Justice Issues

Justice Information Sharing

NEW! The Guide to Conducting Privacy Impact Assessments for State, Local, and Tribal Information Sharing Initiatives allows justice practitioners to examine the privacy implications of their information systems and information-sharing collaborations so they can design and implement policies to address vulnerability identified through the assessment process. Also attached is the fillable Word document (Appendix A Template) for easy use.

Performance Measurement for Justice Information System Projects

Top Ten Global Accomplishments

The question of how to overcome obstacles to sharing information among law enforcement and other justice system components is a significant issue that impacts the safety of Americans. In today's electronic age, the public has grown to expect justice system integration and appropriate information sharing.

All law enforcement and justice agencies-local, state, and federal-need to find ways to overcome obstacles to sharing information. Doing so not only increases their ability to solve crimes and keep communities safer, it also helps them meet their increasing responsibilities. While the sharing of information must be the responsibility of criminal justice agencies, at BJA we are committed to providing the resources and assistance needed to make it as easy as possible.

Related Publications
Criminal Intelligence: Concepts and Issue Paper
Criminal Intelligence Model Policy
Fusion Center Guidelines
National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan
Privacy Policy Development Guide
Regional Information Sharing Systems Program

For more publications and resources, visit the OJP Information Technology Initiatives web site.

Related Web Sites
DOJ's Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative
Global JXDM Virtual Help Desk
Integrated Justice Information Systems (IJIS) Institute
Justice Information Sharing Practitioners Network (JISPnet)
National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO)
National Information Exchange Model (NIEM)
OJP's Information Technology Initiatives web site

For detailed information on all BJA-sponsored training and technical assistance, go to BJA's Training and Technical Assistance page.