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Public School District Finance Peer Search

Public School District Finance Peer Search

This search lets you compare the finances of a public school district with its peers. Peer districts are districts which share similarities among these characteristics: total students; student teacher ratio; Percent Children in Poverty; District Type; and Locale Code.
Visit Public School District Finance Peer Search

Public School District Longitudinal Data Search (EDFIN)

Public School District Longitudinal Data Search (EDFIN)

This search lets you compare the finances of school districts longitudinally. Enter the name of a district below. You may enter the entire name or any portion of the name. Alternatively you can search by State, or Zip code and distance. Click the search button to perform your search.
Visit Public School District Longitudinal Data Search (EDFIN)

Compare Academic Libraries

Compare Academic Libraries

Use this site to create reports comparing one library of interest to other libraries. Compare Academic Libraries uses current data from the Academic Libraries Survey.
Visit Compare Academic Libraries

IPEDS Data Center

IPEDS Data Center

The IPEDS Data Center is your "one-stop-shop" for the retrieval and analysis of data on colleges and universities. Use it to access and evaluate the institutional-level data collected in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). The Data Center includes a wide-range of functional options, including the ability to compare institutions side-by-side, construct customized data sets, download full data files, and create different statistical summaries and trend reports. It also serves as an entry point to the IPEDS Executive Peer Tool and Data Analysis System.
Visit IPEDS Data Center

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