United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Environmental Quality Incentives Program

Updated 07/15/2009


The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) was reauthorized in the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (Farm Bill) to provide a voluntary conservation program for farmers and ranchers that promotes agricultural production and environmental quality as compatible national goals. EQIP offers financial and technical help to assist eligible participants install or implement structural and management practices on eligible agricultural land.

Program Description

EQIP offers contracts with a minimum term that ends one year after the implementation of the last scheduled practices and a maximum term of ten years. These contracts provide financial assistance to implement conservation practices. Owners of land in agricultural production or persons who are engaged in livestock or agricultural production on eligible land may participate in the EQIP program. Program practices and activities are carried out according to an EQIP program plan of operations developed in conjunction with the producer that identifies the appropriate conservation practice or measures needed to address the resource concerns. The practices are subject to NRCS technical standards adapted for local conditions.

EQIP provides payments up to 75 percent of the incurred costs and income foregone of certain conservation practices and activities. However certain historically underserved producers (Limited resource farmers/ranchers, beginning farmers/ranchers, socially disadvantaged producers) may be eligible for payments up to 90 percent of the estimated incurred costs and income foregone. Farmers and ranchers may elect to use a certified Technical Service Provider (TSP) for technical assistance needed for certain eligible activities and services. The new Farm Bill established a new payment limitation for individuals or legal entity participants who may not receive, directly or indirectly, payments that, in the aggregate, exceed $300,000 for all program contracts entered during any six year period. Projects determined as having special environmental significance may, with approval of the NRCS Chief, have the payment limitation raised to a maximum of $450,000.

2009 EQIP Application Information

Information about how to apply for assistance through EQIP is available online. Click on the State where the property that you are interested in enrolling in EQIP is located. This will take you to that State's Programs home page, which will link to that State's EQIP page. Each State's EQIP page includes application ranking criteria, priority resource concerns, lists of eligible practices, payment rates, information about where you can submit applications, eligibility requirements and other program requirements.

Applications for the EQIP program (PDF, 33KB) are accepted on a continuous basis, however, NRCS establishes application “cut-off” dates for evaluation and ranking of eligible applications.

2009 EQIP At-a-Glance and Other Program Information

EQIP National Priorities  - from 2006 but are still applicable.

Program Information by Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year 2008

Fiscal Year 2007

Fiscal Year 2006

Fiscal Year 2005

Fiscal Year 2004

Fiscal Year 2003

EQIP-related Programs

Program Contacts

Tim Beard, EQIP Program Manager, 202-690-2621

Edward Brzostek, EQIP Specialist, 202-720-1834

Mark Parson, EQIP Specialist, 202-720-1840

<NRCS Conservation Programs