New Hampshire Comprehensive Health Care Information System (NH CHIS)
About Us
Data Sets
Reports and Analysis
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The New Hampshire Comprehensive Health Care Information System (NH CHIS) is a joint project between the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services and the New Hampshire Insurance Department.

The NH CHIS was created by state statute (RSA 420-G:11-a) to make health care data “available as a resource for insurers, employers, providers, purchasers of health care, and state agencies to continuously review health care utilization, expenditures, and performance in New Hampshire and to enhance the ability of New Hampshire consumers and employers to make informed and cost-effective health care choices. “  Under a memorandum of understanding between the two state agencies, the NH CHIS maintains commercial claims and eligibility data, Medicaid claims and eligibility data, NH hospital discharge data, and health plan performance data.

As part of their activities under the NH CHIS and to support their missions, both state agencies have undertaken efforts to produce reports and perform research and analysis with the data.


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