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USAID Business Transformation
Ten Major Achievements
FY 2001-FY 2004

  1. Received two consecutive clean audit opinions on Agency financial statements (FY '03 & FY '04) that demonstrate transparent and accountable financial practices.
  2. Achieved over 30% improvement in employee satisfaction with administrative services as a result of management reforms.
  3. Launched comprehensive human capital strategy and Development Readiness Initiative to identify and close critical skill gaps, revitalize the workforce and enhance Agency performance.
  4. Deploying a new financial management system and new procurement software overseas to enhance decision-making and enable fast and accountable transactions.
  5. Allocated funds to countries with the most need and the highest commitment through strategic budgeting. Re-allocated $30 million to higher performing, higher need programs after an internal program performance assessment.
  6. Saving over $5 million in taxpayers funds through joint licensing agreements as a result of the Joint Financial Management System collaboration with State Department.
  7. Enhancing knowledge management systems and methods to capture and share development expertise and new ideas.
  8. Saved $836,000 in taxpayer funds through on-line training, enabling Agency employees to complete nearly 2000 web-based courses to enhance job performance. Trained nearly 1000 employees on Executive and Senior Leadership to enhance career development opportunities.
  9. Better aligning staff with foreign policy priorities with a new overseas staffing template - 21 positions moving to Asia and Near East programs.
  10. Streamlined and automated the Agency's recruitment process reducing the hiring cycle to less than 45 days from close of job announcement to employee job offer.

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