Filed late
NTIA Correspondence List | "Shirley Kappas" <> | 7:34:00 PM
Add to Correspondence list | "Senatore, Jeanne" <> | 7:10:00 PM
correspondence list | "Michelle Sullivan" <> | 6:08:00 PM
Eagle Telephone Contact Information | "Rusti Lattin" <> | 4:05:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Frank Brzezinski | 4:03:00 PM
Correspondence list | "Kevin Sullivan" <> | 2:05:00 PM
Please put me on the correspondence list | Todd Way <> | 1:51:00 PM
correspondence list | "Allison Miller" <> | 12:15:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Travis King | 11:27:00 AM

Sunday, May 17, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | David Rucker | 10:16:00 PM

Saturday, May 16, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Dave Kirby | 4:58:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Alexander Hagen | 4:06:00 AM

Friday, May 15, 2009 Filed late
RE: Unique Broadband over Power Line Products | "Campanola, Mary - Washington, DC" <> | 4:45:00 PM
Re: Unique Broadband over Power Line Products | Charles Abraham <> | 1:23:00 PM
Re: Unique Broadband over Power Line Products | Charles Abraham <> | 1:23:00 PM
ARRA correspondence list | "Ed Parker" <> | 12:36:00 PM
Request to be added to your ARRA of 2009 correspondence List... | "John Irwin" <> | 12:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ofer Tenenbaum | 9:55:00 AM

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 Filed late
Unique Broadband over Power Line Products | Charles Abraham <> | 8:38:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ajay (AJ) Nair | 6:56:00 PM
guidlines for BTOP grant | "Tony Sample" <> | 12:48:00 PM

Monday, May 11, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Paul Andrews | 1:13:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bala Sankar | 1:07:00 PM
Web Form Comment | McRae Smith | 12:58:00 PM
Fwd: lost submission to April 13 2009 | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 12:56:00 PM

Sunday, May 10, 2009 Filed late
Please add me to the BTOP correspondance list | "Hank Krzciuk" <> | 8:37:00 PM
Costa Rica Walks A Fine Line | "Rich Coast News" <> | 12:18:00 AM

Friday, May 8, 2009 Filed late
Fwd: RE: From Dr. David Blumenthal: Invitation to an ONC Strategy Technical Expert Panel on May 19-20, 20 | "Francine Jefferson" <> | 3:58:00 PM
Web Form Comment | George Kenney | 3:00:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jenny Lundin | 1:18:00 PM
Web Form Comment | TechAmerica | 11:42:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Greg Thompson | 11:25:00 AM

Thursday, May 7, 2009 Filed late
ARRA BTOP Correspondent's list | "Christopher TAMARIN" <> | 3:50:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Cathy Barabe | 3:13:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Peter Flood | 2:39:00 PM
Update info | "Johnson, Dan" <> | 2:18:00 PM
Correspondence List | "Lee Petro" <> | 1:26:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gary Shields | 12:58:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Kevin Micklitz | 11:03:00 AM
Broadband Grant | "BCS Computers" <> | 12:43:00 AM

Wednesday, May 6, 2009 Filed late
Your Invitation to CORTESE.US | "support@CORTESE.US" <support@CORTESE.US> | 7:45:00 PM
Web Form Comment | David Hudson | 12:35:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Scott Freedman | 11:52:00 AM
Alcatel-Lucent ARRA BTOP Filing | "McMenamin, Michael T \(Michael\)" <> | 11:33:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Sunesys, LLC | 10:26:00 AM

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Sara C. Wedeman, PhD | 10:11:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Erich Johnson | 6:19:00 PM
Web Form Comment | James Szyperski | 5:00:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Steven McGee | 1:24:00 PM
correspondence list for NTIA ARRA grants | "Tykeson, Amy" <> | 12:58:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Barfield | 11:33:00 AM

Monday, May 4, 2009 Filed late
ARRA BTOP Notice | "McMenamin, Michael T \(Michael\)" <> | 4:53:00 PM
CWA Buy America Ex Parte | "Debbie Goldman" <> | 3:18:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Brian Demarest | 11:03:00 AM

Saturday, May 2, 2009 Filed late
Your Invitation to CORTESE.US | "support@CORTESE.US" <support@CORTESE.US> | 4:54:00 PM

Friday, May 1, 2009 Filed late
Notice of Ex Parte Discussion/Cisco Systems | "Jeff Campbell (jeffrcam)" <> | 9:10:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Dan Belmont | 2:52:00 PM
Fwd: BTOP | "Francine Jefferson" <> | 1:43:00 PM
Web Form Comment | James Driessen | 12:01:00 PM
Fwd: Grant Proposal for Health Technology /IT | "Francine Jefferson" <> | 11:32:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Rebecca Suhajda | 10:26:00 AM

Thursday, April 30, 2009 Filed late
Add Me to List | Jim Scheppke <> | 6:13:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sara C Wedeman, Ph.D. | 4:00:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Kim Reid | 8:00:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Richard M. Nixon | 5:44:00 AM

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Michael Cramer | 5:46:00 PM
Correspondence List | "Theodore Wadman" <> | 3:51:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Chuck Williams | 3:16:00 PM

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Chris Weiss | 11:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sara C. Wedeman, PhD | 4:47:00 PM
BTOP - Innovative Programs Support | "McPhatter, Derek" <> | 10:48:00 AM

Monday, April 27, 2009 Filed late
Add name to list please | "Mona Lauber" <> | 9:49:00 AM

Friday, April 24, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Andy and Dian Lopez | 5:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | National Rural Electric Cooperative Association | 4:34:00 PM
Correspondence list | "Trinchero, Mark" <marktrinchero@DWT.COM> | 1:16:00 PM
Fwd: broadband comment | "Barbara Brown" <> | 1:05:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Steven A. Zecola | 12:26:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jawahar Chatpar | 10:40:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Joseph Longway | 12:02:00 AM

Thursday, April 23, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Colleen Johnson | 4:47:00 PM
Your Invitation to CORTESE.US | "support@CORTESE.US" <support@CORTESE.US> | 3:30:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Steven Glapa | 2:43:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Douglas Hawk | 2:27:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mike Gagnon | 1:31:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Rafe Boulon | 1:04:00 PM

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Filed late
Notice of ex parte discussion by Gregory L. Rosston | Greg Rosston <> | 3:03:00 PM
Notice of ex parte discussion by Gregory L. Rosston | Greg Rosston <> | 2:56:00 PM
Notice of ex parte discussion by Gregory L. Rosston | Greg Rosston <> | 2:55:00 PM
Notice of ex parte discussion by Gregory L. Rosston | Greg Rosston <> | 2:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Marc Berejka | 1:40:00 PM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Denise Pleoger | 4:18:00 PM
TO be added to the mailing list | "Albert Plimpton" <> | 1:30:00 PM
BTOP white paper from the higher education community | Ed Lazowska <> | 10:29:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Douglas Hawk | 9:45:00 AM

Monday, April 20, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | asda | 8:03:00 PM
Web Form Comment | asda | 8:02:00 PM
Web Form Comment | asdas | 7:57:00 PM
Web Form Comment | asdas | 7:57:00 PM
Web Form Comment | asdasd | 7:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | asdasd | 7:50:00 PM
Emma Bowen Foundation | "Eagle-Oldson, Phylis (NBC Universal)" <> | 6:05:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sen Doug Overbeu | 12:47:00 PM
Follow-up Re Refiling of 04/13/09 Qwest Comments in Docket 090309298-9299-01 Re ARRA of 2009 Broadband Initiatives | "Dino, Ross" <> | 11:22:00 AM
Refiling of 04/13/09 Qwest Comments in Docket 090309298-9299-01 Re ARRA of 2009 Broadband Initiatives | "Dino, Ross" <> | 10:59:00 AM

Saturday, April 18, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Charlotte Wolter | 1:12:00 PM
Re: dear | regenique noel <> | 11:41:00 AM

Friday, April 17, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Jennie B. Chandra | 5:43:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Victoria Proffer/St. Louis Broadband | 2:13:00 PM
Web Form Comment | A.W. Brothers | 12:51:00 PM

Thursday, April 16, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Mike Klosicki | 7:52:00 PM
please ad to mailing list for upcoming grants | Darnisha Wright <> | 4:31:00 PM
Web Form Comment | The Rural Carriers | 4:14:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Tiffany Ann Norwood | 2:35:00 PM
City of Detroit Mayor Kenneth V. Cockrel, Jr.'s Comments on BTOP | "Curtis Blessing" <> | 2:24:00 PM
Notification of Ex Parte Meeting/ David Townsend and Mark Kennet/ re-send | "James McConnaughey" <> | 1:34:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sara C. Wedeman, PhD | 12:59:00 PM
ARRA BTOP Notice | "McMenamin, Michael T \(Michael\)" <> | 12:50:00 PM
Notification of Ex Parte Meeting/ David Townsend and Mark Kennet | "James McConnaughey" <> | 12:13:00 PM
BTOP filing. | "Marlon K. Schafer" <> | 11:59:00 AM
no subject | andy a <> | 11:05:00 AM
Invitation to Visit and Comment on A Novel Information Portal for Life Sciences | "Charles Osborn" <> | 10:56:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Douglas Hawk | 10:51:00 AM

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 Filed late
Web Form Comment | Travis King | 7:40:00 PM
Web Form Comment | St. Louis Broadband/Victoria Proffer | 6:34:00 PM
RE: Comments to NTIA and RUS of Premium Choice Broadband | "Pachios, Harold C." <> | 4:07:00 PM
FW: Notice of Ex Parte Discussion/Cisco Systems | "Jeff Campbell (jeffrcam)" <> | 3:58:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Victoria Proffer | 3:17:00 PM
Garbled SIA filing April 13 at 7:08 pm | "Roddy, Carolyn" <> | 2:11:00 PM
Web Form Comment | David Hannum | 12:29:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Level 3 Communications | 12:21:00 PM
ARRA - Level 3 | "Diamond, Greg" <> | 12:16:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Wirefree Partners III, LLC | 12:14:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Dave Giles | 11:37:00 AM
The Broadband Stimulus Bill | Ken Daniels <> | 11:34:00 AM
Notification of Ex Parte Meeting/ Space Data | "James McConnaughey" <> | 11:18:00 AM
Notification of Ex Parte Meeting/ CostQuest and LinkAmerica Alliance | "James McConnaughey" <> | 11:18:00 AM
Fwd: Web Form Comment | William L. Kovacs (U.S. Chamber of Commerce) | 8:54:00 PM | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 10:40:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Daryl D. Phillips | 10:35:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Stephanie Biziewski | 10:01:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Ron Elliott | 9:49:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Marlon K. Schafer | 9:47:00 AM
Buy American | Peter Wiedemann <> | 9:37:00 AM
Fwd: Submission Question | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 9:36:00 AM
Fwd: Comments of Cinergy MetroNet | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 9:36:00 AM
Fwd: I have filed joint comments for NBCSL, NOBCO, NBC-LEO, NCBM and NOBEL Women | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 9:35:00 AM
Fwd: RE: Commonwealth of PA submission [Docket No. 090309298-9299-01] | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 9:35:00 AM
Fwd: NTIA Public Comments | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 9:34:00 AM
Fwd: RE: Web Form Comment | William L. Kovacs (U.S. Chamber of Commerce) | 8:54:00 PM | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 9:20:00 AM
Web Form Comment | William Lehr | 9:20:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Kurt Fankhauser | 12:35:00 AM

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 Filed late
buy American | Chris Bernard <> | 10:25:00 PM
Fwd: City of Detroit Mayor Kenneth V. Cockrel, Jr.'s Comments on BTOP | "Curtis Blessing" <> | 9:27:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Dave Moffitt | 9:12:00 PM
Support Made in America | Natalie Schafer <> | 8:33:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Scott Smyth | 8:28:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Christina St Germaine | 7:18:00 PM
qualification of submissions on the Buy America applicability question | Steven Glapa <> | 6:57:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Governor Freudenthal of Wyoming | 6:44:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Patricia A. Tatich | 6:36:00 PM
Web Form Comment | kevin ********************************************************************************************** | 6:33:00 PM
Braodband stimulus should be buy American | Joe Fortin <> | 6:09:00 PM
Buy American | Don Turner <> | 6:06:00 PM
Buy American -- There IS Adequate Domestic Supply | trebat <> | 5:51:00 PM
Opportunity to advance clean tech manufacturing when allocating stimulus funding | "Tracy Oliver" <> | 5:48:00 PM
Buy America | Nancy Plants <> | 5:19:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Andre J. Imparato | 5:04:00 PM
Comments | "Karen Kerrigan" <> | 4:47:00 PM
Broadband correspondence list | <> | 4:36:00 PM
Notice of ex parte meeting. | "Tim Sloan" <> | 4:17:00 PM
Buy American | <> | 4:16:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Level 3 Communications | 4:15:00 PM
Ex Parte -- March 12, 2009 meeting | "James McConnaughey" <> | 4:13:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Luisa Handem | 3:37:00 PM
Comments of the State of California | "Haga, Robert" <> | 3:23:00 PM
Web Form Comment | RCN Corporation | 3:13:00 PM
Web Form Comment | PAETEC Communications, Inc. | 3:09:00 PM
Fwd: FW: Comments - Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 3:02:00 PM
FW: Responses to the Joint Request for Information | "Ridgway, John [IUB]" <> | 3:00:00 PM
FW: Delivery Status Notification (Failure) | "Haga, Robert" <> | 2:45:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Luisa Handem | 2:34:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Morna Foy | 2:33:00 PM
Fwd: APCO International's Comments for the Broadband Grants Program | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 2:21:00 PM
Fwd: APCO International's Comments for the Broadband Grants Program | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 2:13:00 PM
Fwd: NTIA filing | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 2:12:00 PM
late signon to broadband comment | jonathan lawson <> | 2:10:00 PM
Fwd: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Broadband Initiatives - Comments of the State of Miss | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 1:47:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Paul L. Hill, Ph.D. | 1:28:00 PM
Re: Docket 090309298-9299-01 | Beth McConnell <> | 12:18:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Space Data Corporation | 12:10:00 PM
Keep the work in the USA | Charles bauer <> | 11:36:00 AM
Web Form Comment | John Chuang | 11:30:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Ownership | 10:39:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Marc Hiller | 10:18:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Marc Hiller | 10:13:00 AM
Comments of Open Internet Coalition in Docket No. 0903098298-9299-01 | "Markham Erickson" <> | 9:55:00 AM
Web Form Comment | APCO International | 9:29:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Chris A. Jones | 9:23:00 AM
Fwd: Letter to NTIA | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 9:16:00 AM
Fwd: public comment 4/13/09 | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 9:16:00 AM
Web Form Comment | The Telecommunications Industry Association | 9:10:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Bonnie Manning | 8:53:00 AM
Web Form Comment | John Frink | 6:21:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Larry Press | 5:13:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Tom DeReggi | 4:39:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Sara C. Wedeman, PhD | 3:12:00 AM
Web Form Comment | John Stevens | 2:35:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Don Horowitz, Committee Chair | 2:12:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Priscila Patel | 2:01:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Sara C. Wedeman, PhD | 1:57:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Gent Cav | 1:52:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Kelvin D. Smith | 1:34:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Kelvin D. Smith | 1:34:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Don Samuelson | 1:27:00 AM
Web Form Comment | John Porter | 1:25:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Brian Mefford | 1:19:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Geoff Daily | 1:19:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Tracy Finney | 1:14:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Brian Mefford | 1:05:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Olemara Peters | 1:03:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Dave Burstein | 1:03:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Joe T. Wood | 1:02:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Richard J. Warren | 1:02:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Michael Ramage | 1:02:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Tom Fritz | 1:00:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Peter J. Pratt | 12:59:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Dave Burstein | 12:58:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Rene True | 12:58:00 AM
Web Form Comment | David & Marie Bartens | 12:57:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Kathy Johnson | 12:49:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Matthew R. Rantanen | 12:47:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Stephouse Networks | 12:45:00 AM
Comments for submission in NTIA/RUS Docket,No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Gent Cav @ G4" <> | 12:43:00 AM
Web Form Comment | American Cable Association | 12:40:00 AM
Web Form Comment | TJCOG Cable Broadband Consortium | 12:40:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Gerald Knoblach | 12:39:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Lilith Wolinsky | 12:38:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Paul Van Hoesen in Support of Computers 4 Kids | 12:38:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Chris Cooper | 12:36:00 AM
Web Form Comment | William P. Cook, Jim Halpert, Robert G. Allen | 12:33:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Jennie B. Chandra | 12:26:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Nicholas Holland | 12:24:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Alvarion, Inc. | 12:23:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Andy Tabar | 12:15:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Don S. Samuelson | 12:13:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Barry Summers | 12:13:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Christopher M. Swanson | 12:08:00 AM
FW: Docket No. 090309298-9229-01 - ARRA Broadband Initiatives | "Anderson, Carla" <> | 12:03:00 AM
Docket No. 090309298-9229-01 - ARRA Broadband Initiatives | "Johnson, Kathy" <> | 12:03:00 AM
microsoft comments | Marc Berejka <> | 12:01:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Pend Oreille County Public Utility Direct #1 | 12:00:00 AM

Monday, April 13, 2009
Web Form Comment | MSS & ATC Coalition | 11:57:00 PM
Docket No. 090309298-9229-01 - ARRA Broadband Initiatives | "Johnson, Kathy" <> | 11:55:00 PM
Response to BTOP | Alexis Ringwald <> | 11:55:00 PM
Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 comment filing | "Jeffrey Mayhook" <> | 11:55:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Kevin Manovich | 11:54:00 PM
Broadband Diversity Supporters Comments | "Salons, Deborah J." <> | 11:53:00 PM
Broadband Diversity Supporters Comments | "Salons, Deborah J." <> | 11:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Barbara Bailey | 11:52:00 PM
Web Form Comment | SkyTerra Communications, Inc. | 11:50:00 PM
Docket No. 090309298-9229-01 - ARRA Broadband Initiatives | "Johnson, Kathy" <> | 11:50:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mark Ritzenthaler | 11:43:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Charles E. Wines | 11:40:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Karen Manuel | 11:40:00 PM
Joint Request for Information Docket N. 090309298-9299-01 | "Hance Haney" <> | 11:39:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Allied Fiber, LLC | 11:37:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Donny Smith, CEO | 11:37:00 PM
Submission from Loudoun County, Virginia for | "Scott Bashore" <> | 11:23:00 PM
Web Form Comment | City of Shafter, CA | 11:22:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Abdul Alkalimat | 11:19:00 PM
Web Form Comment | cindy graham | 11:12:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Chuck Manto | 11:12:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sunesys, LLC | 11:01:00 PM
Comments for the ARRA Initiative | Bruce McFadden <> | 10:57:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Universal Service for America Coalition | 10:51:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Charles Benton | 10:50:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Stayton Cooperative Telephone Company | 10:48:00 PM
DRA -- BTOP Comments | "Bill Triplett" <> | 10:45:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Stephen Kirbach | 10:45:00 PM
Web Form Comment | T-Mobile USA, Inc. | 10:42:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Brett Glass | 10:38:00 PM
Public comments | Vincent T Jordan <> | 10:37:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Kelly Wilkins | 10:33:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mark Cooper | 10:28:00 PM
Web Form Comment | William Martin | 10:26:00 PM
Web Form Comment | CTIA-The Wireless Association | 10:23:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Rural Cellular Association | 10:19:00 PM
CONXX BTOP RFI Response - Word doc format | "David Kartchner" <> | 10:16:00 PM
Written comments on BTOP | "Donny Smith" <> | 10:12:00 PM
Web Form Comment | S. Derek Turner | 10:12:00 PM
Web Form Comment | FiberTower Corporation | 10:07:00 PM
Stop broadband stimulus jobs from going to Asia | "Deaconsduty" <> | 9:58:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bob Bush and Tad Polumbus | 9:55:00 PM
FW: NTIA/RUS Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Anthony Lehv" <> | 9:52:00 PM
NTIA/RUS Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Anthony Lehv" <> | 9:51:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mayor Rae Carole Armstrong and Barrington Russell, Sr. | 9:48:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Brett Glass | 9:44:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mayor David Pennington | 9:43:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Andrew W Buffmire | 9:40:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Alrington McNichol | 9:38:00 PM
Web Form Comment | ViaSat, Inc. | 9:36:00 PM
Web Form Comment | The People of the State of California and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger | 9:35:00 PM
Web Form Comment | The People of the State of California and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger | 9:35:00 PM
Web Form Comment | The People of the State of California and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger | 9:35:00 PM
Web Form Comment | The People of the State of California and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger | 9:35:00 PM
Web Form Comment | | 9:35:00 PM
Web Form Comment | The People of the State of California and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger | 9:35:00 PM
Web Form Comment | The People of the State of California and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger | 9:35:00 PM
Web Form Comment | The People of the State of California and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger | 9:35:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Catherine Melchert, President | 9:30:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jonathan V. Harlan | 9:27:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Great Plains Communications, Inc. | 9:26:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Discovery Communications, Inc. | 9:26:00 PM
Comments of Free Press | "S. Derek Turner" <> | 9:25:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Herbert Walters | 9:21:00 PM
Comments of Rural Cellular Association - Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Todd Lantor" <> | 9:20:00 PM
Web Form Comment | John St. Julien | 9:20:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Arthur Firstenberg | 9:19:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Edmundo Hidalgo | 9:10:00 PM
ATIC Response to NTIA Questionnaire | Oris Friesen <> | 9:10:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Rey Ramsey | 9:06:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Tom Chabin | 9:05:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Rey Ramsey | 9:05:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Robert Schill | 8:55:00 PM
Web Form Comment | U.S. Chamber of Commerce | 8:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Arthur Firstenberg | 8:52:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Utopian Wireless Corporation | 8:51:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Dolan | 8:47:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Arthur Firstenberg | 8:46:00 PM
NTIA/RUS Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | | 8:44:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Kevin Weston | 8:39:00 PM
Web Form Comment | National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative and DigitalBridge Communications Corp. | 8:37:00 PM
ARRA RUS comments | Leslie Nulty <> | 8:36:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Robert E. Mayfield | 8:32:00 PM
Re: MSS & ATC Coalition Comments - Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Daniels, Emily J. H." <> | 8:29:00 PM
Re: SkyTerra Communications, Inc. Comments - Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Daniels, Emily J. H." <> | 8:23:00 PM
BTOP Comments | "Joshua Seidemann" <> | 8:20:00 PM
AECC comments on ARRA NTIA RUS Broadband Programs | "Schill, Robert" <> | 8:20:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Catherine A. Novelli | 8:18:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Professor Michael Botein | 8:17:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Kodiak Kenai Cable Company, LLC | 8:16:00 PM
Bresnan Mediacom Midcontinent Suddenlink comments | "Schill, Robert" <> | 8:16:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Karen Manuel | 8:14:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jonathan V. Harlan | 8:13:00 PM
EchoStar Corporation Comments in Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Vorwig, Petra" <> | 8:11:00 PM
HITN Comments on ARRA NTIA RUS Broadband Stimulus Programs | "Schill, Robert" <> | 8:11:00 PM
Web Form Comment | National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative and DigitalBridge Communications Corp. | 8:11:00 PM
California Administrative Office of the Courts - Broadband Comments | "Price, Cat" <> | 8:10:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Iowa Health System, Inc. | 8:09:00 PM
Web Form Comment | VT DPS, MDTC, and MBI | 8:09:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bonnie Lorang | 8:09:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania | 8:07:00 PM
Web Form Comment | The Hybrid WiMax ( AlphaStar) Vs. Pure Satellite ( Hughes Net) Vs. Fiber ( Global Crossing) | 8:05:00 PM
Comments of Utopian Wireless Corporation Docket number 090309298-9299-01 | "Clare Liedquist (UW)" <> | 8:03:00 PM
Web Form Comment | City and County of San Francisco | 8:03:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Patrick Barringer | 8:02:00 PM
Web Form Comment | NBCSL President Calvin Smyre, NCBM Executive Director Vanessa Williams, NOBCO Executive Director Lin | 8:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | LEMKO Corporation | 7:58:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Richard Taylor | 7:58:00 PM
Docket No. 090309298-9299-01, Comments of the Rural Independent Competitive Alliance | "Steve Kraskin" <> | 7:57:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Perry LaForge | 7:57:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Houston Harris County Coalition | 7:57:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Alaska Communications Systems | 7:49:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bertney Langley | 7:44:00 PM
Cellular South -- BTOP Comments | "Eric Graham" <> | 7:42:00 PM
Web Form Comment | The Public Safety Spectrum Trust Corporation | 7:42:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bill Weber, Russell Merbeth, James Prenetta, Jr., Kelsi Reeves, and Don Shepheard | 7:40:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Frank Hansen | 7:37:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Communications Workers of America | 7:37:00 PM
Broadband build-out comment | "galaxyrider" <> | 7:36:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mike Philpot | 7:36:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mimi Pickering | 7:34:00 PM
ARRA Broadband Comments for Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Lachel, Diane" <> | 7:30:00 PM
Web Form Comment | NBCSL President Calvin Smyre, NCBM Executive Director Vanessa Williams, NOBCO Executive Director Lin | 7:29:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Chris Pearson | 7:27:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Phillip Brown | 7:27:00 PM
Web Form Comment | AT&T Inc. | 7:26:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Intel Corporation | 7:24:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bertney Langley | 7:23:00 PM
no subject | "Doug Williams" <> | 7:22:00 PM
Recommendations | "Charging, Dawn" <> | 7:21:00 PM
Re: FairPoint Communications Comments to NTIA and RUS | "Debbie Goldman" <> | 7:16:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Dolan | 7:16:00 PM
RE: Commonwealth of PA submission [Docket No. 090309298-9299-01] | "Miron, Luc" <> | 7:15:00 PM
segTEL Comment Filing NTIA/RUS Docket #090309298-9299-01 | Jeremy Katz <> | 7:15:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Marilyn Toppins | 7:14:00 PM
Web Form Comment | David M. Brown | 7:13:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Broadpoint, Inc. | 7:13:00 PM
Web Form Comment | NextG Networks, Inc. | 7:12:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Houston Harris County Coalition | 7:12:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Lisa Feldner | 7:11:00 PM
Web Form Comment | National Rural Electric Cooperative Association | 7:11:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sara Dietrich, Director of Communications | 7:09:00 PM
In the Matter of American and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Broadband Initiatives; Docket No. 090309298-9299-01; Joint Comments of RNK and Wave2Wave in Response to Joint Request for Information | "Matt Tennis" <> | 7:09:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Students enrolled in the Communications and Technology Class | 7:08:00 PM
SIA Comments to NTIA/RUS in Broadband Proceeding | "Cooper, Patricia" <> | 7:08:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Shawn Kimble | 7:07:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Tyco Telecommunications (US) Inc. | 7:06:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Matthew R. Rantanen | 7:06:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Cammie Hughes | 7:06:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Regulatory Commission of Alaska | 7:06:00 PM
Web Form Comment | National Rural Electric Cooperative Association | 7:05:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Michael J. Mellis | 7:05:00 PM
A Team of EAGLES LLC: Tribal Sustainability | George Rogers <> | 7:05:00 PM
BTOP RFI Response - SDF Consortium, LLC | | 7:05:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Pulse Broadband LLC | 7:05:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Elisabeth Williams | 7:03:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Louis Klepner | 7:02:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Rural Internet and Broadband Policy Group | 7:00:00 PM
Comments of ADTRAN, Inc. | "Steve Goodman" <> | 6:59:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Paul Budde on Behalf of Big Think Strategies | 6:57:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Laura A. Phillips | 6:57:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe (the farmer) Naftel | 6:56:00 PM
Comments Montana Independent Telecommunications Systems - Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Bonnie Lorang" <> | 6:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gene DeJordy, Esq. | 6:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Elizabeth Kelley | 6:51:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Alan Inouye | 6:49:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sharon Reishus, Chair | 6:48:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Thomas Culp | 6:48:00 PM
FW: Department of Commerce (NTIA) and Department of Agriculture (RUS) Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Thomas Fisher" <> | 6:47:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Patrick Moore | 6:47:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Rural Telecommunications Group, Inc. | 6:47:00 PM
15 Questions / Responses | "Andrew Ramsey" <> | 6:46:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Susan Corbett, CEO | 6:46:00 PM
Web Form Comment | CostQuest/LinkAMERICA Alliance | 6:46:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Towerstream Corp. | 6:45:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Wilco Electronic Systems, Inc. | 6:43:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Shared Spectrum Company | 6:39:00 PM
COMMENTS OF CTIA-THE WIRELESS ASSOCIATION(r) - ARRA 2009 Broadband Initiatives - Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | Brian Josef <> | 6:39:00 PM
COMMENTS OF CTIA-THE WIRELESS ASSOCIATION(r) - ARRA 2009 Broadband Initiatives - Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | Brian Josef <> | 6:38:00 PM
East River Electric Comments on Broadband Technology Opportunities Program | "Kayla Kaup" <> | 6:38:00 PM
Comments of the Montana Telecom Assn re: NTIA/RUS Jt. Request for Information. Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | Geoff Feiss <> | 6:33:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc. | 6:32:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Harris Corporation | 6:32:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bryan Darr | 6:30:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Nevesem, Inc. | 6:29:00 PM
Web Form Comment | J. Kevin McGeary | 6:28:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Debbie Bermudez | 6:27:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Fiber-To-The-Home Council | 6:27:00 PM
BTOP comments - Cox Communications - corrected | "Harrington, J.G." <> | 6:27:00 PM
3G Americas Recovery Act Comments | "Alexander J. Bryson" <> | 6:26:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Paul Van Hoesen | 6:26:00 PM
Comments Submitted in Docket No. 090309298-9299-01(Broadband Initiatives) | "Tobey, Margaret (NBC Universal)" <> | 6:26:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Donald & Joyce Janeway | 6:26:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sara Fitzgerald | 6:25:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Galen Updike | 6:23:00 PM
Comments of WildBlue / HNS / Intelsat / NRTC in Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "David Brown" <dbrown@WILDBLUECORP.COM> | 6:23:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Michael Armstrong | 6:22:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Michael J. Mellis | 6:21:00 PM
Comments of Alcatel-Lucent: Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "KRUFKY Kevin" <> | 6:19:00 PM
Iowa Health Care, Inc. Comments on Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) - Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Bonner, Douglas G." <> | 6:15:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Governor Phil Bredesen | 6:15:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Robert J. Irving, Jr. | 6:15:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bill Schrier | 6:12:00 PM
Web Form Comment | EarthLink, Inc. and New Edge Networks, Inc. | 6:12:00 PM
Web Form Comment | George Rice | 6:11:00 PM
Recovery Act Broadband Public Comment | "Pat Groot" <> | 6:11:00 PM
Web Form Comment | A. Philip Randolph Institute, Cuban American National Council, Hispanic Association of Colleges and | 6:10:00 PM
NASCIO's Broadband Comments | "Pam Walker" <> | 6:10:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Omar Ahmed | 6:10:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Carolyn Ponder | 6:07:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Tennessee Broadband Task Force | 6:07:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Rep. Chad Faulkner | 6:06:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Diana Bob for National Congress of American Indians | 6:05:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Cheryl DeConde Johnson | 6:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Charles Mattingly, President | 6:01:00 PM
COMMENTS OF INTEL CORP. - Docket No. 090309298-9299-1 | "Dickman, Marjorie" <> | 6:00:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Michael W. Krajovic | 6:00:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Denise Hamilton | 5:59:00 PM
Web Form Comment | H. Samuel Orth | 5:57:00 PM
NTIA-RUS Comments: Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Kristy Szabo" <> | 5:57:00 PM
Web Form Comment | QUALCOMM Incorporated | 5:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Eric Callisto, Mark Meyer, Lauren Azar | 5:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | American Public Power Association | 5:53:00 PM
City of Miami comments on ARRA BTOP | "Korinis, Peter W" <> | 5:52:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Chad Ellis | 5:51:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Markham C. Erickson | 5:46:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bill Johnson | 5:45:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Rex Lynch | 5:45:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Donald Gilroy | 5:43:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Shelley Spencer, President | 5:43:00 PM
Web Form Comment | James P. Steyer | 5:41:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Kenneth F. Mason | 5:38:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Susan Estrada on Behalf of FirstMile.US | 5:38:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Lynn R. Merrill, P.E. | 5:37:00 PM
Web Form Comment | C. Thomas Robinson, CCE, CEcD | 5:37:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Derek | 5:37:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bennett W. Hooks, Chief Executive Officer | 5:37:00 PM
Comments of Nevesem, Inc. | "Class, Edgar" <> | 5:31:00 PM
04/13/09 Qwest Comments in Docket 090309298-9299-01 Re ARRA of 2009 Broadband Initiatives | "Dino, Ross" <> | 5:29:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Brent Kennedy | 5:29:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Hardik Bhatt | 5:29:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Kentucky Municipal Utilities Association | 5:29:00 PM
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - NTIA/RUS Comments | "Edge, Joe D." <> | 5:28:00 PM
Web Form Comment | James H.Henry | 5:28:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Robert Billingsley, Cable Administrator | 5:27:00 PM
Comments - Recovery Act Broadband Initiatives - Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Seth Cooper" <> | 5:26:00 PM
Web Form Comment | City of Mansass, Virginia | 5:26:00 PM
Level 3 - Request for Information American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Broadband Initiatives Docket No 090309298-9299-01 | "Diamond, Greg" <> | 5:25:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Patrick W. Pearlman | 5:21:00 PM
Web Form Comment | City of Palo Alto, California | 5:21:00 PM
BTOP comments - Cox Communications | "Harrington, J.G." <> | 5:21:00 PM
NAM Comments on NTIA BTOP | "Marc-Anthony Signorino" <> | 5:20:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Cynthia Pols | 5:18:00 PM
Web Form Comment | State of Washington | 5:17:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Patrick Sims | 5:16:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Eric Swanson | 5:15:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Esther Sykes-Wood | 5:15:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Donna Sorgi, Esq. | 5:14:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Association of Public Television Stations | 5:13:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Stan Romero | 5:13:00 PM
City of Detroit Mayor Kenneth V. Cockrel, Jr.'s Comments on BTOP | "Curtis Blessing" <> | 5:12:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Rosa Rosales | 5:09:00 PM
Web Form Comment | XO Communincations and Nextlink Wireless, Inc. | 5:09:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gregory Rise | 5:08:00 PM
Docket 090309298-9299-01 | Beth McConnell <> | 5:07:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Leroy Watson | 5:06:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Diane Schou | 5:02:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sharmain Matlock-Turner | 5:02:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Michelle Reynolds | 5:00:00 PM
NTIA-RUS Comments: Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Kristy Szabo" <> | 5:00:00 PM
Web Form Comment | William Wells, Jr. | 5:00:00 PM
NTIA BTOP RFI Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Hiller, Marc (OFT)" <> | 4:59:00 PM
Response from State of Arizona - GITA | "Galen Updike" <> | 4:58:00 PM
Web Form Comment | ATSI Communications, Inc. | 4:56:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Cole Sims | 4:56:00 PM
Web Form Comment | OPASTCO | 4:55:00 PM
Web Form Comment | William Wells, Jr. | 4:54:00 PM
Request for Information (RFI) Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Broadband Initiatives | | 4:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Brian Fontes | 4:54:00 PM
NTIA BTOP RFI Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Hiller, Marc (OFT)" <> | 4:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Burt Solomons | 4:53:00 PM
CostQuest/LinkAmerica Comments | "Mike Wilson" <> | 4:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jim Gleason | 4:50:00 PM
TJCOG Cable Broadband Consortium - Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | Cynthia Pols <> | 4:50:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Alastair Matheson | 4:50:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mark Cooper | 4:50:00 PM
CDT comments on BTOP | David Sohn <> | 4:47:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mike Hammett | 4:46:00 PM
Web Form Comment | National Cable & Telecommunications Association | 4:45:00 PM
Comments of SouthernLINC Wireless, Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Henderson, Holly" <> | 4:44:00 PM
BTOP Comments | "Burke, Christine" <> | 4:43:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Office of the Chief Technology Officer | 4:43:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gabriela Lemus | 4:41:00 PM
BTOP comments | "Dave Duncan" <> | 4:40:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Dee Brown | 4:40:00 PM
Web Form Comment | National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. | 4:38:00 PM
Tribal rural broadband priority recommendations | "Eric Jensen" <> | 4:38:00 PM
Response to RFI 090309298-9299-01 - ARRA Broadband Initiatives | | 4:38:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Governor Corzine (NJ) and Governor Rounds (SD) | 4:37:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Nelson N. Angapak, Sr. | 4:36:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Julie McDaniel | 4:35:00 PM
Comments in Docket 090309298-9299-01 | "Donald Evans" <> | 4:34:00 PM
Web Form Comment | EvenLink, LLC Partner Scott Musser | 4:34:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jeff Ferry | 4:34:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mark Luker | 4:33:00 PM
Fwd: Trouble confirming comment attachment | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 4:30:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Chuck Hassebrook | 4:29:00 PM
Fwd: BTOP comments - Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 4:26:00 PM
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program Comments | David Glynn <> | 4:26:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Diane Schou | 4:26:00 PM
Comments on Section 6001 | "Jim Suchan" <> | 4:25:00 PM
E-Submission on RFI of TechAmerica | Josh Lamel <> | 4:25:00 PM
The Continua Health Alliance Broadband Comments | "Chuck Parker" <> | 4:25:00 PM
Comments on Request for Information | "Fritz, Matt" <> | 4:23:00 PM
Commonwealth of PA submission [Docket No. 090309298-9299-01] | "Miron, Luc" <> | 4:22:00 PM
Comments by Office of Advocacy, U.S. Small Business Administration | "Johns, Cheryl M." <> | 4:22:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mayor Mark Hipsher | 4:22:00 PM
Web Form Comment | The Rural Carriers | 4:21:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Alan S. Davis | 4:20:00 PM
Buy American! | trebat <> | 4:19:00 PM
Web Form Comment | David G. Watkin | 4:19:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Karen R Jackson | 4:18:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Dean R. Brenner | 4:18:00 PM
IEEE-USA Comments on BTOP | | 4:17:00 PM
Comments of the City of New York | "Hohman, Anne Kathryn" <> | 4:17:00 PM
Web Form Comment | One More Round of BTOP Public Meetings | 4:17:00 PM
NTIA- RUS Comments: Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Kristy Szabo" <> | 4:17:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jeffrey A. Campbell | 4:16:00 PM
Web Form Comment | William Zayas | 4:16:00 PM
Broadband Comments | "Haskamp, Greg (Finance Secretary's Office)" <> | 4:15:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jamie Woodson | 4:15:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Scott Musser, Partner | 4:14:00 PM
Comments of Sage Telecom, Inc. in Response to Joint Request for Information Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Karl, Andrew" <> | 4:13:00 PM
FairPoint Communications Comments to NTIA and RUS | "Landry, Andrew" <> | 4:12:00 PM
Recall: Comments of Sage Telecom, Inc. in Response to Joint Request for Information Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Karl, Andrew" <> | 4:11:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mayor Mark Hipsher | 4:10:00 PM
RTC response to NTIA and RUS joint RFI | "Laudeman, Greg" <> | 4:09:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Governor Jon S. Corzine | 4:08:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Katie Harbison | 4:07:00 PM
Comments of Sage Telecom, Inc. in Response to Joint Request for Information Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Karl, Andrew" <> | 4:04:00 PM
Web Form Comment | David G. Rusin | 4:04:00 PM
Web Form Comment | EvenLink, LLC Partner Scott Musser | 4:01:00 PM
Comments on National Telecommunication and Information Administration and Rural Utilities Service Broadband Provisions of the American Recover and Reinvestment Act of 2009 | "Winstead, Don" <Don.Winstead@LASPBS.STATE.FL.US> | 4:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Tina Pidgeon | 3:59:00 PM
Comments on BTOP | "Wade, James" <JWade@APLU.ORG> | 3:59:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Andrew Beard | 3:59:00 PM
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Broadband Initiatives - Comments of the State of Missouri | "Kliethermes, Sarah" <> | 3:58:00 PM
Comments | "Steve Pastorkovich" <> | 3:58:00 PM
BTOP Request for Information - Comments of the City of Chicago - Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | DEAN TSILIKAS <> | 3:57:00 PM
Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Brendan Kasper" <> | 3:57:00 PM
Comments in Docket 090309298-9299-01 | "Donald Evans" <> | 3:56:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Paul W. Schroeder, Vice President, Programs and Policy | 3:55:00 PM
Web Form Comment | M. Ciesla | 3:54:00 PM
BTOP RFI Comments of NENA | "Patrick Halley" <> | 3:53:00 PM
Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Strenkowski, Jeffrey R." <> | 3:49:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Motorola, Inc. | 3:48:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Checking the Status of Your Current Local Community EBS (2.5GHz) Spectrum License | 3:44:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Larry Goldberg, Jim Tobias | 3:44:00 PM
Joint Request of NTIA and RUS for Comments re 2009 Broadband Stimulus - Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Joshi, Meena" <> | 3:40:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Marc Goldburg | 3:40:00 PM
Filing | "Newson, Elizabeth" <> | 3:38:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Terry Nenaber | 3:36:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Don Cason | 3:30:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Larry Goldberg, Jim Tobias | 3:28:00 PM
Attempt to submit comment on Docket Number 090309298-9299-01 by ASSIA Inc. | "Peter J. Silverman" <> | 3:24:00 PM
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program ROI | bob rasul <> | 3:23:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ann Bishop | 3:22:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Julius Hollis | 3:21:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Heather E. Hudson | 3:21:00 PM
Garrett Coalition Broadband RFI Response 4-09 | "Frank Shap" <> | 3:21:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Charlotte Engel | 3:20:00 PM
Web Form Comment | William H. Johnson | 3:19:00 PM
WorldNet NTIA/RUS (final) | "Doane F. Kiechel" <> | 3:18:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Nicols Fox | 3:17:00 PM
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program ROI | "Bob" <> | 3:16:00 PM
Recovery Act Comments from Rural Telephone | | 3:12:00 PM
Comments - Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Becker, Rick" <> | 3:09:00 PM
Comments from the American Farm Bureau Re: Docket # 090309298-9299-01 | "Kendra Keller" <> | 3:07:00 PM
Breda Telephone Corp. Comments on Section 6001 of the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009 | "Jane Morlok" <> | 3:07:00 PM
Responses to the Joint Request for Information | "Ridgway, John [IUB]" <> | 3:07:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Dr. Gary Goff | 3:05:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Chuck Manto | 3:01:00 PM
AT&T Inc. Comments on Broadband Technology Opportunities Program | "BYRD, BRUCE R (Legal)" <> | 3:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Home Town Cable TV, LLC | 2:59:00 PM
Web Form Comment | C. Michael Lay | 2:59:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Governor's Office of Administration | 2:58:00 PM
BTOP Questions for RUS and NTIA | "Bill Boone" <> | 2:57:00 PM
(R)egistered: Docket No. 090309298-9299-01: TracFone Wireless, Inc. Comments | ""<> | 2:57:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Falguni Bhatt | 2:56:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Rob Raffety | 2:55:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Lawrence Zawalick | 2:55:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Consortium for School Networking/International Society for Technology in Education/National Educatio | 2:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Barbvara Kasoff | 2:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | GARY cooper | 2:51:00 PM
NTIA/RUS Docket 090309298-9299-01 (Comments of PAETEC) | "Haas, William" <> | 2:49:00 PM
NTIA/RUS Docket 090309298-9299-01 (Comments of TelePacific, Mpower and Arrival) | "Marilyn Ash" <> | 2:45:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ann Paonessa | 2:45:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ken Winters | 2:45:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Charles Benton | 2:44:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Carlson Wireless Technologies, Inc. | 2:43:00 PM
ZeroDivide Comments to NTIA on BTOP | "John Hoffman" <> | 2:33:00 PM
Fwd: Comments - ARRA | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 2:33:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Vernon Barmes | 2:28:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Diane Wells | 2:25:00 PM
Web Form Comment | John Bilda | 2:23:00 PM
NTIA/RUS Docket 090309298-9299-01 (Comments of RCN Corp.) | Teri McCarthy <> | 2:21:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Cheetah Wireless Technologies, Inc. | 2:19:00 PM
Web Form Comment | John Conley, Deputy Director | 2:18:00 PM
RFI Docket Number: 090309298-9299-01 | "Molloy, Janice" <> | 2:06:00 PM
NTCA submits Comments on Broadband Technology Opportunities Program, RUS Docket No. 090309298-9299-0 | "Rita Bolden" <> | 2:05:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Richard Senese, Ph.D. | 2:03:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Kent Williams | 1:56:00 PM
Web Form Comment | John Thatcher | 1:54:00 PM
Puerto Rico's Inclusion in BTOP | richard kochan <> | 1:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Shashi Gupta | 1:52:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Shashi Gupta | 1:51:00 PM
Comments of the WiMAX Forum | "Kubik Rob-P26788" <> | 1:51:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Nancy A Olson | 1:46:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Kathy Gates | 1:45:00 PM
Formal Input to NTIA/BTOP and USDA/RUS: Docket # 090309298-9299-01 | Frank Odasz <> | 1:45:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Embarq | 1:41:00 PM
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Broadband Initiatives | "John Stevens" <> | 1:37:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Michael Swack | 1:36:00 PM
General Communication Inc. Recovery Act Comments | "Alexander J. Bryson" <> | 1:34:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Rae DeMarce | 1:34:00 PM
ACEC comments attached -- Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Steve Hall" <> | 1:31:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sally Greenberg | 1:29:00 PM
BTOP Comments | "Loredo Sola" <> | 1:23:00 PM
Broadband Stimulus Jobs in America | | 1:21:00 PM
BTOP Written Comments Attached | "Stephanie Mohl" <> | 1:20:00 PM
stimulus package | Steven Schofield <> | 1:19:00 PM
Comments on Broadband Stimulus | "Susan Fowler" <> | 1:18:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Dylan Crouch | 1:18:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gregory Rosston | 1:16:00 PM
no subject | Paul Knobloch <> | 1:14:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Chuck Riley | 1:13:00 PM
Web Form Comment | John Stephens | 1:11:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Chuck Riley | 1:10:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Christopher Mitchell | 1:10:00 PM
Comments to NTIA and RUS of Premium Choice Broadband | "Landry, Andrew" <> | 1:08:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Natalie Seabolt | 1:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Smith Bagley, Inc. | 12:57:00 PM
Keep and create jobs in America | Natalie Schafer <> | 12:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | United States Cellular Corporation | 12:52:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gene A Felice II | 12:50:00 PM
Spend US tax dollars in the US!!! | "Sonja Rouillard" <> | 12:49:00 PM
Fwd: TIA Comments With NTIA on Broadband Stimulus Implementation | "Sheila Williams" <> | 12:47:00 PM
$7.2b in broadband stimulus funds | Sal Laracuente <> | 12:44:00 PM
Web Form Comment | sarah coyle | 12:43:00 PM
Comments of Spot On Networks, LLC | "Richard Sherwin" <> | 12:33:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Liz Zucco | 12:31:00 PM
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Broadband Initiatives-Request for Information-TelePulse Technologies Response | "Jess Posey" <> | 12:31:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Dick Grayson | 12:29:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Betty Adamson | 12:29:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gregg Vanderheiden | 12:25:00 PM
Web Form Comment | J.A. Perry | 12:25:00 PM
Web Form Comment | julie Schmidt | 12:20:00 PM
Stimulus for U.S. Buy American provision | Robert Brown <> | 12:19:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ricky A. Keeton | 12:14:00 PM
Web Form Comment | William A. Baird | 12:05:00 PM
NTIA-RUS Comments: Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Kristy Szabo" <> | 12:01:00 PM
BTOP ECFibernet Comments | "Pete Fellows" <> | 12:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Susan S Brown | 11:59:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Sherry Butler | 11:59:00 AM
Comments of the Michigan Public Service Commission | "Stephens, Cindy (DELEG)" <> | 11:58:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Randy Carpenter | 11:57:00 AM
public comment | "Maureen Schmittle" <> | 11:57:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Chad Johnston | 11:53:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Jeff Barnes | 11:46:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Cassie Robinson | 11:42:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Nebraska Rural Independent Companies | 11:40:00 AM
NTIA-RUS Comments: Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Kristy Szabo" <> | 11:39:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Tim Cutshaw | 11:27:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Mr. Rod Grimm | 11:23:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Response to NEBSA Comments - Use of 2.5GHz EBS-Based Wireless Facilities to Achieve BTOP Initiatives | 11:14:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Tammy Clemons | 11:09:00 AM
Stimulus program - "Buy in American" | martin urena <> | 11:09:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Doug Harvey | 11:07:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Harry Brooks | 11:03:00 AM
Fwd: question about saving comment pages | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 11:02:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Howard Lowe | 10:59:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Jeffrey Thorpe | 10:54:00 AM
Web Form Comment | William F Hutson | 10:54:00 AM
NTIA - RUS Comments: Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Kristy Szabo" <> | 10:53:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Response to NEBSA Comments - Use of 2.5GHz EBS-Based Wireless Facilities to Achieve BTOP Initiatives | 10:53:00 AM
Broadband stimulus funds | Jeff Dow <> | 10:52:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Daya | 10:40:00 AM
Stimulus | "Mark Machen" <> | 10:39:00 AM
NTIA-RUS Comments: Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Kristy Szabo" <> | 10:30:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Jayne S. Smith | 10:30:00 AM
FPL FiberNet comments | "Eckmann, David" <> | 10:20:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Tarkus Michael Murphy | 10:16:00 AM
Stimulus | Mike Shelton <> | 10:15:00 AM
NTIA-RUS Comments: Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "James Groft" <> | 10:07:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Nancy Adams | 10:04:00 AM
Keep Broadband Stimulus Jobs in America | Alberto <> | 10:04:00 AM
BUY AMERICAN | "AJ Passarella" <> | 10:02:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Geoff Daily | 10:01:00 AM
Help American Money stay in America - Buy American! | Jason D Cobb <> | 9:57:00 AM
Broadband Stimulus Package | RYAN WILSON <> | 9:41:00 AM
broadband stimulus funds - "Buy American" | J T <> | 9:39:00 AM
Broadband Stimulus | Keith Nauman <> | 9:39:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Peter J. Caldderon | 9:38:00 AM
Broadband Stimulus Package | Nancy Plants <> | 9:38:00 AM
Federal stimulus spending | matt Korbeck <> | 9:37:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Laura Ponder | 9:29:00 AM
Comments on the US Broadband Stimulus Package - Mandate a "Buy American" Policy -- PLEASE! | | 9:20:00 AM
Public comments on the 'broadband infrastructure project' | <> | 9:13:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Jay Barkey | 8:46:00 AM
Broadband Stimulus Bill | Kenneth Daniels <> | 8:42:00 AM
Submission of Public Comments - BTOP | "Shepherd, Tammi" <> | 8:41:00 AM
Stimulus Package - NO to taking manufacturing jobs offshore | Patti Carter <> | 8:41:00 AM
Fwd: Correspondence list | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 8:40:00 AM
Help to Keep Broadband Stimulus here in the USA! | Arthur Lytwyn <> | 8:40:00 AM
Fwd: BTOP Comments | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 8:38:00 AM
Fwd: Public comment formatting | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 8:37:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Mike Zhang | 8:29:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Sylvia Archer | 8:29:00 AM
important request | | 8:16:00 AM
The stimulus bill goal should be in sustaining and creating American jobs on US soil, not offshore | John Babson <> | 8:15:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Jerry Hardt | 8:09:00 AM
Buy American | Gina Martin <> | 8:03:00 AM
NTIA and RUS broadband funding | Scott Davis <> | 4:44:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Magdalena Hoersch | 2:54:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Tom Reid | 2:14:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Don S. Samuelson | 1:55:00 AM
Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | Mark Bayliss <> | 12:42:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Howard Teicher | 12:40:00 AM
Web Form Comment | paul feldman | 12:34:00 AM
buy American prodcuts in broadband stimulus program and creat American jobs!!! | billy meng <> | 12:26:00 AM
buy America in stimulus program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | "bill meng" <> | 12:26:00 AM

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Web Form Comment | Tracy Hendershott | 10:38:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Daniel W. Horton | 10:22:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ralph Reep | 10:15:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Michael Smeltzer | 9:26:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Brian Dabson | 9:10:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Tim Maylone | 9:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Cremin | 7:09:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Charles E. Walters, ASA | 7:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gary Lukowicz | 6:25:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jenifer Morgan | 6:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sharon Willen | 4:20:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Steve McDaniel | 3:21:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Russell E Rogers | 2:32:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Dick R. Segress | 1:33:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Chuck Sherwood | 1:03:00 PM
the stimulus bill's primary goal should stay in sustaining and creating American jobs. | JUAN A SEPULVEDA CARABALLO <> | 10:23:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Harry Hamil | 10:07:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Brook Goddard | 8:58:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Susan Broadhead | 12:51:00 AM
Web Form Comment | francois MANAVIT | 12:22:00 AM

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Web Form Comment | Rep. Jason Mumpower | 11:26:00 PM
Web Form Comment | County Mayor James L. Bailey, Jr. | 11:16:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Cindy Sage | 11:00:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Lewis Patrie | 10:55:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Fred Reese | 9:59:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Julia Borg | 8:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Marilyn O'Leary O'Shea | 7:23:00 PM
Web Form Comment | K. Timothy Cline | 7:16:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Margaret O'Nan | 6:34:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Alex Netherton | 6:31:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Hayden Kaden | 6:10:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jon Freeman | 5:41:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Penny Glancy | 4:24:00 PM
Web Form Comment | pat thibodeaux | 4:20:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Wendy Reid | 4:12:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gib Barrus | 4:06:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bruce Mulkey | 3:24:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Lynn Johnson | 2:28:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Greg Reynolds | 2:25:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Reginald A. D.Bezzola | 2:22:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Michelle Smith | 2:06:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Yvonne O. Myers | 1:55:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Pamela Poteet | 1:40:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Geoff Vorhees | 1:39:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Al Bessin | 1:03:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Frank Knott | 12:20:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Frank Knott | 11:40:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Jade Pierce | 11:38:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Larry Press | 11:36:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Thomas Terry | 11:21:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Neil Leach | 11:11:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Re AlphaStar WiMax/Satellite Network | 11:02:00 AM
Broadband Stimulus Comments | <> | 9:29:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Sten Gundersen | 9:11:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Warren Grafer | 8:13:00 AM
Comments of Embarq on the Joint Request for Information in Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Lanning, Jeffrey S[EQ]" <> | 3:18:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Elizabeth M.T. O'Nan | 1:55:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Pat Momich | 1:33:00 AM

Friday, April 10, 2009
Stimulus Package sending manufacturing jobs off shore? | Ralph <> | 11:59:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ted Spirakis | 11:38:00 PM
Broadband iniatiive comments | "James Smith" <> | 11:05:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Carl Evans | 10:25:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Penny Palenko | 10:16:00 PM
Web Form Comment | robert rodier | 10:13:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Hara | 10:08:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Julie Mansfield | 9:47:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jonathan Bentley | 9:23:00 PM
Web Form Comment | marcia bailey | 9:06:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Brian Messex | 8:51:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gerard M. Locke, Sr. | 8:44:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ben Hecht | 8:40:00 PM
Broadband Stimulas | | 8:39:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gerard M. Locke, Sr. | 8:33:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Alexis Gault | 8:13:00 PM
Web Form Comment | COMPTEL | 8:05:00 PM
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program Regulations | "Jim Clarke" <> | 7:40:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | 7:27:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sharon r. Woody | 7:25:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Freeman T. Clark | 6:58:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Baum | 6:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jen Leasure | 6:47:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ken LaDeroute | 6:43:00 PM
Web Form Comment | RODNEY CLAY SUTTON | 6:38:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Susan Estrada | 6:26:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joseph Danison | 6:22:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sree Tangella | 6:22:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mark Savage | 6:21:00 PM
Web Form Comment | David Lois | 6:10:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Dean Garfield | 6:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Rebecca Schuyler | 5:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Charles Firestone | 5:52:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Peggy Tibbits | 5:40:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Totsie Marine | 5:39:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Clearwire Corporation | 5:35:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sandy Scofield and Carol Farnham | 5:33:00 PM
Web Form Comment | George J. Horak | 5:33:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Danna MacKenzie, Director of Information Systems | 5:32:00 PM
Flow Mobile Comments on NTIA RUS Broadband Programs -- Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Schill, Robert" <> | 5:26:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Brock Hill | 5:24:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Win Southworth | 5:23:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Judith Major | 5:18:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Libbey Scheible | 5:16:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Tom Poe | 5:12:00 PM
Comment on Broadband Stimulus Plan | Shabbir Chowdhury <> | 5:09:00 PM
Broadband Stimulas Jobs | | 5:04:00 PM
Comments of Professor Scott Jordan on non-discrimination obligations | "Scott Jordan" <> | 5:04:00 PM
Buy American for Broadband stimulus program | <> | 4:59:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Intrado Inc. and Intrado Communications Inc. | 4:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ron Powell | 4:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | William J. Weber | 4:46:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Deb Burks | 4:43:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Wireless Internet Service Providers Association | 4:35:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Siemens Enterprise Communications | 4:30:00 PM
Covad's Comments NTIA/RUS Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Hansel, Anthony" <ahansel@Covad.COM> | 4:30:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jane Peebles | 4:23:00 PM
Comments of the Western Telecommunications Alliance - Word and Adobe Versions | "Gerard J. Duffy" <> | 4:21:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Barry Clark | 4:14:00 PM
Broadband Stimulus Programs - Buy American | Fatih Erdin <> | 4:12:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Lynn Cox | 4:06:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Andrea Arias Soto | 4:05:00 PM
Buy American Provisions | "Linda Lambert" <> | 4:05:00 PM
"Buy American" provisions to the broadband stimulus programs | Fabio Marques <> | 4:03:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Clark Tibbits | 4:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Brian Beaudet | 3:59:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Robert R Allen | 3:59:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Lois Henrickson | 3:58:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Spruce Knob Seneca Rocks Telephone, Inc. | 3:58:00 PM
Web Form Comment | NATOA Et. Al. | 3:51:00 PM
Broadband Stimulus Bill | | 3:49:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Matt A. Schmidt | 3:43:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sprint Nextel Corporation | 3:41:00 PM
Web Form Comment | mark radovich | 3:32:00 PM
Comments of Spruce Knob Seneca Rocks Telephone, Inc. | "Phyllis Whitten" <> | 3:31:00 PM
Fwd: not sure if my comments were filed appropriately | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 3:28:00 PM
Rural Broadband Initiative | <> | 3:18:00 PM
Notice of Ex Parte Meeting | "Karmarkar, Radhika" <> | 3:18:00 PM
Broadband Stimulus | Diana Carroll <> | 3:17:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Richard Grobschmidt | 2:53:00 PM
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Comments in Response to NTIA BTOP | Jill Nishi <> | 2:51:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Wally Bowen | 2:44:00 PM
Made in the U.S.A. ??? | | 2:37:00 PM
Stimulus comment | Gary Adams <> | 2:36:00 PM
Broadband Stimulus Letter | "Thomas Wilson" <> | 2:36:00 PM
COMMENTS TO NTIA 4-10-09 | "Evan Webster" <> | 2:34:00 PM
Help keep $4 billion in broadband stimulus jobs from going to Asia | ron chan <> | 2:27:00 PM
Buy American | "Troy Wells" <> | 2:23:00 PM
NARC Public Comment - Docket 090309298-9299-01 | "Shannon Menard" <> | 2:20:00 PM
STIMULATE AMERICA NOT ASIA! | Donna Loomis <> | 2:15:00 PM
Buy American | joe carter <> | 2:14:00 PM
Provision of stimulus program | | 2:07:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Dusan Janjic | 2:02:00 PM
Web Form Comment | GVNW Consulting, Inc. | 2:00:00 PM
Web Form Comment | GVNW Consulting, Inc. | 1:42:00 PM
Docket No. 090309298-9299-01, Consideration of Broadband Stimulus in ARRA | "Paul" <> | 1:35:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Steve Smith | 1:20:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Alyssa Clemsen | 1:09:00 PM
Keep the money in the US | "Dave McCarver" <> | 1:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Adam T. Drobot | 1:00:00 PM
Broadband Stimulus | "Vrolyk, Scot" <> | 12:55:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Betsy Maples | 12:35:00 PM
Web Form Comment | richard sims | 12:34:00 PM
GVNW filing in Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "J. SMITH" <JSmith@GVNW.COM> | 12:22:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Peter Swire | 12:20:00 PM
Broadband | "Randy Meese" <> | 12:20:00 PM
Web Form Comment | David Hazzard | 12:18:00 PM
Media Access Project comments re Recovery Act, Broadband Provisions | Parul Desai <> | 12:10:00 PM
Comments of Stratophone, LLC NTIA/RUS | "Doane F. Kiechel" <> | 12:02:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Michael McCoy | 11:48:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Gaetano Parrinello | 11:37:00 AM
Web Form Comment | W. Kenneth Ferree and Barbara Esbin | 11:22:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Eric Damman | 11:18:00 AM
Submission of comments [Docket No. 090309298-9299-01] | Peter Swire <> | 11:12:00 AM
Web Form Comment | The Telecommunications Industry Association | 10:53:00 AM
no subject | | 10:28:00 AM
U.S. stimulus | "Bob S." <> | 10:24:00 AM
Stimulus Plan/Broadband | "Wayne A. Nichols" <> | 10:18:00 AM
Buy American | "Chris Marsalis" <> | 10:02:00 AM
Stimulus Plan/Broadband | "Kathleen Nichols" <> | 9:47:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Feta Fernsler | 9:28:00 AM
BTOP | | 9:25:00 AM
BTOP Grants | Frank Civil <> | 9:08:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Tim D. Knight | 8:53:00 AM
RUS List of Materials? | "Mafnas, Joe - Washington, DC" <> | 6:50:00 AM
Recall: RUS List of Materials? | "Mafnas, Joe - Washington, DC" <> | 6:49:00 AM
RUS List of Materials? | "Mafnas, Joe - Washington, DC" <> | 6:48:00 AM
made in the usa | Rae Johnston <> | 6:04:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Afaq Sarwar | 3:16:00 AM
National internet stimulation | "art" <> | 12:41:00 AM

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Web Form Comment | Mike Dunne | 11:44:00 PM
Web Form Comment | John Sydney Yamane | 10:56:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Janet Newton | 10:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | John Sydney Yamane | 9:47:00 PM
Keep $4B in Broadband Stimullos Jobs From Going to Asis | "michael nolan" <> | 9:41:00 PM
Keep Broadband Stimulus Dollars Here in America !! | "Russell, Ron" <> | 9:32:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Lon Crosby | 9:28:00 PM
Support American Broadband Jobs | "Richard Smith" <> | 9:20:00 PM
State of Alaska BTOP comments attached (Word 2003 format) | "Kreinheder, Jack R (GOV)" <> | 9:12:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Nancy Krasne | 7:41:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ramiro S. Salazar | 7:35:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Doug Loranger | 6:18:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Juan Eugenio RodrĂ­guez de Hostos | 6:11:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Melissa Hargiss | 6:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Albert Zapanta | 5:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Alan Freece | 4:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Tony Langham | 4:27:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Senator Bill Ketron | 4:09:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jeffrey Beebe | 4:03:00 PM
Web Form Comment | eXtension Foundation | 4:00:00 PM
BTOP Comments - Docket Number: 090309298-9299-01 | "Jon Douglas - McLean" <> | 3:54:00 PM
JAB BTOP Comment Letter (NTIA) | "Jeff Kohler" <> | 3:40:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Douglas C. Anspach, Jr. | 3:36:00 PM
Comments re: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Broadband Initiatives | Kara Tollett Oakley <> | 3:14:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Cremin | 3:00:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Cremin | 2:56:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Cremin | 2:47:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ellen Bartlett | 2:47:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Cremin | 2:47:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Cremin | 2:46:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Cremin | 2:46:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Steven L. Stewart | 2:32:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Cremin | 2:29:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Milo Mecham | 2:24:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Yanira Cruz | 2:23:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sen. Reginald Tate | 2:17:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Thomas Hunter | 1:50:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Lawrence A. Jacobson | 1:30:00 PM
Web Form Comment | TN State Senator Jim Tracy | 1:18:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mark Crowe | 12:26:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Wireless Communications Association International, Inc. | 12:19:00 PM
Web Form Comment | David Chaffee | 12:16:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jenifer Simpson | 11:39:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Michelle Anderson | 11:39:00 AM
Web Form Comment | John G. Flores, Ph.D. | 11:35:00 AM
WCAI Comments | "Fred Campbell" <> | 11:21:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Michelle Anderson | 11:18:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Joe Cremin | 9:56:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Joe Cremin | 9:47:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Trystan Lecigne | 8:16:00 AM
Web Form Comment | John Rock | 1:18:00 AM

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Web Form Comment | Daryl Chansuthus | 10:36:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ronald A. Brown | 8:04:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Patrick Lanthier, Charles Brown & Larry Press | 7:43:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Frank Wiener | 7:21:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Donald Nelson | 6:55:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jessica L. Stoller | 6:11:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ken Dabkowski and Jerry Berman | 6:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Tim Marema | 5:59:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Steve Johnson | 5:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Marcus Bost | 5:24:00 PM
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program | "Rick Clark" <> | 5:02:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Karyne Jones | 4:50:00 PM
Web Form Comment | John A. Gabis, MD | 4:44:00 PM
Comments on Broadband Technology Opportunities Program | Wilma Rahn <> | 4:39:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Carl Douglas | 3:06:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mark Savage | 2:58:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joseph Freddoso | 2:37:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Karen Michalski-Karney | 2:32:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joseph Freddoso | 2:30:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Patrick Campbell | 2:02:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Carol Blackmon | 1:39:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Cremin | 1:22:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Cremin | 1:22:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Cremin | 1:20:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Cremin | 1:18:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Cremin | 1:17:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Cremin | 1:14:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Cremin | 1:08:00 PM
Fwd: FW: New Jersey Division of Rate Counsel's comments on Request for Information | "Bernadette McGuire-Rivera" <> | 12:46:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Leticia Van de Putte, R. Ph. | 12:37:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Leticia Van de Putte, R. Ph. | 12:36:00 PM
Web Form Comment | brent graden | 12:31:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Global Crossing | 12:12:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Michael L. LaFrance | 12:08:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jason Evans | 11:59:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Allen Hale | 11:56:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Daniel Stern | 11:46:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Robert H. Olding | 11:27:00 AM
Web Form Comment | nicholas szuberla | 11:26:00 AM
New Jersey Division of Rate Counsel's comments on Request for Information | "Christopher White" <> | 11:18:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Jaime Eli Schunkewitz | 11:17:00 AM
Web Form Comment | William Dusch | 11:13:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Craig DeMyer | 11:00:00 AM
Comments of WI Department of Commerce | "Stoller, Jessica L - COMMERCE" <> | 10:50:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Alan Wentnick | 7:34:00 AM

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Web Form Comment | Brad McMillen | 10:12:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Geralyn Lasiuk | 10:12:00 PM
BTOP Comments for NTIA | "John Tellis" <> | 7:36:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Victoria Jewett | 7:23:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Todd Caraher | 7:20:00 PM
Web Form Comment | BTOP correspondence list | 6:48:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Victor Pizzurro, Development & Planning Director - Town of Lamar | 6:37:00 PM
Comments of the Public Interest Spectrum Coalition on Grant Criteria | Mehan Jayasuriya <> | 5:11:00 PM
BTOP Comments of National EBS Association | "Gray, Todd" <> | 4:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | David Morrow | 4:02:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Stephanie Myers | 3:46:00 PM
Add BendTel to your correspondence list | "Clell Gibson" <> | 2:16:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Karen Kaplan | 2:15:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Pat Ford-Roegner | 2:03:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Elizabeth Barris | 1:31:00 PM
Web Form Comment | eXtension Foundation | 1:31:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Shawnda Henderson | 12:18:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mike Ridenour | 12:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jaynell Estes | 11:32:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Stephen Sharp | 11:28:00 AM
Broadband Grants Questions | "Rodney Gilchrist" <> | 10:56:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Gerard M Locke Sr. | 10:33:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Bruce Bartletlt | 9:39:00 AM
Comment on Docket No. 090309298-9299-01: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Broadband Initiatives | "bikerick" <> | 1:10:00 AM

Monday, April 6, 2009
Web Form Comment | ZeroDivide | 7:03:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Lynn Charlebois | 6:41:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Greg Goldman | 6:14:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Chris Miller | 5:27:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Kyle Coffman | 5:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Christine Morrow | 4:43:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Walt Lessun | 4:38:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Frederick L. Pilot | 3:51:00 PM
Fwd: Clarification | "Bernadette McGuire-Rivera" <> | 3:37:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ulysses Howard | 3:21:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Angela Flynn | 2:52:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Frank DeMike | 2:26:00 PM
public comments rural broadband | "Carl Buehler" <> | 2:23:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jerry Baxley | 1:07:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jerry Baxley | 12:09:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Brad Schuldt | 12:04:00 PM
Broadband Technologies grant/loan application | "John Roots" <> | 11:47:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Douglas Anspach | 10:44:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Kevin Anderson | 10:33:00 AM
Submission of Comments for BTOP Rulemaking | "Vickie Edwards" <> | 10:11:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Lew McDaniel | 9:58:00 AM
Correspondence List | "Jim Baller" <> | 9:30:00 AM
Web Form Comment | AlphaStar | 8:59:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Donna Burroughs, Principal | 8:37:00 AM

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Web Form Comment | William Langdon | 9:24:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ola Aiyegbusi | 8:43:00 PM

Saturday, April 4, 2009
Web Form Comment | Cynthia Wenzel Cole | 5:59:00 PM
Web Form Comment | John Wahba | 5:38:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Michael Armijo | 5:31:00 PM
Web Form Comment | John Wahba | 3:35:00 PM

Friday, April 3, 2009
Web Form Comment | Ali Shahnami | 7:19:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Chris McCormick | 6:31:00 PM
RE: Please include me on the email list for BTOP Capital Grant application | "Erik Levitt" <> | 5:29:00 PM
RE: Please include me on the email list for BTOP Capital Grant application | "Erik Levitt" <> | 5:28:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Susan Au Allen | 4:48:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Erica Jimenez | 3:54:00 PM
Please include me on the email list for BTOP Capital Grant application | | 3:46:00 PM
Web Form Comment | George Rogers III | 3:02:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Stacey K. Reed | 2:57:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Alisha Zeisig | 2:24:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Richard Wilder | 2:23:00 PM
comments of PCIA/The DAS Forum | Jacqueline McCarthy <> | 1:35:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Terri McElheny | 12:31:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Laurie Sutter | 10:51:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Kansas Corporation Commission | 10:26:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Public Utilities Commission of Ohio | 10:17:00 AM
Web Form Comment | National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners | 10:13:00 AM
Web Form Comment | National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners | 10:09:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Rich Cartwright | 7:58:00 AM
written comment submission from Zhone Technologies re: ARRA Broadband Initiatives | Steven Glapa <> | 1:52:00 AM

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Web Form Comment | James P. Donnelly | 9:19:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Dale Hancock | 8:25:00 PM
Web Form Comment | The FCC | 6:34:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Adriana | 3:14:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Adriana | 3:05:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Scott Stevens | 2:33:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Vince Zauskey | 1:00:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jennifer Rapp | 12:58:00 PM
Please add me to the correspondence list for BTOP..Thank you | JJ Hart <> | 11:28:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Lloyd D. Hartzell | 11:17:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Mike Norris | 11:10:00 AM
Notice of Grants Applications | "greaterjacksonvi" <> | 11:02:00 AM
RE: grant opportunities | "Mike Norris" <> | 10:58:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Kevin Anderson | 9:52:00 AM
Please add me to your Broadband Correspondence List | "Sparling, James" <> | 9:50:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Andy Lefgren | 9:46:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Lisa Davis | 8:22:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Brian LeSage | 2:54:00 AM
Web Form Comment | John Hasley | 2:45:00 AM

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Fw: Broadband grants to be available | | 9:19:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Eric Freesmeier | 5:55:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Anthony P | 5:47:00 PM
Re: Meeting April 20 - 22 | "Barbara Brown" <> | 3:20:00 PM
Meeting April 20 - 22 | "Oliver Meissner" <> | 2:57:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gene Stone | 2:29:00 PM
Grant Correspondence - Broadband Technology Opportunity Grant | "Anderson,Michelle" <> | 2:26:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Robert O'Brien | 1:16:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Linda Chastang | 1:01:00 PM
grant applicants | "Marino, Meghan" <> | 11:45:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Brad Bowman - | 11:11:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Ali Shahnami | 10:27:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Henry Razor | 8:58:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Charles Benton | 8:39:00 AM

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Web Form Comment | Craig Peterson | 8:43:00 PM
Broadband Updates | "Robertson, Janice" <> | 8:24:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Tony Fernandes | 8:09:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Benji Robinson | 6:58:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Daniel Berman | 4:49:00 PM
BTOP Meetings | Frantz Civil <> | 2:05:00 PM
Stratum Broadband Response to ARRA Request for Information | | 12:48:00 PM
updates | "Minter, Jonathan" <> | 12:31:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Dr. Constance Buck | 12:22:00 PM
Email Notification on Broadband Stimulus Update | "Randolph, Karen" <> | 11:16:00 AM
Please add me to your list for updates | "Wright-Feldman, Angel" <> | 11:14:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Gary LaFrancis | 11:13:00 AM
BTOP information | | 9:51:00 AM

Monday, March 30, 2009
Web Form Comment | Kimberly Jentzen | 8:06:00 PM
Web Form Comment | kevin | 6:59:00 PM
Doc Emailing Request | "Chris Perlitz" <> | 6:17:00 PM
Web Form Comment | jan boyer | 5:40:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Marisabel "Maria" Shahnami | 5:17:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jack Sroka | 12:31:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Wendimarie Haven | 11:33:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Leslie Lane | 11:00:00 AM
BTOP Funds | "V. Alas " <> | 9:19:00 AM
Grant application guidelines and correspondence | "Grace Egan" <> | 8:52:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Evelyn Savarin | 8:21:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Jennyroddick | 8:15:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Jennyroddick | 8:03:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Richard Bernat | 12:35:00 AM

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Web Form Comment | Evelyn Savarin | 1:57:00 PM

Saturday, March 28, 2009
Web Form Comment | SeniorNet | 11:02:00 PM
Web Form Comment | SeniorNet | 11:00:00 PM
Tribal recommendations on Broadband stimulus targeting and allocation | "Eric Jensen" <> | 3:24:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Kyrie Lizik | 2:15:00 PM

Friday, March 27, 2009
Web Form Comment | Leorah G. Marino | 4:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bob C Gold | 3:07:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Robert Richmond | 1:26:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Fiber-to-the-Home Council | 9:53:00 AM
Fwd: Comments for the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 9:43:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Frank Ohrtman | 7:58:00 AM

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Fwd: Open Internet Coalition Letter | "Mark Seifert" <> | 10:23:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Lucy Hackett | 9:39:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Larry Epperson | 5:39:00 PM
Comments of the Fiber-to-the-Home Council on RUS Broadband Stimulus Program | "Cohen, Thomas" <> | 4:09:00 PM
Web Form Comment | The Honorable Marge Kilkelly | 3:52:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jim Hinsdale - President | 3:30:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Camille Fidrych | 2:28:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Americans for Prosperity | 11:22:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Antonio Ruiz | 10:25:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Jerry D. Stephens | 6:02:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Jason Ingram | 5:26:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Michael P. Jowan | 1:23:00 AM

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Web Form Comment | Deswood Tome | 7:42:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joan Spencer | 4:54:00 PM
no subject | "John Crigler" <> | 4:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ronald Elliott | 3:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Native Public Media | 3:53:00 PM
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Broadband Initiatives | Bartlett D Cleland <> | 3:21:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Christopher Guttman-McCabe | 3:15:00 PM
Notice of Ex Parte | David Redl <> | 3:11:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Cheree Causey | 2:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bill Cadogan | 2:09:00 PM
BTOP brief comments and questions | "Gary LaFrancis" <> | 1:18:00 PM
broadband correspondence | "John Stevens" <> | 12:18:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Association of Communication Engineers | 11:17:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Traverse Technologies, Inc. | 10:30:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Traverse Technologies, Inc.; Miles R. Fidelman, Director of Government Programs | 10:28:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Traverse Technologies, Inc.; Miles R. Fidelman, Director of Government Programs | 10:19:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Catherine Kleiber | 10:05:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Ad Hoc Telecom Manufacturer Coalition | 10:05:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Leonore Gordon | 8:52:00 AM

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Web Form Comment | Scott Lazenby, City Manager, City of Sandy Oregon | 6:30:00 PM
Web Form Comment | George Rogers III | 5:06:00 PM
Public Comment - BTOP & RUS broadband stimulus programs - Sacred Wind Enterprises | "John Badal" <> | 4:15:00 PM
corespondence list please | "Alex Gyllstrom" <> | 3:14:00 PM
Web Form Comment | George Rogers III | 3:00:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Fred Fleming | 2:38:00 PM
Web Form Comment | XO Communications and Nextlink | 2:03:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jim Baker | 1:58:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Marsha Spellman | 1:56:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sally Hampton | 12:34:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Lelet Quinto Legaspi | 12:28:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ronald Jones | 12:15:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Charlie Hopper | 12:10:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sylvia Hampton | 11:49:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Steve Smith | 11:19:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Diane Schou | 11:01:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Mark Bayliss | 10:29:00 AM
Web Form Comment | James A. Kyle | 10:18:00 AM
Please add me to the correspondence list | "Graves, Tamera J (Tami Graves)" <> | 10:04:00 AM
Web Form Comment | National Broadband Infrastructure Partnership | 9:38:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Public Knowledge | 9:26:00 AM
Broadband Distribution List | Gene Waldenmaier <> | 8:51:00 AM
Web Form Comment | W Michael Bridge | 8:27:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Sean Pratt | 8:12:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Jeff Soules | 8:08:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Nora Elizabeth Cress | 8:08:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Tony Marsico | 7:45:00 AM

Monday, March 23, 2009
Web Form Comment | Tom Wilson | 10:05:00 PM
submittal from National Tribal Telecommunications Association | "Eric Jensen" <> | 5:24:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bryan Martin | 4:46:00 PM
CDFI's | Joshua Barrett <> | 4:14:00 PM
Web Form Comment | James Lefavour | 3:38:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Edward Anderson | 3:18:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Marsha Spellman | 2:55:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Dan Ambrosini | 2:37:00 PM
BTOPS -- Expertise and Employment | "Robert E. Smith" <> | 1:39:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joshua A. Barrett | 1:20:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Anthony Tull | 1:16:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jennie Angell | 1:04:00 PM
correspondence list | "Mara Peltz" <> | 12:55:00 PM
Web Form Comment | James Driessen | 12:36:00 PM
REQUEST to be added to mailing list | Bradly Couch <> | 12:27:00 PM
Webcast question for Brad Ramsey - NARUC | "kpearl0426" <> | 12:20:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Carolyn Orr | 12:00:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Amy Monaco | 10:10:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Marty Hoag | 10:03:00 AM
Public Comment Submittal | Anthony Tull <> | 9:38:00 AM
Discriminatory Practices | "Brad Bowman -" <> | 9:29:00 AM
NO VIDEO OR SOUND!!!!! March 23 2009 | "Karen Pearl" <> | 9:10:00 AM
Correspondence list | "Joy Ragsdale" <> | 9:07:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Alton E. Drew | 9:04:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Michael Tattersall | 8:31:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Curtis Walker | 8:19:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Paul Walken | 8:11:00 AM
Mapping Best Practices Comment via Stratsoft | Ann Howe <> | 8:10:00 AM
RE: BTOP Notice Request & Inquiry | | 6:30:00 AM
replacement submittal of National Tribal Telecommunications Association | "Eric Jensen" <> | 5:49:00 AM

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Broadband stimulus policy recommendations | "Eric Jensen" <> | 11:50:00 PM
BTOP white paper from the higher education community | Ed Lazowska <> | 10:42:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Darius Hudson | 11:31:00 AM

Friday, March 20, 2009
Web Form Comment | Tom Brady | 6:21:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Stephen Aguirre | 3:16:00 PM
Public Safety and BTOP Grants | Joy Citta <lpd429@CJIS.LINCOLN.NE.GOV> | 2:56:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Raul L. Katz | 2:46:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Charles Benton | 2:35:00 PM
broadband distro list | "Jones, Anthony V." <> | 2:20:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Victor Curfman | 1:46:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mathilde Benveniste, Ph.D. | 1:06:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mike Layne | 12:57:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Derald Kirkland | 12:55:00 PM
Web Form Comment | vpqxad | 12:34:00 PM
Broadband Communications | Steve Pennington <> | 12:10:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gary LaFrancis | 11:34:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Randy Finholt | 11:01:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Cynthia Vaughn | 10:42:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Barbara Deaux | 10:31:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Layton Olson | 10:29:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Free State Foundation | 9:21:00 AM
Comments for Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 - BTOP | "Randolph May" <> | 9:17:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Luisa Handem | 9:09:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Link Shadley | 8:11:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Lee Lichtenwalner | 5:48:00 AM

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Web Form Comment | Samuel Collins | 10:39:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ted Bogeman | 3:58:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Michael Blair | 3:15:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Walt Lessun | 3:14:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jeff Tamietti | 2:57:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Moderator | 1:13:00 PM
A difficult mission -- I'd like to help. | "Robert E. Smith" <> | 1:01:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Nickolaus E. Leggett | 1:00:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gregg R. Noble | 12:55:00 PM
Web Form Comment | michelle Lease | 12:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | | 12:36:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Michelle Lease | 12:33:00 PM
Web Form Comment | steve vogel | 10:57:00 AM
Web Form Comment | steve vogel | 10:33:00 AM
subscribe | "Sybil Anne Strimbu" <> | 10:14:00 AM
Question for the panel | Susan Estrada <> | 10:07:00 AM
Defining Broadband Future | "Brad Bowman -" <> | 10:02:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Bradley A. Moline | 10:01:00 AM
no subject | "Wicks, Kali" <> | 9:55:00 AM
BTOP-RUS Broadband SLA Definition | "Rob Franzo" <> | 9:19:00 AM

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Web Form Comment | Joe Cremin | 11:57:00 PM
Web Form Comment | David Russell | 10:50:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bruce McFadden | 9:39:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bruce McFadden | 9:39:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bruce McFadden | 9:39:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bob Macioch | 9:27:00 PM
RE: Broadband Stimulus Funding | Edrichus Sykes <> | 9:27:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Steve Vogel | 8:53:00 PM
For Mr. Silverman | "Rob Franzo" <> | 8:33:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Steve Dallas | 7:33:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Art Brothers | 6:02:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Beehive telephone co. inc. | 5:51:00 PM
Fw: NASUCA follow-up to 2/26/09 letter | "Bernadette McGuire-Rivera" <> | 5:13:00 PM
Web Form Comment | John Morgan, U.S. citizen | 4:22:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Brent Martin | 3:14:00 PM
Web Form Comment | New Source Broadband | 3:12:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Robert B. Elliott | 3:02:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Independent Telephone and Telecommunications Alliance | 2:58:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Buck Graham | 2:40:00 PM
Please add us to the contact list for broadband -- thank you | Paula Argento <> | 2:35:00 PM
My first public comments for BTOP | "Walt Lessun" <> | 2:17:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Walt Lessun | 1:59:00 PM
Fwd: Re: NTIA Broadband Grant Oversight | "Bernadette McGuire-Rivera" <> | 1:11:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jennifer K. Magar | 1:10:00 PM
Fwd: USTelecom Letter to NTIA and RUS re Broadband Stimulus | "Bernadette McGuire-Rivera" <> | 12:57:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Harold Oster | 12:40:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Brian Standing, Senior Planner | 12:20:00 PM
Response to Federal Registry Questions - Broadband | Steve Smith <> | 11:32:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Dr. Charles N. Judice | 11:30:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Luis Echenique | 8:16:00 AM
Comment on BTOP from Mendocino, California | "Shirley Freriks" <> | 3:55:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Rim Semiconductor | 2:23:00 AM
Rural Broadband | Global Blockade <> | 1:39:00 AM
Web Form Comment | VINCENT D MCBRIDE | 12:09:00 AM

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Web Form Comment | Chadd Thompson | 9:52:00 PM
Ref. Ganhe Dinheiro via Internet | "Ganhar Online" <> | 9:42:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gerard Locke | 9:36:00 PM
Web Form Comment | chuck mccown | 9:03:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mala Murali | 8:59:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jay Fuller | 8:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | eric peterson | 8:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bruce McFadden | 8:36:00 PM
A question from RuMBA USA | Luisa Handem <> | 8:32:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Art Brothers | 8:17:00 PM
Suggestion on how to determine unserved / underserved | "Jay Fuller - Cyber Broadband Inc" <> | 7:49:00 PM
unserved areas | P D Coady <> | 7:45:00 PM
Defintions | "Dave Rusin" <> | 7:42:00 PM
Web Form Comment | James Lightfoot w/ ACRS 2000 Corp. | 7:39:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bruce McFadden | 7:23:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bruce McFadden | 7:23:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Marilyn Emerzian | 6:59:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bruce McFadden | 5:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Bruce McFadden | 5:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Garland Walton | 5:39:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jim Hayes, President, The Fiber Optic Association, Inc. | 5:21:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jon Kelley | 3:39:00 PM
information | "Close, Colin" <> | 3:29:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Chuck Bartosch | 2:58:00 PM
please add me to the distribution list | "Ellyn M. Ito" <> | 1:27:00 PM
Ref. Ganhe Dinheiro via Internet | "Ganho Seguro" <> | 12:47:00 PM
Broadband | "Harmon, Paul (MDIT)" <> | 9:12:00 AM
Correspondence List | "Jessica E. Kelly" <> | 8:21:00 AM
Web Form Comment | William Wells jr. | 5:23:00 AM
Web Form Comment | William Wells Jr. | 5:13:00 AM
Web Form Comment | William Wells Jr. | 4:55:00 AM

Monday, March 16, 2009
Web Form Comment | Dudley Lewis | 11:56:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Crile Carvey | 10:43:00 PM
Broadband Stimulus Comments | "Mark Fisher" <> | 8:14:00 PM
Web Form Comment | arnold m nelson | 7:46:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Kathy Bishop | 6:01:00 PM
correspondence list addition | Avonnet Peeler <> | 5:53:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mike Mathiesen | 4:50:00 PM
USTelecom Letter to NTIA and RUS re Broadband Stimulus | "Joshi, Meena" <> | 4:28:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Robert T. Franzo | 3:15:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jennifer K. Magar | 3:15:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gregg Noble | 3:10:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Marsha Spellman | 3:10:00 PM
Web Form Comment | woman who represents libraries | 3:05:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Charlie Parker | 2:51:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gregg R. Noble | 2:50:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Farid Ben Amor | 2:42:00 PM
Web Form Comment | community broadband, llc | 2:31:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jeffry Fawcett, PhD | 2:24:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gregg R. Noble | 2:20:00 PM
Web Form Comment | John Scrivner | 2:15:00 PM
BTOP correspondence. | "Darrel Kirkland" <> | 1:54:00 PM
Broadband Deployment and Expansion | "Knizacky, Fabian" <> | 1:51:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gerard Locke | 1:49:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Tim McAfee | 1:42:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Dan Gallagher | 1:22:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Daniel Gallagher | 1:19:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Tim Hohman | 12:54:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Henry Queiro | 12:47:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Martha Huizenga | 12:46:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Richard Bell | 12:42:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Tim Hohman | 12:38:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Christopher Sullivan | 12:34:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Steve Vogel | 12:26:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Doane Kiechel | 12:19:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Gerard Locke | 12:10:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Larry Karisny, Director, ProjectSafety | 12:05:00 PM
Fwd: BTOPs form | "NTIAHelpDesk NTIAHelpDesk" <> | 11:43:00 AM
BTOP Mailing List | tim janak <> | 11:43:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Jennifer K. Magar | 11:39:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Matthew R. Rantanen | 11:28:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Todd Murren | 11:16:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Teresa Wilke | 11:13:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Nevada Telecommunications Association | 11:05:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Catherine Settanni | 10:56:00 AM
request to be added to the broadband correspondence list | maryam owrang <> | 10:56:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Andrew Cardin | 10:54:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Gregg R. Noble | 10:45:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Gregg R. Noble | 10:26:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Amy Dillon - GAW High-Speed Internet | 10:24:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Gregg R. Noble | 10:19:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Carol E. Mershon | 10:16:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Jina Hyun | 10:15:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Tim Hohman | 10:13:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Amy Dillon - GAW High-Speed Internet | 10:13:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Mary Brown | 10:08:00 AM
Question for Sasha/BTOP Panelists | "Brad Bowman -" <> | 9:37:00 AM
Web Form Comment | W. David Taylor | 9:33:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Jim Hinsdale | 8:14:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Diane Schou | 7:47:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Sharon Versteeg | 5:35:00 AM

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Web Form Comment | George Mario Cohen Jr. | 11:40:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Betty Loftin | 11:26:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Edward M. Silvercloud | 11:15:00 AM
List Request | Kelley Boan <> | 6:59:00 AM
Please add me to the correspondence list for the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) | Stuart Lipson <> | 6:39:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Joseph Lorkovic | 1:11:00 AM

Friday, March 13, 2009
Question for March 16 public meeting re broadband initiatives | "Doane F. Kiechel" <> | 5:13:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Joe Onley | 5:07:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Richard Stankiewicz | 5:03:00 PM
ARRA / BTOP | Doug Hodnett <> | 4:19:00 PM
BTOP Correspondence List | "Jami Kubacki" <> | 3:21:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Sherry Siclair | 1:58:00 PM
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) | angela flynn <> | 1:53:00 PM
Please add me to the correspondence list for the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program | "Douglas Adams" <> | 1:34:00 PM
Comments For Review - 2009 Recovery Act Broadband Initiatives | "Hurley, Michael" <> | 1:25:00 PM
no subject | "Robertson, Valerie" <> | 12:30:00 PM
Applications for Grants | "Becky Petrini" <> | 11:53:00 AM
BTOP Correspondence List | "Gloria Osborn" <> | 10:05:00 AM
BTOP Updates | "Joseph Taylor" <> | 8:36:00 AM

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Interest in Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) | Richard Bell <> | 7:47:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Karla Volpi | 6:02:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Frederick L. Pilot | 5:04:00 PM
Filing for Comments NTIA - BTOP - Docket No. 090309298-9299-01 | "Micah Singer" <> | 4:55:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mark Adams | 3:12:00 PM
Fwd: Incoming Broadband Correspondence | "James Wasilewski" <> | 2:32:00 PM
FCC Licensing Alert Issue !!! | | 1:47:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Robert LaRose | 1:16:00 PM
Archive Video 3/10/09 | "Lindsay Wolters" <> | 1:00:00 PM
Informational List Request | "Wicks, Kali" <> | 11:17:00 AM
Broadband Grant Question | "Floyd, Trevor" <> | 8:06:00 AM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Web Form Comment | Kim Lea Bassett | 9:32:00 PM
correspondence list | P D Coady <> | 8:39:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Ronald Carter | 7:13:00 PM
Correspondence List | "Jerel Nelsen" <> | 4:07:00 PM
Broadband Correspondence List | Andrea Ginsky <> | 2:43:00 PM
Question/Comment | "Lanny J. Harris, PE" <> | 12:56:00 PM
please add me to your email list etc. | Jenifer Simpson <> | 12:27:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Jaideep Chawla | 12:22:00 PM
CONSILIO Meeting? | | 12:02:00 PM
Fwd: Underlying basis for proposed rules | "Bernadette McGuire-Rivera" <> | 12:00:00 PM
Re: Request for Group Meeting | "Barbara Brown" <> | 11:51:00 AM
Request for Group Meeting | "Ross Lieberman" <> | 11:21:00 AM
Web Form Comment | Steven S. Ross, Editor/Masha Zager, Deputy Editor | 9:52:00 AM

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Web Form Comment | Melvin Brewton | 11:42:00 PM
Low Income Grant Policy | | 10:09:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Theresa Kennedy | 9:54:00 PM
information, please | "Janet Adams" <> | 9:45:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Louis DiLiberto | 4:55:00 PM
Web Form Comment | Mindi Burnett | 4:25:00 PM
BTOP | "Elisabeth Tweedie" <> | 4:11:00 PM
Correspondence list for BTOP | "Farid E. Ben Amor" <> | 3:30:00 PM
Today's 2pm Broadband development Teleconference | "Rich Fiore" <> | 2:49:00 PM
Updated on progress and additional inforamation concerning Broadband grants, etc. | "Michael Favors" <> | 2:45:00 PM
Archive of webcasted puiblic meeting 3/10/09 | Chris Holt <> | 2:26:00 PM
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program - Public Meeting 3/10/09 | "Casey Gayer" <> | 2:18:00 PM
Public Meeting on the Broadband Initiative in the ARRA | "Melody Foster" <> | 2:09:00 PM
add to correspondence list | | 1:33:00 PM
transcript from todays webcast | "E S Butler" <> | 12:30:00 PM
BTOP correspondence list | Sean McLaughlin <> | 12:24:00 PM
broadband stimulus act. | "Jim Lindsey" <> | 11:59:00 AM
listserver? | "Mark Bloom" <> | 11:54:00 AM
Public Meeting on Broadband Initiatives | "Dodds, Kady" <> | 11:49:00 AM
today's broadband meeting- replay available? | "Marty Dougherty" <> | 11:46:00 AM
Access | "Ken Pavloski" <> | 11:44:00 AM
Correspondence List | "Kreucher, Jon D." <> | 11:11:00 AM
btop | "Sandi Snow" <> | 11:06:00 AM
BTOP AUDIT OPPORTUNITIES | "Rod McLane" <> | 11:03:00 AM
List | "Mike Hammett" <> | 10:56:00 AM
public meeting re-watch | "Clayton, Lauren [IGOV]" <> | 10:52:00 AM
Correspondence list | "Greg Keith" <> | 10:50:00 AM
Transcript of BroadBand meetings | "Gene McLain" <> | 10:48:00 AM
Transcript | "Galen Hawkens" <> | 10:46:00 AM
BTOP Correspondence List | "Purdy, Jeff" <> | 10:42:00 AM
FW: Question Reference Boradband Initiatives int he American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 | "Johnson, Tom M" <> | 10:42:00 AM
RE: Question | "Bob Silverman" <> | 10:41:00 AM
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) | "Carlson, Andrew" <> | 10:36:00 AM
Excellent webcasting!!! | Judy Hallman <> | 10:35:00 AM
BTOP requests | "Berner, Cynthia" <> | 10:34:00 AM
Please rebroadcast the webcast | "Leigh Ann Spellman" <> | 10:34:00 AM
Broadband Stimulus Plan | "Duet, Tony" <> | 10:33:00 AM
Add to Correspondence list | "Clark Johnson" <> | 10:33:00 AM
correspondence list | Karen Peltz Strauss <> | 10:32:00 AM
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act | "Wells, Terry L" <> | 10:32:00 AM
Re: Streaming of Kickoff was unavailable | "Driessen" <> | 10:32:00 AM
Broadband Stimulus Funding | Edrichus Sykes <> | 10:30:00 AM
coordinated projects between NTIA & RUS | "Nicholas Miller" <> | 10:29:00 AM
Small Business question | "Bruce Jones" <bruce@WPSINC.COM> | 10:29:00 AM
correspondence list | "Barham, Elizabeth" <> | 10:29:00 AM
Broadband question | Steven Sugg <> | 10:28:00 AM
no subject | "Esteves, Norberto - Washington, DC" <> | 10:27:00 AM
Design & Engineering will become paramount | "Gordon Caverly" <> | 10:26:00 AM
Definition of Broadband? | "Dominic A. Henderson" <> | 10:26:00 AM
comment for public meeting panel | "Barham, Elizabeth" <> | 10:25:00 AM
question to live btop conference | "Dave Mason" <> | 10:24:00 AM
written materials | Glenn Blackmon <> | 10:24:00 AM
Companies | "Karl Medina" <> | 10:24:00 AM
Question for Panel | "Kevin Bagheri" <> | 10:23:00 AM
RE: Question for NTIA/RUS/FCC Webinar | "Johnson, Kathy" <> | 10:23:00 AM
Education Funds for Broudband Deployment | "Mike Bubak" <> | 10:23:00 AM
Fw: rural communities that will be left out | "Ron Elliott" <> | 10:21:00 AM
Question From District of Columbia Government | "Nahmias, Ayanna (OCTO)" <> | 10:21:00 AM
Question for NTIA/RUS/FCC Webinar | "Johnson, Kathy" <> | 10:20:00 AM
Correspondence List | "David L. Dyer" <> | 10:19:00 AM
Telecommunications Engineering & Design | "Gordon Caverly" <> | 10:19:00 AM
question for webcast | "Matt Leszynski" <> | 10:19:00 AM
Grant Program Comment | "John Pierson MLEC Engineering/Technology Manager" <> | 10:19:00 AM
Question on ARRP from webcast | "Guilford, Matthew" <> | 10:19:00 AM
Question from Washington State | "Gary Ivory" <> | 10:19:00 AM
question | Karen Peltz Strauss <> | 10:19:00 AM
Spectrum Homesteading | John Scrivner <> | 10:19:00 AM
Question | Neil Brown <> | 10:18:00 AM
rural broadband | Joan Minor <> | 10:18:00 AM
broadband question - speed | Tim Ganschow <> | 10:18:00 AM
I can't get submit a ? on the teleconference line.. | Dan Lubar <> | 10:17:00 AM
Questions for the Panel Today | "Valcourt, Scott" <> | 10:17:00 AM
Joint NTIA/USDA Proposal | "Caskey, Neil" <> | 10:16:00 AM
Question | "Neil Mulholland" <> | 10:16:00 AM
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) | "David Hunt" <> | 10:15:00 AM
Streaming of Kickoff was unavailable | "Driessen" <> | 10:15:00 AM
Broadband grant question re: interoperability and public safety | <> | 10:15:00 AM
FW: Broadband question | James Bush <> | 10:15:00 AM
Small Business Financing | "Eric Rogers" <> | 10:15:00 AM
question | lee samowitz <> | 10:14:00 AM
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) | "David Hunt" <> | 10:13:00 AM
Wimax | "Jim Powers" <> | 10:13:00 AM
Question: Patrick Pearlman, WV Consumer Advocate Division | "Pearlman, Patrick" <> | 10:13:00 AM
Matching Funds | Timothy McDonald <> | 10:13:00 AM
Grant Questions | "Bill Shannon" <> | 10:12:00 AM
Please add me to the correspondence list to receive more information on the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program as available | "Joe Barr" <> | 10:12:00 AM
Highway - Fiber Link | "Dan Gallagher" <> | 10:12:00 AM
FW: Acquisition of Infrastructure | Jerry Stephens <> | 10:11:00 AM
please add me | "Gillett, Sharon (DTC)" <> | 10:11:00 AM
Correspondence List for BTOP | "Randy Eckels" <> | 10:11:00 AM
question | "Lynne E. Bradley" <> | 10:11:00 AM
no subject | "Vance Gadd" <> | 10:11:00 AM
Available info on existing broadband services | Rplalor <> | 10:10:00 AM
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) | "David Hunt" <> | 10:10:00 AM
Question for today's BTOP meeting | "Baker, Jim" <> | 10:09:00 AM
Question for NTIA webcast | "Matt Leszynski" <> | 10:08:00 AM
Question for the NTIA Web cast | "Dale Alverson" <> | 10:08:00 AM
Broadband Question | "Berquist, Lon" <> | 10:07:00 AM
Proposal Priority | Franklin Cumberbatch <> | 10:06:00 AM
Join Correspondence List... | Tolly Marcus <> | 10:06:00 AM
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program | "David Hunt" <> | 10:05:00 AM
Join the correspondence list | Susan Estrada <> | 10:04:00 AM
Open access question | Dave Lamie <> | 10:04:00 AM
Broadband Mapping | "Andy Laudick" <> | 10:04:00 AM
correspondence list | "Chris T. Stearns" <> | 10:04:00 AM
question | | 10:03:00 AM
Request to Join The Correspondence | "Jay Weber" <> | 10:03:00 AM
Broadband Grant Programs | | 10:02:00 AM
Add to correspondence list | "Carey Smouse" <> | 10:02:00 AM
Streaming interrupted: transcript available? | "Shaffer, Allen" <> | 10:01:00 AM
Question for today's meeting | "Baker, Jim" <> | 10:01:00 AM
*Webcast Question: MWBE/SDB Business Inclusion... | "Derek E. Brooks" <> | 10:01:00 AM
Minority Business | Franklin Cumberbatch <> | 10:01:00 AM
no subject | "Conference" <> | 9:59:00 AM
question for Broadband TOP | "Lowrey, Bo C" <> | 9:59:00 AM
Question about rights-of-way | "John Windhausen" <> | 9:58:00 AM
Low Income Grant Policy | | 9:57:00 AM
Broadband Stimulus Funding | Steven Schultz <> | 9:56:00 AM
Question | "Bob Silverman" <> | 9:55:00 AM
Will grants be available to reach the Internet Gateway | | 9:55:00 AM
no subject | Ken Dick <> | 9:54:00 AM
Current small providers question ISP/WISP | Stephen Lane <> | 9:54:00 AM
Question- public meeting BOTP | "Neeta Sane" <> | 9:54:00 AM
Question for NTIA Webcast Underway Now | "Elizabeth Jenkins" <> | 9:53:00 AM
Acquisition of Infrastructure | Jerry Stephens <> | 9:52:00 AM
Public meeting | "John Hoffmann" <> | 9:52:00 AM
Question for NTIA Meeting | laura <> | 9:52:00 AM
Request to join the correspondence list for the BTOP | "Ken Bahr" <> | 9:52:00 AM
Question for today's Meeting of NTIA's Broadband Technology Opportunities Program | John Daley <> | 9:52:00 AM
Question for BTOP Meeting/Webcast | "William Bryan" <> | 9:51:00 AM
Question for conference | "Forbes Mercy" <> | 9:51:00 AM
Streaming Problems | John Scrivner <> | 9:51:00 AM
Question From Video Streaming Land :) | The Mooseman <> | 9:51:00 AM
Broadband Grant Question | "Stern, Marty" <> | 9:51:00 AM
Public Safety funding in NTIA Stimulus grant program | Amiee Alden <> | 9:50:00 AM
Subscribe | Marvin Golden <> | 9:50:00 AM
Broadband Grant | "John Beck" <> | 9:50:00 AM
no subject | "Hershberg, Dave" <> | 9:49:00 AM
Request to be added to BTOP correspondence list | "Hohman, Anne Kathryn" <> | 9:49:00 AM
question | <> | 9:49:00 AM
Question for NTIA | | 9:49:00 AM
Question for NTIA Broadband Meeting | "Adams, Mark S (IS)" <> | 9:49:00 AM
Question for Webcast | Scott Stevens <> | 9:49:00 AM
Public Meeting Question | "Tareia Williams" <> | 9:49:00 AM
Question for public meeting | <> | 9:49:00 AM
Definitions | "Gibson, Mark" <> | 9:49:00 AM
Interagency alignment | "Rheuban, Karen S *HS" <> | 9:48:00 AM
Question | "Paul Feldman" <> | 9:48:00 AM
no subject | "Gary Shields" <> | 9:48:00 AM
Question | "Charles Davidson" <> | 9:47:00 AM
broadband grant question: | "Verlyn Veldhouse" <> | 9:47:00 AM
question for Broadband Meeting 3-10-09 | Tina Mooring <> | 9:47:00 AM
Questions | "Tatum Martin" <> | 9:47:00 AM
question about rural | "Morris 1" <> | 9:47:00 AM
Add me to your mailing list | Catherine Settanni <> | 9:47:00 AM
question | "William Zayas" <> | 9:47:00 AM
Innovation vs the culture of public funding | "Frank Miller" <> | 9:47:00 AM
Transcript from hearing | "Buehler, Vincent@OHS" <> | 9:46:00 AM
Correspondence List | "Cox, William P." <> | 9:45:00 AM
BB Public Program Text`Streaming | "Mala Muralidharan" <> | 9:44:00 AM
States | "Donald Evans" <> | 9:44:00 AM
please add me to the correspondence list | Debra Canale <> | 9:43:00 AM
Broadband Meeting Question - Urban, Suburban & Rural (underserved) Markets | "Brad Bowman -" <> | 9:42:00 AM
Grant vs loan Question | Stephen Lane <> | 9:41:00 AM
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program - Public Meeting 3/10/09 | "Murray, Nancy" <> | 9:41:00 AM
BTOP correspondence list | "Chard, Thomas A (HSS)" <> | 9:39:00 AM
Please add me on the correspondence list for the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) | "Gary Gaessler" <> | 9:37:00 AM
Request to join coorespondence list | "Beenhouwer, Brian" <> | 9:36:00 AM
join BTOP correspondence list | | 9:35:00 AM
Is attendance at the public meetings mandatory to qualify for the grants and will there be webcast access to this meetings? | "Gerald A. Jones" <> | 9:34:00 AM
Please Add Me To Your Correspondence List! | | 9:33:00 AM
collaboration | James Nice <> | 9:32:00 AM
Correspondence List for the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP), | "Mahoney, Jane" <> | 9:32:00 AM
join the correspondence list for the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program | "Kucharczuk, Bernadette" <> | 9:30:00 AM
No Video or Sound | "Tolson, Walter L" <> | 9:29:00 AM
Correspondence list for BTOP | "Baker, Jim" <> | 9:26:00 AM
Please Add our Company to the Broadband Correspondence Information List... | "Derek E. Brooks" <> | 9:25:00 AM
Correspondence List | "Pam McBride" <> | 9:25:00 AM
Please add me to btop list | Helen Brunner <> | 9:25:00 AM
Correspondence List | John Redding <> | 9:24:00 AM
BTOP correspondence list | Stephen Lane <> | 9:23:00 AM
Add to List | Jeff Kuhns <> | 9:18:00 AM
Questions re Broadband Stimulus | "Donald Evans" <> | 9:18:00 AM
Add to Broadband Correspondence List | "Shaffer, Allen" <> | 9:17:00 AM
Correspondence List | "Tess McCrudden" <> | 9:16:00 AM
Streaming Meeting...w | "Eric Noble" <> | 9:16:00 AM
video/text issues... | "Baker, Jim" <> | 9:14:00 AM
Request to Join Correspondence List for BTOP | "Lindsay Videnieks \(Lawrence\)" <> | 9:14:00 AM
Re: Question for broadband meeting tomorrow. | Karen Miller <> | 9:13:00 AM
Questions from GAW in rural, underserved Vermont | Amy Dillon <> | 9:13:00 AM
BTOP Mailing List | <> | 9:12:00 AM
LIVE WEBCAST | "Becky Kilpatrick" <> | 9:12:00 AM
Please add me to the correspondence list | Rich Amons <> | 9:11:00 AM
Correspondence List | Sandie & David <> | 9:11:00 AM
This Morning's Webcast | "Nelson, Teresa" <> | 9:10:00 AM
I'm on the website but have no video. Please help.... | "Michael Tracy-Ireland" <MIRELAND@MAIL.NYSED.GOV> | 9:08:00 AM
BTOP | "Rochus, Stefan" <> | 9:07:00 AM
information | "Verlyn Veldhouse" <> | 9:05:00 AM
BTOP Program | "Scott Smith" <> | 9:05:00 AM
question regarding ex parte broadband meetings | Therese Mageau <> | 9:04:00 AM
LiVE WEbcast Today at 10:00 am eastern | "Libbert, Sara" <> | 9:04:00 AM
Submit questions | "Lonnie Leger" <> | 9:03:00 AM
Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program | "Wells, Doug" <> | 9:03:00 AM
Broadband question | "Gary LaFrancis" <> | 9:03:00 AM
Please add me to your correspondence list | "Kevin Knuth" <> | 9:02:00 AM
Correspondence | Gage Lewis <> | 8:58:00 AM
add to correspondence list | "Brandie Allen-Rezac" <> | 8:57:00 AM
BTOP | "Paul DeWolfe" <> | 8:57:00 AM
BTOP | "Lahr, Robert" <> | 8:53:00 AM
FW: Question for March 10 Meeting on Broadband Initiatives | "Doane F. Kiechel" <> | 8:50:00 AM
request to join correspondence list | Larry Vaden <> | 8:50:00 AM
BTOP for Vermont | "Campbell, Chris" <> | 8:49:00 AM
Broadband Stimulus | "Peterson, Darin" <> | 8:49:00 AM
NTIA BTOP correspondence list | Tom Gleason <> | 8:46:00 AM
Ref: Public Hearing and Request "correspondence list for the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP)" | "Jack McCoy" <> | 8:41:00 AM
Request to join the correspondence list | Brian Josef <> | 8:33:00 AM
BTOP | "Tom Moylan" <> | 8:30:00 AM
Correspondence List | "Coley, Maurita" <> | 8:29:00 AM
email distribution list | "Sorenson, Lori" <> | 8:29:00 AM
request to be added to correspondence list | "Whitney, Kate" <> | 8:24:00 AM
list | Brenda Green <> | 8:23:00 AM
Question Reference Boradband Initiatives int he American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 | "Johnson, Tom M" <> | 8:07:00 AM
request to join the correspondence list for BTOP | "Lowrey, Bo C" <> | 7:38:00 AM