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2009 CD Summary Issues

A biweekly newsletter published by Oregon DHS Public Health Office of Disease Prevention and Epidemiology.


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Telephone: 971-673-1111
FAX: 971-673-1100
Email: Contact the CD Summary


Subscriptions are available via e-mail or regular mail.

Yearly Index:
2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000
1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996

These issues are PDF files that require Adobe Reader® software to be read and printed.


July 28
Vol. 58, No. 15

Foodborne Disease: Physician Primer 

July 21
Vol. 58, No. 14

Examining Induced Abortions and Related Trends in Oregon 

July 8
Vol. 58, No. 13

Insights From Chocolate Chip Cookies 

June 23
Vol. 58, No. 12

Smokefree Healthcare Campuses: An Important Next Step 

June 9
Vol. 58, No. 11

Postpartum Screening of Gestational Diabetes: Delaying Onset of Diabetes 

May 26
Vol. 58, No. 10

Animal Bites in Oregon 

May 12
Vol. 58, No. 09

CD Facts and Stats-Oregon, 2008 

May 4
Vol. 58, No. 08

A Novel H1N1 Influenza Virus (né "swine flu) Arrives 

March 31
Vol. 58, No. 07

TB Alert: Pesky NAAT Season 

March 17
Vol. 58, No. 06

The 2009 Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedules 

March 3
Vol. 58, No. 05

Obesity in Oregon, Part 2: Menu Labeling Helps Consumers 

February 17
Vol. 58, No. 04

Obesity in Oregon, Part 1: Causes and Policy Solutions 

February 3
Vol. 58, No. 03

Suicides Increase Among Middle-Aged Women 

January 20
Vol. 58, No. 02

Norovirus Outbreaks in Nursing Homes 

January 6
Vol. 58, No. 01

Arthritis can be a Real Pain in the Joint 
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Page updated: August 06, 2009

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