BJA Programs

GMS Progress Report Module Update

New Questions Added in January 2007

BJA grantees are required to submit Progress Reports on project activities and accomplishments. In order for BJA to capture even more valuable and pertinent information on a consistent basis, BJA has added seven new questions to the Progress Report template in the Grants Management System (GMS) Performance Metrics section. The new questions, that always appear as the first seven, will not only provide BJA with sufficient information to monitor grant implementation and goal achievement, but also will highlight innovative programs and capture information essential to BJA's mission.

The seven new questions are:

  1. What were your accomplishments within this reporting period?
  2. What goals were accomplished, as they relate to your grant application?
  3. What problems/barriers did you encounter, if any, within the reporting period that prevented you from reaching your goals or milestones?
  4. Is there any assistance that BJA can provide to address any problems/barriers identified in question #3 above? (Please answer YES or NO only.)
  5. Are you on track to fiscally and programmatically complete your program as outlined in your grant application? (Please answer YES or NO. If no, please explain.)
  6. What major activities are planned for the next 6 months?
  7. Based on your knowledge of the criminal justice field, are there any innovative programs/accomplishments that you would like to share with BJA?

Instructions for Completing Performance Metrics Questions

The answers that you provide under the performance metrics section should provide sufficient detail to accurately reflect the progress made towards implementing your grant and achieving your goals and objectives. Attachments should only contain supporting and supplemental information. If the instructions are not followed, progress reports will not be approved and will be returned for corrections. Your responses to the questions under the Performance Metrics section will satisfy the progress report requirement, unless a grant program/solicitation specifically requests additional information. If you have any questions, please contact your State Policy Advisor.