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Department of Human Services

Programs & Initiatives



The Oregon Arthritis Program worked closely with the Oregon Arthritis Advisory Council to develop a statewide Arthritis Action Plan that is being implemented in collaboration with partners from professional and community organizations, state and local agencies, and interested citizens. The Program has a strong focus on promoting and supporting self-management and physical activity.

The Oregon Asthma Program works with partners from the public and private sectors to ensure that all Oregonians with asthma receive optimal medical care, to develop an asthma tracking system for Oregon, and to ensure that people with asthma have the information and skills they need to manage their disease.

Oregon State Cancer Registry (OSCaR) - This program collects and analyzes data on newly diagnosed cancer cases across the state. Program goals are to provide data on cancer in Oregon for policy makers and programs to target cancer prevention and control efforts, and to collaborate with researchers on cancer causes, treatment and control studies.

Oregon Partnership for Cancer Control - This program assesses the burden of cancer in Oregon and works with partners to develop statewide goals, objectives and strategies to reduce the incidence and mortality due to cancer. The Oregon Partnership for Cancer Control has been formed to develop and implement a statewide comprehensive cancer control plan for Oregon. The plan addresses the full cancer continuum, from prevention and early detection, through treatment, rehabilitation and palliative services.

The Oregon Diabetes Program is designed to broaden the understanding of diabetes and its complications and to increase the number of Oregonians with diabetes who practice self-management and receive clinical preventive services. Goals are accomplished through collaborative projects with county health departments; community groups; and health care providers, plans and purchasers. A statewide action plan guides collaborative projects and guidelines promoting high quality clinical preventive services that are used by health plans and providers across the state.

Heart Disease and Stroke
This program assesses the burden of cardiovascular diseases and works with partners to develop statewide goals, objectives and strategies to reduce the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes through control of risk factors, and to ensure high quality treatment and rehabilitation services. A Heart Disease and Stroke Advisory Council has been formed to develop and implement a statewide plan to reduce the burden from these leading causes of death and disability for Oregonians.

Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity
The Oregon Physical Activity and Nutrition Program teams with two partner organizations to promote daily physical activity and healthy eating for all Oregonians. The Oregon Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity developed and is currently implementing the statewide physical activity plan. The Nutrition Council of Oregon developed and is currently implementing the statewide nutrition plan. Both plans focus on developing communities where the healthy choices are the easy choices.

Tobacco Prevention & Educations
This program works to reduce the disease and economic burden due to tobacco use. Goals include reducing youth tobacco use, helping people quit, and protecting Oregonians from exposure to secondhand smoke. These goals are accomplished through local coalitions, school-based programs, multicultural and tribal programs, the Oregon Quitline and other cessation support, media campaigns, training and educational materials, program evaluation and statewide coordination.




Childhood Diabetes Database
In 2001, the state legislature passed a law requiring the Oregon Public Health Division to establish a system to learn how many children in Oregon are affected by diabetes.

Eat Well
Oregon is using the launch of Fruits & Veggies—More Matters®, a national campaign to increase fruit and vegetable consumption, as an opportunity to revamp and reinvigorate fruit and vegetable promotion across Oregon.

Oregon Healthy Worksites
The DHS public health chronic disease prevention programs are partnering with several public and private employers to promote and support healthy worksites throughout the state of Oregon. The goal is to create workplaces that support healthy behaviors by making “the healthy choice the easy choice.” Smoke-free campuses, easy availability of fruits, vegetables and other low-fat foods, support for bicycling and walking, workplace policies encouraging healthy choices, assistance in identifying health risk factors and referral to disease management are key elements of the healthy worksites initiative.

Living Well with Chronic Conditions
Living Well with Chronic Conditions (the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program) is a six-week workshop that provides tools for living a healthy life with chronic health conditions, including diabetes, arthritis, asthma and heart disease. Through weekly sessions, the workshop provides support for continuing normal daily activities and dealing with the emotions that chronic conditions may bring about.

Smokefree Workplaces
Since 2002, the Oregon Smokefree Workplace Law has protected employees against the harmful effects of secondhand smoke by making most workplaces smokefree. In June 2007, the Oregon legislature passed a law making the Oregon Smokefree Workplace Law even stronger. The new law takes effect January 1, 2009.

Page updated: July 10, 2008

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