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Read about the OPPT Biotechnology program's January 2007 – January 2009 accomplishments.

You can also access the information in the 2005-2006 accomplishments report (PDF) (48 pp, 462KB, about PDF).

This site was created to allow more efficient public, governmental and educational access to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Biotechnology Program. At this site, you will find the regulation under which the TSCA Biotechnology Program functions and the supplementary documents created to support this regulation, as well as status reports on the submissions, reviews, and agreements undertaken by the Program.

For those seeking different, or more specific information, we list links to other governmental biotechnology sites, both foreign and domestic, and provide information on the program representative in each EPA Region. On each page, we have also included an e-mail link to a program representative at EPA Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

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