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Freedom of Information Act

NOTICE: If you are submitting a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request regarding the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) authorized by the $700 billion financial rescue package recently enacted by congress, you will need to submit your request to the Department of the Treasury. You may access the Treasury FOIA Web site at:


The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provides any person the right to request access to records maintained by the Financial Management Service (FMS). The Freedom of Information Act established a presumption that records of the Executive Branch of the United States government are accessible to the people.

Prior to submitting a Freedom of Information Act request to the Financial Management Service, which is the federal government's primary payment and collection agency, please review the materials already available on our Web site to see if the answer to your question is already there.

Other Sources

If after checking all of these sources you are still unable to locate the information that you seek, you may wish to submit a FOIA request to FMS. If at all possible, please include a daytime telephone number just in case the FMS has any questions about your request. Also, be sure to look at the FOIA fee schedule produced by the Office of Personnel Management regarding the costs that may be associated with your request. Federal regulations require that you state along with your request the maximum amount that you are willing to pay.


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Updated January 07, 2009
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